I hope this comes across as an optimistic post because that is how I feel now the demons have past but yesterday I drank a bottle of wine. I drank it because I thought that after all the antabuse I took last week it would make me feel ill. I wanted to feel anything other than what I was feeling.
Yesterday afternoon I wanted to be dead.
A stark statement but unfortunately true. If being sober and feeling all these feelings or being a drunk were my choices I'd rather be dead. Now I know that what I should have done was phone the Samaritans but I thought all my little woes were too trivial and that I couldn't tell them.
Well everything happens for a reason and after sleeping it off. (the antabuse didn't make me sick I just now have a killer hangover) I went on chat for the first time and it dawned on me that I need professional help. Everyone here is great helping with the drinking but this is more than that. So I have made myself an appointment for an initial consultation with a pyschotherapy practice.
For me this is the next step. A bit like many feel they need AA. I need help with all these emotions. Fingers crossed.
Anyway hope you all have a brilliant day