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June Abbercisers - We're HOT HOT HOTTIES!

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    June Abbercisers - We're HOT HOT HOTTIES!

    It's the Hot Doggy here checking in. :b&d:

    I have kept up with my plan for the week (even though I failed to post yesterday), which feels very good.


    30 min cardio - tried some new programs on the death machine oops I mean Cybex torture thingy.

    10 min warmup on said torture machine
    Upper body workout
    20 minute cardio on level 5 this time. I was going to quit early but Glambert got me through it as usual. I can't wait for his first album.[/video]]YouTube - [HD] Adam Lambert- Mad World (Live At Regis & Kelly Show 05/27/2009)

    (well, Mad World gets me through sit ups. Glambert's take on Led Zeplin doesn't stay up on Youtube long enough to link it. that gets me through cardio. He's gonna turn for me, and I will have his babies. You just wait and see.)

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      June Abbercisers - We're HOT HOT HOTTIES!

      Went for a long walk in the semi-countryside yesterday. Urban countryside. Lots of gorgeous wildflowers out, a few people picking elderflowers. I looked up an elderflower cordial recipe when I got home but it seems so much more hassle (all that boiling and straining and sterilising bottles) than just buying it in a shop.
      I do make nettle soup in the spring, though, and collecting bags of nettles ain't much fun either but the results are worth it.

      Anyway, back to the gym today.

      DG - I haven't heard of Adam Lambert before but I think you've got your work cut out there!

      Det - thanks for the offer. I don't think my camera has a make it's so cheapo basic. I've never read the manual so I might start there... find out what all the twiddly bits are. I have had it for a couple of years so it's probably time to learn how it works.
      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


        June Abbercisers - We're HOT HOT HOTTIES!

        I need a doggy girl whip cracking - I' can't get motivated!

        I have my Yoga Togs on, but decided to bake a peanut butter and chocolate cake instead. Hmm.

        Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



          June Abbercisers - We're HOT HOT HOTTIES!

          Gardening on Saturday and 4.8 miles yesterday slow run/fast walk in the beautiful countryside right outside my door. The breeze was perfect, not too many cars, birds very active and the view of the lake and the valley at the end was all way too worth it. I must remind myself of that when I am procrastinating.

          This week my goal is to do something every day: 2 days with Boot Camp Sargent and at least 4 days cardio of some kind.

          Bets, you are going to have to work extra hard for that peanut butter and chocolate cake, but it sounds worth it. Just put one foot in front of the other and it will follow.

          Stay moving,



            June Abbercisers - We're HOT HOT HOTTIES!

            Thanks! My Dad and Stepmom arrive for a month on Weds. I'm going to take full advantage of their dog - walking, Teen feeding skills and get myself moving!

            Have been busy and active all day, so its not all bad!

            Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



              June Abbercisers - We're HOT HOT HOTTIES!

              Boot Camp and 40 mins on treadmill at gym was really hard, but I felt like I finally turned it up a notch. The bad part is I feel exhausted and can hardly type. What's going on? Other than that and teens arguing I feel good.

              tomorrow maybe a mellow day at the lake. Three miles around jog/run.

              Everyone I hope you are having a healthy and joyous day.



                June Abbercisers - We're HOT HOT HOTTIES!

                Hi everyone,

                Gym 'n' swim yesterday and today.
                They've been playing cheesy pop music in the pool lately. Today it was the Dirty Dancing soundtrack.
                All together now:
                "One look at you and I can't disguise
                I've got hungry eyes".



                Won't be able to get to the gym until at least Sunday now coz of work, but I'll (try to) be cycling to work.
                AF since December 22nd 2008
                Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                  June Abbercisers - We're HOT HOT HOTTIES!

                  Finally got off the couch and have launched the 6 weeks to a better Betty plan.

                  Did Yoga and have had fruit and yoghurt for breakfast instead of chocolate croissants.

                  Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                    June Abbercisers - We're HOT HOT HOTTIES!

                    Cycled to and from work (about 10 miles total). I probably wouldn't have because it was raining this morning but there's a two-day Tube strike so the roads are solid with traffic and the best way to avoid the chaos is on a bike. Felt much better for doing it too.
                    Same again tomorrow.
                    AF since December 22nd 2008
                    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                      June Abbercisers - We're HOT HOT HOTTIES!

                      Marshy;630120 wrote: DG - I haven't heard of Adam Lambert before but I think you've got your work cut out there!
                      Adam was the #2 guy on the most recent American Idol. So....which part do you think will be most difficult? Turning him, or having his babies at 51 years old in a post menopausal state? :H

                      I have not had the chance to post every day but have been sticking with my workout goals for the week. Monday was my planned day off.

