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AF Daily Friday 5 June

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    AF Daily Friday 5 June

    Good morning ablanders.

    Never ceases to amaze me the healing power of sleep. I feel great.

    Woke up this morning to the sound of Rusty up on the bed having a good chew of Emotional Alchemy. He can't comment on content but recommends it for taste! I've only lost part of the back cover so no reason for me not to work through the issues.

    Anyway really busy day coming up with a big social at the end of it. Not sure how I feel about that. Bit of me says I need to have my friends around me in these difficult times another bit finds it all too daunting and wants to hide under the duvet.

    Have a great day everyone.
    Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
    AF 8 June 2012

    AF Daily Friday 5 June

    Hi Loppy and all to come

    You sound great this morning Loppy, so pleased for you. I too am a morning person and when its a beautiful sunny one like today it puts you in a good mood for the day.

    Busy day ahead, going to take the doggies for their walk.

    Have a great week-end everyone.



      AF Daily Friday 5 June

      Loppy, you must be spending too much time focusing attention on your book! Sounds like Rusty is jealous! :H

      Strength to you on your busy day! I know what you mean about feeling amivilent about a social event at the end. I have mixed feelings about that too. I'm planning on going straight home after work. I feel like that is what will work for me today. But, it is important to be with friends. It can lift the spirits so!

      Hi rustop! Walking the dogs is one of my favorite forms of exercise!

      A chilly 48 degrees here in Ohio this morning.

      Have a great day, everyone.

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        AF Daily Friday 5 June

        Morning abbers!!

        Loppy, I'm glad you feel great - you sound great!

        Sleep - does a body good! It is so nice to wake up in the middle of the night and go right back to sleep. Det, are you still having that crazy feeling?

        Today after work I'm going to an early dinner with GF and to the art museum to see the Cezzane exhibit. Her birthday was last week. Looking forward to that.

        Hi rustop and dill!

        Have a good one everybody!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily Friday 5 June

          Good morning friends! I never was much of a morning person, but waking up hangover free for so many days, weeks and months is turning me into one!

          Loppy, you've reminded me that since we are bringing Sam home on Sunday, I best be "puppy proofing" my home. Does anybody need any houseplants??

          My 14 year old son got home from their class trip to Washington DC at midnight. What a wonderful experience for those kids! He spent most of his money on souvenirs for us.:h

          This weekend I vow to get all of my garden planted! Have a good one all!:h
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            AF Daily Friday 5 June

            Hi everone, hope you all have a good day and al free weekend.


              AF Daily Friday 5 June

              Good morning!

              Another beautiful day here. I have a bunch of banking/bill paying to do today. Other than that it is a Friday and I WILL spend it sober!

              Feeling faaaaaaaantastic! Sleep - I just love AF sleep! I have been zonking out at 9pm and waking at 6am. I just love how rested I feel in the AM.

              Have a wonderful, AF day everyone! xoxo


                AF Daily Friday 5 June

                Good morning everyone,

                I ditto on the sleep's wonderful to have sleep back in my life

                Expecting 2" of rain here today in soggy Pennsylvania, it's been raining all week. Well, at least the garden is happy.

                Wishing everyone a wonderful Friday and a relaxing weekend.
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF Daily Friday 5 June

                  Good day abbers! From yesterday - Deter sounds really scary those feelings when you wake up. I don't experience that but I'm somehow wondering if something is out of balance with melatonin or seratonin or something???? Whatever it is, I sure hope it passes for you.

                  Loppy thank you for starting us off today. Sounds like you are feeling a bit better than yesterday which is great. I love your bunny stories!

                  TG congratulations on your 6 months accomplishment. I am really proud of you! Hope you have a fun weekend - sounds like you probably won't be around but it was good to get your update yesterday.

                  Paula I am very happy for you too! One day at a time. You can do it.

                  I love mornings now - what a good topic! Mornings used to be excrutiating. Until the booze kicked in which made the hangover go away. But being "tipsy" by 9 or 10AM (or earlier some days) created a whole lot of stress of it's own. I'm so glad those days are behind me. These days I usually have more accomplished to feel good about by 7AM than I used to in a whole week put together, regardless of time of day. Life is good.

                  I need some input! What should I do with the fresh mint growing on my porch???? One is Apple Mint and the other is....I'll have to look. If I were to make tea with it, how would I go about doing that? I'm such a putz with this sort of thing!!

                  A friend I have not seen in a very long time is stopping by tomorrow for lunch. It's my old college room mate. She is battling some strange health problems right now that the docs can't figure out, but that she believes through trial and error may be candida or parasite related. So she's back to a very strict diet. I'm going to just make a "salad bar" for us and am hoping to harvest enough lettuce and spinach out of my garden for the base. And maybe some radishes are ripe for the pickin'. Mint tea to go with it sounds cool.

                  Anyway....hello to all who have already checked in, and all yet to some. Enjoy the day!

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    AF Daily Friday 5 June

                    Good morning all. I too finally got some sleep. Feels great. I was up for 2 days straight. I start again today AF. Went off again. Hope I can do better this time around. Have a great day everyone.
                    Starting over again


                      AF Daily Friday 5 June

                      Morning all abbers! Happy Friday to you. Not much new here...just being AF and loving it!

                      DG...about the mint. I have some fresh mint as well. I used some in my Asian stir fry the other nite, it was delish. I also made a vinergarette out of olive oil, fresh lemon, vinegar (I used on orange flavored one from Trader Joes) and fresh mint. Yummy....drizzeled it on my salad greens. And if you don't want to make a dressing out of it, you can snip it up and just add it to your salad greens. I am becoming a mint fanatic :-) Bon appetite!!

                      Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


                        AF Daily Friday 5 June

                        Good Day Abbers,

                        Hope everyone has something fun to do this weekend.

                        DG -- MINT groes like a weed, but good indeed. Try some in tabbouli salad. Very yumi. If you need a recipe let me know.

                        Sleeping and morning. I have always slept good and love to sleep. Lately, I have had some restless nights and I think it is hormonal (sp), I got up last night and took some calm forte and it worked really well and did not want to wake up this morning. Love mornings though no matter what. I am still AF and looking forward to a completely AF weekend.

                        Have a fantastic day all.


                          AF Daily Friday 5 June

                          Alooooha Friday Aberoooos!

                          Loppy your positive thread has started a whole tidal wave of wonderful positive energy I see. how wonderful to see so much happiness. I love it!

                          Greeneye, I slept better last night thanks. mind you this 'crazy attack' comes and goes. i'm going to try some experiments with my diet and see what happens. (no crystal meth after noon etc) LOL

                          Mint? oh my. mint rocks the casba. Whole mint leaves in salad is great. I make various Indian inspired yogurt/mint sauces. How about a relish for chicken made of minced mint, finely chopped strawberries and a little red onion? I just made that up but it sounds good.

                          I managed to get out of a 10+ hour drive today (whew!). so I get to stay home with my sweetie.

                          be well everyone and all to come
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            AF Daily Friday 5 June

                            Hi Everyone: I too got a good night's sleep last night. It wasn't 8 hours but was almost an uninterrupted 7. It does make a difference.

                            I too love the mornings now that I'm not waking up feeling rotten. I usually have a full hour to myself w/my rushing.

                            Take care everyone.

                            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                            October 3, 2012


                              AF Daily Friday 5 June

                              Sleep...yummy...I love to sleep and love the no hangovers. It is raining cats and dogs here and I am ready to go back home and under the covers.
                              Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.

