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AF Daily - Saturday - June 6, 2009

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    AF Daily - Saturday - June 6, 2009

    Wow - Good Morning AFreedom Riders!

    Rise and Shine!!

    I have been reading a lot of good stuff over in 'Just Starting Out' this morning. Wow, I forget to look around this site. So many ways out....RJ sure named this program and site well. I was thinking about the Rat Maze, those boxes that mice run around in hitting dead ends all the time, well here we are finding our own way out of those mazes we have created with AL.

    Woo Hoo - opening a new door that goes out! Free and clear, here we are!

    Great weekend to you all and enjoy your clear mornings

    AF Daily - Saturday - June 6, 2009

    Good morning, HD! (and everyone else to come)

    Wow! It is quiet in here this AM. It is 7:30am Pacific Time........... where are you all?

    Anyway, I was up early this morning. I am a morning person, big time. It is so nice to wake up refreshed, happy, hangover free and WANT to get motivated for a day of whatever!

    A bit on the cloudy side here; but it is welcomed. We have had a huge heat wave this week and the cooler temp will make the day with the kiddies a little more enjoyable seeing it is the weekend. Time to ride those bikes!

    Have a great day everyone! xoxo


      AF Daily - Saturday - June 6, 2009

      Morning abbers!

      HG, free & clear is right! Free and clear of a lot of things. I'm noticing how much I like the peace and calm I have.

      Yesterday I attempted to change lanes on the freeway and someone was in my blind spot and honked (long and repeatedly but that's OK, I'm sure it scared her - it scared me). First honk and I was back in my lane. When she passed I looked over and mouthed "sorry" and waved. I don't think she noticed. She looked to have her arse half off her seat leaning in my direction angrily waving around a cell phone connected by the cord to the outlet while her face, contorted in ugly rage, seemed to be expressing something undoubtedly unpleasant in my direction. I bet her blood pressure skyrocketed. I simply thought "wow, musta had a bad day". I used to overreact to things. Not any more. Well, not like THAT. AL made me like that. I just don't have that anymore. What a relief. I am so thankful.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily - Saturday - June 6, 2009

        Good morning AF friends!

        I didn't mean to but slept in awful late this morning. I was up at 3 am to take my son to school to meet his team for a B-ball camp, and when I went back to bed I guess I really conked out!

        It really feels good to just sit and relax a bit and not have to be running in 6 different directions today. Yesterday was a little hectic and ended with the boys and I rushing home trying to out run a nasty thunderstorm. There were tornadoes, heavy rain and hail in the area--but no damage (except washed out roads) that I know of.
        Needless to say with 2+ inches of rain I won't be able to be in the garden all day like I planned. Is someone trying to tell me something? I imagine the seeds I planted the other night are washed away as well.

        Greenie--I am no longer a member of the road rage club either! One time I was backing out of Walmart and I didn't see the pickup also backing up behind me. He honked and I mouthed I'm sorry--he mouthed something I believe started with F&*#&^*@& B*&#(!
        I know i would never make it in the big city where everyone seems to be in such a hurry!

        Have a great weekend all!:h
        NF since June 1, 2008
        AF since September 28, 2008
        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


          AF Daily - Saturday - June 6, 2009

          Happy Saturday ABland!!!!!

          thanks Hidden and yeah...where are all our sleeping beauties?

          feeling well here, slept like a rock and amazingly it's still raining here! it's so rare to get rain in the desert. The plants (mostly the weeds) are just so darn happy.

          Greeneyes, congrats on keeping your cool! life is too short to sweat the small stuff.

          Dx and I are prepping for a camping trip next weekend out in the desert (sort of a mini- burning man event). two days of grilling and chilling. I'll be the only non drinker in approx 20 attendees. At least being the only AF person there I won't have to worry about anyone pinching my N/A beer or wine!

          be well everyone
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            AF Daily - Saturday - June 6, 2009

            Sounds fun Dets!!!! For you that is...I not much in to the camping deal...

            Greenie...I rarely get stressed about just isnt worth it.

            I was up til 3 AM too...but on chat. That is why I dont get on as much as I used to. I get on and cant get off. People keep coming and I wanna stay. I can't get off. I think I have a chat addiction..LOL

            I didnt do anything yesterday and this house was a wreck today. I cant take a day off with these birds. They are to messy. I must vaccum daily..MUST!!!
            Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


              AF Daily - Saturday - June 6, 2009

              Hey all, very quite today! my days been really good, at work they decided to use my own cartoon deisgns for part of a window design, and i came hoem to fidn I'd won my college's grpahics prize so am in a really good mood, so nice to be rewarded for the work I've put in I forgot who asked but I think it was DG: yes I ahve tried soem dietary allergens (mostly just elimated dairy) but I'm goign for an allergy test this month, so should find out whats been cauing this then, hopefully

              Happy AF saturday to everybody

              The way I change the past is by not repeating it
              -James Hetfield, Metallica


                AF Daily - Saturday - June 6, 2009

                ThatGirl, bravo!!! what a good day. What kind of graphics? I like to dabble in computer graphics.
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)

