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First day of working this program

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    First day of working this program

    Hello, everyone. I found the MWO book, ordered it, and have since read it. I am encouraged by the information I have found. Today is June 1st, and my goal is to change my disposition towards wine. Tomorrow, I have an appointment with my primary care doctor, and I plan on asking him for pharmaseutical assistance. Looking at the options of Acamprosate, Topiramate, Naltrexone, and Baclofen, does anyone have any recommendations for me to try this first month? My pattern is a bottle + 1/2 wine on average most days of the week. Thanks for any help/advice you can offer.:new:

    First day of working this program

    Welcome macbarry!

    I have no idea about meds but think it's a very good idea to talk to your doctor about this.

    The key thing, as you say, is to change your "disposition" towards alcohol. It's not easy but it's worth it! There are several daily threads that you could join to get regular support - in this section there's the daily abstinence thread. Jump in and say hello!
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      First day of working this program

      Macberry, welcome! I too think talking to your doctor is a great idea, and most likely the best way to select the best med for help. Wine and vodka were my boozes of choice and I am so happy to be living without them now. It's worth whatever pain you have to experience to get free, just like Marshy said.

      Strength to you,

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        First day of working this program

        Welcome, Macbarry! I too am working on changing my disposition towards wine. It is easier said than done, but as DG and Marshy say, it is SO worth it! I started this process taking Campral. It was helpful to me, but it is only a 'help', not a magic bullet. It still takes a basic shift in attitude, one that I hadn't completely made when I tried the Campral.

        There is an interesting thread about Baclofen in another section on the site that is titiled: Topamax, Campral, Naltrexone, Baclofen, other meds - My Way Out Forums I am not currently taking any meds. I do take the supps L-glut and GABA and find them helpful when I'm craving.

        Best wishes to you.

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          First day of working this program

          Thank you!

          Thanks so very much marshy, doggygirl, and dill!!! :thanks: Here's a little bit about my story: started to binge eat at fourteen (too much male attention/wanted "protection"). My weight went up and down, and I found OA helpful in my 20's. In my 30's, I changed my substance of choice to white wine. In my early 40's, I went to AA briefly, but found the format not a "fit" for me. Still, I did not drink for 2 and 1/2 years. My weight was where it should be, etc. Then, started back (December two and a half years later...thought I could "manage" it again/but didn't.)

          Now I carry 20 to 25 pounds wine-weight. I, also, have the summer off and three months to be proactive in attending to this issue. What I have done these past two weeks in preparation for June 1st: been honest with my husband about my drinking; explored information on the web and found the MYO book; started the supplements mentioned; started with a personal trainer yesterday and will be meeting her at 7a.m. three mornings a week (Note: I am NOT a morning, this is huge for me!) + I'm keeping a food journal for her; placed a call to a behavioral institute to inquire about possible cognitive therapy; and, I'm meeting with my primary care today (he thinks I only "socially" drink) and will be honest with him about my drinking and ask for some pharmaceutical assistance and his recommendation about cognitive therapy.

          So, to sum this all up, I'm trying to develop a nutritional component, exercise component, pharmaceutical component, and cognitive component that's right for me. Thank you, again, for your encouragement.


            First day of working this program

            Welcome macbarry,

            Sounds like you've done your reaseach and have made a solid plan, good for you!
            I have not used any meds, I'm sure that is something you can work out with your PCP.

            Please be sure to stay close, read & post often. We are all on this long journey together and count on each other for support & encouragement.

            Best wishes to you,
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              First day of working this program

              I'm new to the place too. I've ordered the book, and have also ordered Kudzu from this site. I really want to stay away from the other meds, as I'm also on a low dose anti-depressant. I'm also scared to go see my primary care doctor...I know that's dumb, but I just can't imagine myself doing it. I'm going to try to get on these boards as much as I can. I think they help me. Any advice is welcome!


                First day of working this program

                Sounds like you're putting a great plan into place! Let us know what the doc says. It's interesting that you say you "switched" from food to wine. I saw a TV programme recently about middle-aged women who were anorexic/bulimic (as opposed to teenagers, who are more likely to have eating disorders) and I was really struck by the similarities between their behaviour and the behaviour of problem drinkers - the compulsion, the cravings, the hiding. Only the "substance of choice" was different.

                Crybaby - welcome! I know what you mean about going to see the doctor. It took me a long time to do that - and then I blubbed in front of him, of course! But I was glad I did it, even though he actually wasn't much use - but it felt like I'd got over a hurdle just by telling someone I needed help. Read as much as you can here, there's loads of info. The "toolbox" thread - it's a sticky at the top of this monthly abs forum - has lots of good ideas and practical advice.
                AF since December 22nd 2008
                Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                  First day of working this program

                  Welcome Mac and Crybaby
                  Mac, sounds like you have done your homework and have a great plan in place. Best wishes as you begin this wonderful, yet very challenging journey.
                  I also wish you the best CB. Please let us know how we can be of help to you. It was suggested to me that I start by reading the MWO book, which you can download right from this site, then formulate a plan. We are here for you. I am using Topamax, Kudzu, LGlutamine, vitamins and supps. I am still on a low dose of Topa, but I am titrating up slowly to avoid side effects.
                  "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                    First day of working this program

                    back from seeing doctor

                    Thanks for everyone's support! I felt very empowered today speaking honestly with my doctor, though I was beet red (I'm high Irish) with emotion/embarrassment. In explaining my shift from food/sweets to wine, he was kind enough to share with me that his own daughter had to be treated for a serious food disorder, anorexia. (She's okay and got through it!). I had a full physical last summer and asked him if I needed any further tests to assure I had not damaged anything, i.e. liver,etc. He actually applauded my test results from last year and said I had not done any physical harm...whew.

                    As for meds, he said he would be a partner in prescribing them to me with the input from a respected psychologist. I left our twenty minute visit with a gentleman he highly recommends, who I have a call into right now. If this psychologist does not feel suitable to assist me with my problem, my doctor assured me he would know to whom/where I should go.

                    Immediately called my husband when I got in the car with the continued good news of the proactive assistance I'm getting (from myself and those I'm sharing this with).

                    Tomorrow another early morning and...exercise. As for today, day 2 AF.


                      First day of working this program

                      Hi, crybaby. I wish you all the best as we begin this journey together. What is your "story"? macbarry


                        First day of working this program

                        Congrats, Macberry! What a productive day you had! I hope to be able to be that brave someday....


                          First day of working this program

                          Hi, crybaby. It feels so empowering to be honest about this and proactively working on it. How are you today?


                            First day of working this program

                            :yougo: Macberry. Congrats on day 2 and also the courage it takes to start being honest about this problem. I hope you find that empowering - I sure did!

                            Hi Crybaby. I'm rooting for you too!

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              First day of working this program

                              Hi Macbarry, I'm doing okay today after a rough night. Didn't manage to go AF, but didn't get drunk either. Had a much needed conversation w/ my youngest daughter in which she was brave enough to tell me the truth about how scared she's been about my drinking. It hurt to hear, but I knew it had to be coming. I also feel better that I have this space to come to; I will need it, and I can only promise to do my best w/ each moment. No big goals for me yet...

                              Thank you for responding to me.