                      Tuesday: PersonalTorture(tm) to the lower body. And man did I feel that on Wednesday (and today). 25 minutes cardio. (10 minutes warm up, 15 minutes after PT)

                      Wednesday: 35 minutes cardio followed by some pelvic adjustment torture by the chiropracter.

                      Today: PersonalTorture(tm) to the upper body which my lower body considered to be a huge blessing. 10 min cardio warm up and 15 minutes cardio after burn.

                      Plans for the rest of the week:

                      Friday - lower body on my own if I'm finally recovered from Tuesday + cardio. (otherwise I will switch Friday and Saturday plans)

                      Saturday - cardio & extra ab work

                      Sunday - upper body and cardio

                      There was a boot camp that started today. All I can say is I have a long way to go before I will be fit enough to even consider anything like that! I saw a guy I know from AA. We need a secret sign like "stick your finger in your belly button if you don't want me to talk to you, but you want to say hi" signal. This anonymous stuff can be tricky at times.

                      Rock on hotties! :b&d::sofa::b&d:

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        June Abbercisers - We're HOT HOT HOTTIES!

                        Wednesday was a day off as I heard my body pleading with me to rest. Today was Boot Camp and 30 mins cardio. My Boot Camp instructor said she was going to kick my ass today. I guess I did something wrong (AGAIN). It's all in good fun, but deep down I think she just might...

                        DG -- I bet you're stronger than you think. Actually, the boot camp I am going to is mostly people like me: women in their 40's or 50's. I don't think I would do it otherwise.

                        tomorrow -- I don't know -- cardio, but I am not sure where or how much. Probably at the lake.

                        SAT -- -- more cardio, upper body/abs

                        SUN -- cardio, upper body and abs. if not done on Saturday, or take the day off as every 4th day I get to choose.

                        Ta Ta for now.


                          June Abbercisers - We're HOT HOT HOTTIES!

                          Hello everyone!
                          all of my time and burn at the gym are finally paying off. I have broken my "barrier weight" and now am less than 10 pounds from my goal! YES!!!!
                          War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                            June Abbercisers - We're HOT HOT HOTTIES!

                            Free bird, I think that ass kickin' thing is what they do in this boot camp too from the way it looked. The guy leading this one is former military according to PersonalTorturer(tm). You are a brave brave woman.

                            Hi BHOG!! Great to see you and CONGRATS on 10 pounds to goal! That is huge. Well, it's no longer huge. Something like that. :yougo::yougo::yougo: (OK - time to get out your hot pants!)

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              June Abbercisers - We're HOT HOT HOTTIES!

                              Just the words "boot camp" make me sweat, and not in a good way.
                              DG & Free bird - when you talk about doing upper/lower body work do you mean weights? OK, stupid question I know but I still feel quite new to this exercise lark.

                              Well, there's been a Tube strike the last two days so there were loads more cyclists on the roads going to work than usual and I kept getting overtaken by all the "amateurs" who'd dug their bike out of the shed for the first time in a year while I've been plugging away in all weathers (well, all non-wet, non-windy, non-cold weathers).
                              AF since December 22nd 2008
                              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                                June Abbercisers - We're HOT HOT HOTTIES!

                                Marshy -- upper/lower body work for me means either using weight machines, free weights or doing pilaties (sp) and working specific mucle groups. You can find many cd's for pilaties on the market. It's a great way to do upper/lower body work, but most of the focus is on the core body mucles though (that is between your sholders and just below the hips). I have put off working with weights for too long. At my ripe-ole-age, I believe it is more important than, or just as important, as cardio. After the age of 40 something, mucles start to deteriorate. I am living proof of that.

                                I hope that anwers your question.....and for me, there are absolutely no stupid questions.

                                DG -- Yeah the gal leading ours just trys to be tough....very, very fit, but not from the military. I like it because it makes me do more than I thought I could. Honestly, I think your boot camp instructor is probably harder than mine.

                                BHOG -- Good for you and I definitely want to see you in those hot pants. No hesitation -- just do it.

                                Did a little jog this a.m. around the lake with my oldest daughter.

                                Boy, I'd love to see London with everyone out riding on their bikes. It is such a big city. I have been to London and taken the Tube, which when working is very efficient. Once we were in Amsterdam, where everyone it seems rides a bike, and if you did not get out of the way, know. I don't think Amsterdam has an underground, do they? Hmmm.

                                Have a physical weekend everyone.


