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All Good

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    All Good

    I just wanted to introduce myself to this section. I am Free Bird and I joined MWO quite some time ago with much enthusiasm. It has been a lot harder than I expected and I have learned tons from reading about everyone and their individual jouneys. Who would have thought it was so complicated? I thought it was going to be easy, but it is by far the hardest obstical I have ever had to overcome. I am not there yet, but am trying every day to get it.

    I realize I need to have someone or somebodies (sp) to be accountable to and I hope you all will be that one. My new commitment is for 30 days AF. I have read threads here for quite some time and find everyone's advice very helpful. I think this is a great place for me and would like to be a part of all the good vibes you give.

    I have been modding somewhat successful for a while, but I need to be done with it (I think).

    Sorry for rambling on so much about me, but I need help with the next step.

    I'll say it again, "I really like the upbeat tone to this section". Thank you all for that.

    Free Bird

    p.s. have a fantastic day

    All Good



    Yes, this is a great community of caring and sharing friends. I feel so darned lucky to have found all these wonderful people.

    Glad to have you here!!

    AF April 9, 2016


      All Good

      free bird;626678 wrote: ...I have been modding somewhat successful for a while, but I need to be done with it (I think).
      Free Bird, glad that you are here are working towards your goals. I will say that I found abstaining impossible until I fully committed to the idea of never drinking again. I'm not saying that it can't be done, but I found that until I was willing to admit to myself the depth of my problem I was continually relapsing - all while telling myself that I was okay.

      Sorry, not meaning to be a buzzkill but this little problem of ours can be elusive, and we have to be ready to do whatever is necessary to pin it down!
      Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


        All Good

        Welcome Free Bird. Yes, alcoholism is a bugger that's for sure. I too found it critical to be brutally honest with myself about the problem before it could be solved. Drinking was causing my life to be one huge pot of misery and there was no changing that fact.

        It DOES get better. We CAN live productive lives free of alcohol. Every bit of work it took me to get where I am today, and every bit of work it will take each day to stay here is worth it to me.

        30 days AF sounds like a good place to start. Hope you will join us on the Daily AF thread.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          All Good

          Hello free bird,

          Welcome! Listen to DG - she's the best

          I started out the first month trying to moderate - well, that was a disaster. Just way to easy to screw up. I have been AF since 3/26, having no problems whatsoever and just loving it. Honestly, I wake up every day so happy & grateful to be here and in such good condition...............It's incredible!

          Good luck on reaching your goal, stick with us, we'll help all we can.
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            All Good


            Thanks to Cindi, Doggygirl, AAthelete and Lavande for your replies. They mean a lot to me.

            I should say I have been trying for sometime to figure out this affliction and have learned a lot since the beginning of my jouney. Where I am at right now is to just plain stop all the trying to figure it out and just do it. (I tend to over analyze). If any of that makes sense????

            So thanks for your kind words and I will try to do likewise.

            I know I have a problem and I am ready to ask for help from others, which is not easy for me.


            Seriously, I feel good and strong and committed to an AF lifestyle right now and forward....on with the journey.

            Free Bird



              All Good

              Hi Freebird,

              I'm not posting so much these days, but I'm more than willing to be an accountability partner for you.
              I did 30 days in Feb, and to achieve it was fantastic. I'm so much more positive now, and continuing to put one foot in front of the other and move forward, 'less thinking, more doing'.

              I won't be offended if you don't want me chasing you up for zero's on your tracker - but the offer is there!

              Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                All Good

                Hi Bx,

                Wow, that is just what I need. I would be happy to have you as my accountability partner and I will be yours too if you don't mind. I really would like to do at least 30 days and I too think "less thinking and more doing" is a great philosphy for me right now. I get a big zero for last night. Maybe you should call me "Zero". Do you use the drink tracker?

                I am glad you are more positive and moving forward, it sounds like a good place to be.

                Thank you so much for offering and keep on keeping on.



                  All Good

                  Hi Freebird - Have sent you a PM.

                  Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                    All Good

                    Hi Freebird, and yes this is much harder to do than I anticipated! We have a 30 day thread going in Just Starting OUt section called Jumping in June. We're going for an AF June. Pop in there if you like. We give support and get support from each other. It's a small group, so the more the merrier! SBetty, it would be great if you would pop in there too, if you would like. All are welcome, of course!

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      All Good


                      30 days is a great way to get started--60 is even better!
                      NF since June 1, 2008
                      AF since September 28, 2008
                      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                        All Good

                        Thanks for the welcome LVT25 and Dill. Very interesting names, what do they mean?

                        Dill -- Thanks for the invite. I might just pop over there. I don't know why, but I am very hesitant to venture out too much. Yeah it is complicated and everyone is different and has a different journey/story, but at the same time, they seem so similar.

                        LVT25 -- 60 days would be a mircle. :H I am just kidding....I had to laugh as I typed that...I think 30 days will be hard....there are so many obsticales: Summer, kids home, vacations, camping trips. I'am getting prepared though and have my wits about me.. You are definitely an inspiration.




                          All Good

                          Hi Freebird - I'm just getting ready for my day - how did you go yesterday - did you get a 0??

                          I'm just off to battle with my sons school again, the school is tun as a business, and as such we're getting really poor value for money!

                          Hopefully I'll get a Yoga class in later to rebalance my yin and yang

                          Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                            All Good

                            Just a quick update on my SUCCESS.

                            I am doing what I want to be doing and that is staying AF and trying to remain positive about doing so.

                            I have been modding successfully for awhile, but just felt I needed to take it one more step. I feel determined to complete 30 days and for some reason it has empowered me this time like never before.

                            Another thing that is different this time: Rather than going it alone and keeping it a secret (wonder why), I have let some people know. They don't seem to understand the reason why I want to, but they don't think about it the way I do. I really don't want to think about it at all and with modding that is what you do. Too much thinking....Just simply don't drink.

                            I'am babbling.....AGAIN.....

                            Thanks again to everyone..


                              All Good

                              Welcome back Freebird. Best of luck to you. I know I can't drink at all. I had to start all over today. Take care.
                              Starting over again

