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AF Daily - Thursday June 4

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    AF Daily - Thursday June 4

    Good day everyone! This will be a quickie before I head off to be tortured at the gym.

    Welcome back Mary. I am so sorry to hear that your trip involved such a decision regarding your Dad - this must have been very stressful. Drinking would make it worse so I'm glad you didn't go there! I hope you felt a little more centered (if that is even the right phrasing) after going to a home AA meeting. Please tell us more if you want to talk.

    Welcome Kayla! Just jump right on in and don't worry about remembering names or anything. There are new faces and old, but we all have battle with the demon AL in common. Also many of us are facing aging parent issues so there is lots of understanding on that front too.

    I hope everyone is off to a great start on the day - especially those in UK, etc. who are already well into the day! Where are the New Zealand friends and where has Hula been bringing up the late time zone???

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Thursday June 4

    Hello Everyone!


    I am glad to be here with you DG and all to come. I find this daily thread very inspiring and thoughtful and hope to become more active with it.

    Aging parents? :upset:My Dad passed away quite some time ago and it was very difficult to see him struggling with an illness he could not control as he would have liked to. Hope is a beautiful thing and I wish the doctors would be more forthgiving with such a valuable and "no-cost" tool. It would have served him well and I think a key ingredient.

    Sorry to go on so long, but it is amazing how raw it all is and it has been at least 10 years.

    Things look good over here in my world: good weather; sleeping kids; good plans for the day and the garden is growing.

    Hope all is good for everyone.


    p.s. I finally made my first Daily post.


      AF Daily - Thursday June 4

      Hi DG & free bird.

      I look forward to joining this thread on July 1 2009.

      I have a family holiday in a couple of weeks then that's it for me on June 30.

      Keep up the great work.

      Alcohol Free Since July 1 2009.

      My Sobriety Blog
      (From Then Till Now).


        AF Daily - Thursday June 4

        Welcome to Kayla and Freebird! Good day to DG and all to come! Here's a bit from the Daily Reflections that strikes a chord with me today:

        Some things I like since becoming dry: feeling good in the morning; full
        use of my intelligence; joy in my work; the love and trust of my
        children; lack of remorse; the confidence of my friends; the prospect
        of a happy future; the appreciation of the beauties of nature; knowing
        what it is all about. I'm sure that I like these things, am I not?
        I am thinking the part about 'the confidence of my friends' was not a problem to me even when I drank. I kept my drinking pretty well hidden through isolation and my problem didn't spiral out of control until after my children left home to start their own lives. However, my husband is another matter. I can substitute 'husband' for 'friends' and that works quite well.

        Mary, I feel for you. I am very pleased for you getting through the Florida trip without drinking! I didn't do so well when my parents were in the spot where yours are now. I'm afraid that was yet another issue that escalated my drinking.

        Have a great day all!

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          AF Daily - Thursday June 4

          Welcome Time! We cross posted.

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            AF Daily - Thursday June 4

            Everyone: I'm feeling better today simply because I'm in my own home w/my dog & g-children close by. I did go to an AA meeting last night, & it helped tremendously. My parents are both safely tucked away: Mom is home w/hospice watching over her & Dad is in a hospital for the time being. There would be nothing I could be doing even if I was right there. I want to go through all this completely sober & that's just what I'm doing one day at a time. Thank you all for your thoughts. Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              AF Daily - Thursday June 4

              Good morning friends!

              Welcome to our new posters!!!:welcome:

              Mary, just wanted to pop in and add my support. My parents passed away 6 months from each other after fairly lengthy illnesses with cancer. Mom died first so we took turns staying with my dad-even after he was hospitalized. Hospice was wonderful for us, I wish we would have called them sooner. Unfortunately my drinking increased during all that time and afterwards too. You will be so much better off going through this sober!

              Our weather here is just weird! We had a few really nice days, even hot, and now it has been 50 degrees! I keep plugging away at getting my garden in, even though it could be a huge waste of time I'm so late. Yesterday I spent an hour looking for the seeds I had ordered and never did find them! So I planted what I could until I got too cold!!!!

              Have a great sober day all!:h
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                AF Daily - Thursday June 4

                Good morning DG, free bird, Dill, Mary and everyone,

                Reading your posts takes me back - my Mom passed 23 years ago, my Dad 11 years ago. All those feelings become a part of you, never really go away. I did a bit of Hospice Nursing during my career, hope that I helped people deal with end of life issues which are so difficult.
                It is essential for the caretaker to remember to take care of him/herself first.
                Be kind to yourself Mary.

                Wishing you Peace & Strength,
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF Daily - Thursday June 4

                  Good morning!

                  Hugs to you Mary. :l

                  I am still alive and kicking. I haven't been posting much lately because the weather is way too nice to be inside! I live on an island and it is hard not to take advantage of what it has to offer on days like these.

