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June Abbercisers - We're HOT HOT HOTTIES!

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    June Abbercisers - We're HOT HOT HOTTIES!

    Hi everyone. :b&d:

    Have you done your abbercise today? It's short shorts season in the part of the world that I live in. No more hiding flabtacular abs behind sweaters. Time to hit the gym!

    For me today:

    Lower body workout with PT (PersonalTorturer(tm))
    15 minutes cardio at level 4 (this was cut short today)


    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    June Abbercisers - We're HOT HOT HOTTIES!

    I was thinking about starting a June thread on the way back from the gym!

    For me: 30 mins cardio, gorgeous swim in a empty pool, walk home in the sunshine :rays::rays:

    Shorty shorts here I come! (Just kidding)
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      June Abbercisers - We're HOT HOT HOTTIES!

      Oh c'mon Marshy. WE WEAR SHORT SHORTS!!!![/video]]YouTube - Nair commercial for smooth legs 1986

      Today - a first. 40 minutes on that cardio contraption at level 4. In the first 10minutes I thought "no way." But Glambert got me through it. Him and David Lee Roth.


      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        June Abbercisers - We're HOT HOT HOTTIES!


        Hey all,

        One of my favorite things is exercise and the more I do, the better I feel that is for sure. It is the most important thing a person can do for themselves. Recently I joined and gym and a Boot Camp class.

        Boot Camp is ubber hard, and I have lots of mucles to tone back up. I can't believe how weak I have gotten. Go figure. Just started about 5 weeks ago and I think I am beginning to get stronger. It's just not as easy as it used to be.

        So my plan is at least 40 minutes cardio 5 days a week; 2 days Boot Camp and maybe 2 days of weights.:H



          June Abbercisers - We're HOT HOT HOTTIES!

          Hi Abbers.

          I'm back from a big trip, and I exercised while I was away! I'm raring to go for a training plan for a 10k in August.

          I saw my thyroid doc yest - I take 50mcg thyroxine a day for an marginally underactive thyroid and he wants to take me off it - I'm really reluctant, so I have another 6 months and will talk about it again then. He was really dismissive about my battle to get my weight down, so have decided to do a concentrated 6 weeks healthy eating exercise stint, and if I'm not losing at least body fat, I'll take it further.

          Good news is my liver and cholesterol are healthy - Yay!

          I got back to yoga this week - bliss, and am making real progress with some poses. Will be back to my running at the weekend.

          Long post - sorry! Betty
          Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



            June Abbercisers - We're HOT HOT HOTTIES!

            heyo AB hotties!!!!!

            Betty that's awesome your prepping for a 10K! I really suck at jogging/running so more power to you, and glad to hear your enzyme levels are ok.

            DoggyGirl, ..... David Lee Roth saw you in short shorts? wooooooooooo doggy.

            well, I broke yet another toe on my right foot on Tuesday at jiu jitsu (owie!) so that's a total of 3 broken toes on that foot alone. but managed to make kick boxing today anyhow (damn I'm stubborn). It wasn't too bad after I taped it good and I got in a super great workout and actually made some progress in my timing/distance/rhythm.

            and.....ate absolutely NO crap today! for dinner I made chicken and Dx made a loverly cabbage/carrot cole slaw. For desert I ate some more slaw! not a bad carb in sight

            keep sweating! gotta get in our summer fun-wear.
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              June Abbercisers - We're HOT HOT HOTTIES!

              Hi all,

              Cycled five miles to work yesterday, but didn't cycle home again. It's so much easier to summon up the energy in the morning than after a day at work! Will cycle home tonight, though. Fortunately the weather has cooled off a bit so London is spared the sight of me in short shorts... for now.

              DG - how often do you work with a trainer? Is it making a big difference?

              Free bird - exercise has been a huge help for me in giving up drinking. I joined a gym last summer and it took me a few sessions to start to enjoy it but now I miss it when I'm not able to get there often. And I remembered that I LOVE to swim. I'd been too busy drinking for years and years to do that.
              AF since December 22nd 2008
              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                June Abbercisers - We're HOT HOT HOTTIES!

                Hi hotties! I can't believe I forgot to report in yesterday.

                Welcome Free Bird! Exercise used to cause an alergic reaction or something like that in me. Now I love it - it's one of the top components of my sobriety program. BOOT CAMP. Wow - you have my total respect. There is such a thing at the new gym I'm going to now but I have not ventured toward the desk to inquire. It might kill me at this point.

                Sweaty B good for you getting ready for a 10K WOW!! I too am taking meds (Armour) for slightly low thyroid and I would have to kill the doctor who tried to take my meds from me I think. Why is your doc saying he wants to take you off the meds? Just curious if there are side effects or something I need to be worried about while I keep taking them forever anyway....

                Deter you ARE stubborn! Hope the toe feels better soon. You bring up a very good point about Clean Eating. I've been getting a bit sloppy lately and sort of getting away with it. BUT...I'm carrying a few extra pounds above "ideal" and I would like to get my BF% down a few more points. That ain't gonna happen if I keep diving into the forbidden fruits so to speak. And I constantly have to remind myself that it's not just about weight management - it's also the toll these foods take on my system that cause problems down the road AKA sugar/insulin/diabetes. I like slaw too. Have you posted your recipe? I have a slaw recipe I like with a creamy type dressing and I've started using coconut milk instead of cream (I still use a bit of 1/2 & 1/2 with it) and YUM. Something about that little bit of coconut flavor makes a difference. Now I'm hungry for slaw for breakfast. It's not just for dessert any more. Yes, David Lee Roth saw me in short shorts. It's not the David Lee of today though. The one who saw me was from about 20 years ago. Of course me in short shorts was from 20 years ago too.

