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AF Daily - Friday May 29, 2009

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    AF Daily - Friday May 29, 2009

    Marking! Running!

    Good morning and Happy Friday to all AFsters. I still have lots of catching up to do here with everyone. Life is good on "3D" life for me - absolutely no complaints. Even with business sucking the big wazoo I'm thinking that we are still better off than we would be on unemployment, which is sadly what too many families are trying to live on right now. I am just grateful for all that I have. The "plus" column is way longer than the "minus" column, that is for sure. Being hangover free is a huge plus.

    OK, after that you are probably barfing from the sweetness of it all, but that's really how I'm starting to feel a large % of the time and it makes me so happy I could cry to be in such a good place compared to the hell hole that was my drunken life for so many years.

    Today will start out with the Friday leads group meeting which will be nice to get back to normal after the holiday, and meetings being cancelled for the last week. I've missed the gym for 2 days in a row which is NOT cool so after leads group I am going for a thorough workout! It will be upper body and cardio. Extra ab work. Yeah! I want to step it up a notch and get rid of a couple extra % points of body fat and build some muscle if I can on this old frame. I keep saying this but I MUST get back into daily accountability on the abbercise thread. Exercise has been a really important component of my sobriety. Endorphins are good. Very good.

    Interesting topic from Speedster yesterday about fear. I haven't read Emotional Alchemy yet but am starting to explore underlying fears as part of my step work. Amazing how such an old (relatively speaking!) program covered so many of these important psychological bases without the benefit of all the modern science. What's really weird about this exploration is that I have no idea that I'm even fearful of things it's layered so deep underneath stuff. It's hard to describe and that probably didn't make's just interesting. I am also learning to start looking more for "my part" in things on a daily basis which is helping greatly to resolve problems or feelings of anger (since I CAN control what "I" do - I'm the only one I can control!). This helps to minimize the resentments I carry around. And gives me so much to think about, who has time to think about drink????

    Well, have a good day all and a better weekend. Strength to all who might be faced with temptations to drink today. WE CAN STAY SOBER TODAY!!!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Friday May 29, 2009

    Morning abbers!

    DG, yeah, gotta love the comfort of a routine! My life is still a bit of a loose cannon, but I'mmmmmm Sober! (said like "heeerrrrrees Johnny!)

    Took little doggie to the barking lot and she was much more comfortable. She likes Dudly the labradoodle who is big. He and antoher big dog were having a big romp and while she didn't join in, she ran around on the sidelines all excited. Getting closer! It was nice to sit on the picnic tables chatting with others, laughing, no al.

    Started off today with the sunrise again. I like the way it peaks out and when you turn around the pink has washed the sprays of clouds behind you.

    Have a pink day!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily - Friday May 29, 2009

      Morning DG & Greeneyes and everyone to come,

      Quick fly-by: I don't start work until 2pm today so I'm having a nice morning pottering about. It's not so nice that I don't leave work until 10.30 tonight but at least I get to cycle home through crowds of drunken office workers stumbling into the road which is always fun. :H (And I'm sooooo glad that's not me any more)

      Greenie, I woke up at 4am this morning (stress!! haha) and it was bright sunshine already, so gawd knows when sunrise is.

      Have a good day everyone
      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


        AF Daily - Friday May 29, 2009

        Well, have a good day all and a better weekend. Strength to all who might be faced with temptations to drink today. WE CAN STAY SOBER TODAY!!!
        DG, The hopeful part of this statement to me is that it implies there will be a day when I am not faced with the temptations to drink! Thanks for that unintentional bit of encouragement!

        Greenie, I loved the image of sitting, chatting with people and watching the dogs romp!

        I am still at a place in this journey where I take 2-3 steps forward, then one step back. I am definitely growing weary of putting myself through this. It's like being on a carousel. At first it's fun, but you definitely come to a point where you wish it would stop. Fortunately, I have the power to stop it, and don't have to wait for the operator to do it! I'm doing well today, and am feeling strong. Today is a 'steps forward' day!

        Hi, Marshy, and all to come. Hope you all have a good and AF day!

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          AF Daily - Friday May 29, 2009

          Greenie - dog parks are fun. My boy goes to dog camp once/week. He does well there with his "lay group". When we go to the dog park he tends to hump little dogs which can lead to fights so I avoid the dog park. The agility field is a fenced off section of the dog park and is a great place to train with distractions.