                  I really struggled with staying sober in May. I had good days and bad days. I don't know what it was. I was on a roller coaster from H*ll. My drinking wasn't as bad as it had been in the past but; I was heading that way pretty quickly. I drank more evenings than I would have liked - that is for sure. I also noticed that I drank until I was pretty blottoed. No modding here.

                  So I dried out, so to speak, during the last week of May and am a week sober and feeling great. I pray to God that this is the LAST time. I just LOVE the way I feel being AF. I am hanging onto that and running with it.

                  Anyway, have a great day everyone!


                    AF Daily - Thursday June 4

                    Hi everyone

                    :welcome: to the newer people to the thread.

                    Mary, so sorry about what you are going through with your parents. My Mom died when I was 17 and Dad when I was 37. He did not have a long illness and was only in a nursing home about 8 weeks so I did not have to go through any of that. My husbands family went through it last year so I know how difficult it can be. Well done on staying sober through it.

                    I have two teenagers at home all day so my routine is out the window. This is just a quick check in. Will catch up later.



                      AF Daily - Thursday June 4

                      Happy thursday ABerooooos!

                      welcome /welcome back Freebird and Kayla, Lovemyliver and anyone I'm missing.

                      aging/sickly parent issues is not something I've been forced to deal with as of yet but it's a matter of time naturally. My Mom is a long time smoker so I worry bout her especially.

                      say I've been having issues with something when I sleep and I'm wondering if anyone has had anything like this: when I'm laying down and almost to fall to sleep I get this horrid feeling like I'm going crazy. WTF is that? it's like my brain is sensing the sleepy feeling as a drug and is counteracting it if that makes any sense at all. Sometimes I get this when I become partially conscious in the middle of the night also.

                      AFM glad you are back and feeling resolved in your AFness! if you are having a hard time again please don't be shy about reaching out.

                      gotta run for now,

                      be well everyone!
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AF Daily - Thursday June 4

                        Quick Hello to AF-landers. I was 22 when my mother died and 39 when Dad die. My husband's parents are in their 80s and hangin' in there. We'll be faced with their final years soon. So far they're fortunate to still be on there own.

                        I'm headed to a regional agility trial this weekend! My pup has perked up with the antibiotics for ehrlichia and I will watch him and make sure the trial doesn't stress him. If he stresses, we'll leave. No sense in staying for me.

                        I'll be out of town next week with little to no internet. AL should not be an issue for either event. I'm still not focused on weight loss like I should be. I've been working my way through Emotional Alchemy and still learning. I read in small doses as it's a lot to think about.

                        Welcome to new folks. I'll check in as soon as I can.


                          AF Daily - Thursday June 4

                          Hi all

                          Late post for me but I have been fighting the emotional demons again and am not good at sharing until they have past. Don't worry though I'm fine.

                          Mary, sending big hugs. Don't know how you feel at he moment but know I would be feeling pretty rubbish. (typical English understatement) Good on you for doing this sober.

                          Going to bed now because I always wake up cheerful at this time of year. Planning to take Emotional Alchemy with me. I haven't got very far trying to read it on the train.

                          DT don't ever get that feeling when dropping off to sleep but sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night totally unable to move and with something really heavy pressing on my chest. I drop off to sleep again and when I wake up I am in my normal great morning mood but very aware I have been very very afraid. What is my psyche trying to tell me there?

                          Ok I know I am very IT challenged but I just realised how other people can reply to all the posts. If you scroll down they are all listed. I still think it is really nice of people to do it but I thought everyone else had the best memories in the world and I was crap because I could only remember themes. What sort of pillock am I?

                          Anyway sleep well, I have just made myself laugh so will be going to bed a lot happier than when I started this post.

                          Take care all.
                          Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
                          AF 8 June 2012


                            AF Daily - Thursday June 4

                            Mary, I'm so sorry to hear about what you're goign through, thankfully I haven't had to experience this first hand but my mothers parents have both been very ill for a long time, one with dementia and heart problems, the other an aneurysm and other heart troubles.

                            Sorry to everybody that I haven't checked in in a while, have been busy with work and fiance stuff. Anyway, I realised today whilst watchign a rather interesting documentary on the subject that I have reached a new record for myself: I haven't self-harmed in 6 months. This is a massive achievement for me, pretty much level with my first 30 days AF so I'm very very proud Happy AF weekend to everybody

                            The way I change the past is by not repeating it
                            -James Hetfield, Metallica


                              AF Daily - Thursday June 4

                              Hi everyone, late post for me, sorry to hear of your troubles Mary, I lost both my parents some years ago.
                              I have been to an AA meeting tonight which was very good. Well done that girl on your achievments. I work with people who amongst other things self harm, I think every time we drink we alcoholics are self harming.