                Marshy - we are long overdue for an updated picture of the Adventures of Marshy's Bike! And maybe a pic of Marshy. In short shorts. Are you training for the Oly's in that pool? I seem to recall us talking something about you being the Phelps of the next Oly's. No smokin' any whacky though, OK? I'm very glad to be working with PT for now. She is teaching me a LOT of new exercises and sometimes it's nice to workout where I don't have to think - just show up ready to work. The prices are pretty reasonable I think. I hope to continue working with PT for the forseeable future. I work with her 2X per week - a 30 minute lower body one day and then a 30 minute upper body on another day. I also do a lower day and an upper day on my own so 4X per week with weights. I try to do extra ab work too.... (oh the price we pay for hotness)

                Enough of my silliness.


                10 Minute cardio warm up
                30 minutes upper body with Personal Torturer(tm)
                15 minutes cardio (should have been 20 but had to cut it short to get to AA on time)

                Today I plan a similar agenda to above but lower body. Will report back when that is done.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  June Abbercisers - We're HOT HOT HOTTIES!

                  Hey all you Ironwomen/men,

                  Keep it strong and keep it .....?? The first thing that came to my mind is long as in "long out that body; Stretch those mucles and make long strides".

                  DG -- Boot camp is hard, but if I can do it, I think anybody really can. She really pushes me more than I would ever push myself. When I want to quit, the instructor will demand 10 more, and to my surprise I will do it, or at least try, whereas before and on my own, I would not.

                  I've had a really good workout week, with cardio almost everyday doing at least 40 mins each day; 2 days boot camp and one day with the weight machines. Today is a long walk with my best friend at a beautiful lake close by. I hope we can get in at least 6 miles. We tend to walk and talk and before we know it, we're done. I have tried to get her to jog a bit, but she has issues with nerves, so fast walking is good too. I just enjoy the friendship and catching up.

                  Well off I go. Is everyone putting in some time over the weekend? I hope to.



                    June Abbercisers - We're HOT HOT HOTTIES!

                    slaw dressing:

                    1/4 cup of plain yoghurt
                    juice of half a lemon
                    as much fresh garlic as your spouse can stand you eating
                    rounded teaspoon of capers
                    salt substitute (damn I'm trying to be healthy)
                    fresh ground pepper
                    enough extra virgin olive oil to make this the right consistency when blended.
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      June Abbercisers - We're HOT HOT HOTTIES!

                      DG - you reminded me that I was planning to start a bike tour challenge thread to get people to post pix of their bike journeys... but I didn't think it would work. So, instead, a pic of my ride home from work tonight.

                      First, a red phone box for all you armchair tourists.

                      Then, closer to home, I discovered my camera has a night-time setting, so it doesn't look quite so dark. Bit blurry, though.

                      PROOF that I'm exercising :H
                      AF since December 22nd 2008
                      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                        June Abbercisers - We're HOT HOT HOTTIES!

                        WHEE Marshy I'm lovin' the Adventures of Marshy's Wheels. Where is the bike in the second picture??? Funny seeing a palmy sort of tree in London. Didn't expect that! Just goes to show I need to come visit you. Seeing is believing.

                        I carried out my plan as planned at the gym today even though I wanted to quit early. I really do best when I work out early in the morning either first or second stop of the day. As the day wears on, my brain gets busier and busier with the excuses. I completely forgot to stretch which I try to always do but other than that, I did the meat of it:

                        10 min cardio warmup
                        Lower body weights
                        Abs (which I list separately as I do them with either upper or lower or both)
                        20 minutes cardio

                        In the interest of lowering my body fat %, I am resisting the urge to think "I burned so many calories I DESERVE some chocolate!"

                        OK - off to the sauna without the chocolate.

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          June Abbercisers - We're HOT HOT HOTTIES!

                          oops. having a minor chocolate binge here ......hey I can quit anytime I want!

                          not a gym day so did some weights at home, gym tomorrow.

                          Love the pictures Marshy! use the night setting more....very cool. maybe using the timer and put it on something steady will do the trick.
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            June Abbercisers - We're HOT HOT HOTTIES!

                            Doggygirl;628353 wrote: . Where is the bike in the second picture???
                            :hijacked: :H I couldn't get the bike and the tree and the building in the background. Photography is NOT my thing.

                            Det - yes, the exposure (is that the right term?) took ages on the night setting, and I think the camera flashed twice. Flash-pause-flash again. Timer, eh? Now I wonder where that is on my camera... I've been meaning to do some sort of photography course now that I'm sober and can COMMIT to something instead of flaking out.
                            AF since December 22nd 2008
                            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                              June Abbercisers - We're HOT HOT HOTTIES!

                              Marshy, what kind of camera do you have? I may be able to offer some basic pointers. although that night scene came out pretty darn good! notice how the tree and also the background behind it are both exposed nicely.

                              well, after sleeping in like a rock it's time to pack my bags and get off to my "pay to get your ass kicked class". which ironically I always look forward to. Last class on Thursday was really fun as I was able to hold my own and even put the moves on a guy with a pro fighting record. It's wonderful to see rapid progress. (mostly because it's usually so rare!)

                              ok hotties, let us know how you're doing
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