          Work is bit slow so I'm taking another Friday off. Really enjoying it, wish I could work 4 day/wks and still get paid for 5 forever. HA! Have to run some errands and want to get a ride in.

          TG - congrats on saving up for the bass guitar! Sounds like a much better way to spend $$ than on AL.

          Det - I'll try to remember to join chat some night. I forget it exists.

          Have a great day. Everyone be strong this weekend.


            AF Daily - Friday May 29, 2009

            Happy Friday everyone!

            Looking forward to some clear, dry weather this weekend. I've grown tired of clouds & rain this week.

            I think I may have inadvertently found a new way to get your mind off of drinking - quit smoking!
            OMG, going NF is all encompassing. I'm on quit day 10 now, using NRT and still having so many smoking thoughts. Haven't had a single drinking thought though - isn't that crazy????

            Wishing all of you strength & happiness this weekend.
            I'll be busy keeping up my two quits
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily - Friday May 29, 2009

              Good morning!

              I am heading home pretty quick after visiting a friend in the hospital on the mainland. It will be good to be home. Too much traveling back and forth these days.

              Have a great day everyone!


                AF Daily - Friday May 29, 2009

                Good morning friends!
                I'm afraid the sun rose without me watching again today!! A couple of late nights in a row has left me exhausted I guess. But I am going to get my garden planted (at least some of it) this morning come hell or high water!!! My other obligations will just have to wait until later when it gets too bloody hot!
                A friend called in a panic last night--their calves got out on the highway and a lady hit 2 of them and wrecked. She was so upset the ambulance was there when she got there--so we went to try to help get them off the road. They already had the rest in when we arrived. I don't know how bad anyone was hurt--probably not bad since these calves weren't that big and they had air bags. What is relative here is, hubby had had a few beers, so I was able to drive there and be around the law enforcement with NO WORRIES! That is one of my favorite things about being sober--you can pretty much drive anywhere-anytime. That and not waking up feeling like crap!!
                Ok, I really have got to get busy!!!

                Have a sober one my peeps! :h
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  AF Daily - Friday May 29, 2009

                  Hi everyone

                  Just a quick check in as crazy around here. Girls are both on vacation, three months of them, enough said!!! The one who's birthday was last week is going out with her friends for a meal and then the cinema and I am picking them up later. They are all coming here for a sleep over. The other one is having a bbq for her friends on Sunday so I am busy getting stuff ready for that.

                  The weather is beautiful and I am itching to spend more time in the garden which I plan to do over the week-end.

                  Hope everyone has a sober and happy week-end, will check in if I get a chance.



                    AF Daily - Friday May 29, 2009

                    Aloha Friday ABeroooooos!

                    DG, what a wonderful, bubbly happy kickstart! I too am in the 'disgustingly happy' mode and really can't complain.

                    Lavande, huge kudos on kicking two killer habbits at once.

                    LVT, I'm glad the calves had air bags. LOL sorry, couldn't help it but that's how I read it the first time.

                    ok me loverlies, gotta get back to the grindstone here

                    be well
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      AF Daily - Friday May 29, 2009

                      Hey guys, glad to see that (from flicking through) most peoples days seem to be goign pretty well I have my bass and have discovered one wonderful thing: I am naturally far more adept at playing bass than anything else musical. I have already learnt several riffs in the 3 or so hours since I got it home. To those who asked yesterday: no music on youtube as yet as (much as I love playing) I'm not nearly that good just yet. I was a late starter musically and have only been playing guitar for 2 years, and with the pressures of college that doesn't amount to much practice time. If anybody's interested in my work though I'm happy to post a little of my artwork at a later date

                      The way I change the past is by not repeating it
                      -James Hetfield, Metallica


                        AF Daily - Friday May 29, 2009


                        dill;623697 wrote: DG, The hopeful part of this statement to me is that it implies there will be a day when I am not faced with the temptations to drink! Thanks for that unintentional bit of encouragement!

                        I needed that - Is 5pm - Friday afternoon - and my parents have 2 bottles of wine staring at me (they don't know I'm trying to be AbFree (of course I just started again on Sunday)!

                        I hope all is great with everyone -
                        DG Congratulations on your year - I've followed you for a bit of it and you always provide inspiration.

                        Have a great weekend.


                          AF Daily - Friday May 29, 2009

                          DogLvr - keep working at it. You CAN do this.

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.

