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Weekly AA Thread - Week of June 8 - June 14

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    Weekly AA Thread - Week of June 8 - June 14

    hi all just thot id drop in and say hi,as ive said in the past im glad AA works for you,and also this is a wonderful thread for those to learn of AA,just from your knowledge,if it matters im ,impressed with you all,when we work hard at somthin we succeed gyco way to go folks


      Weekly AA Thread - Week of June 8 - June 14

      Kayla, good on you for finding the resourses to remain sober. Sometimes it takes alot and sometimes it doesn't to keep AL at bay.

      Kayla, I'm still a bit like you at the meetings, in that I KNOW at my core being that I'm an alcoholic, I just don't see the point of stating that each and everytime we speak?? I mean, isn't that WHY we are there? I'm sure there is a good answer and I hope someone posts it, although I do like the one Lucky heard about being a "recovering alcoholic" , I think that sounds appropriate. It's nice to see you here Lucky.

      Gyco, thanks for the words of encouragement. Its always nice to hear from you.

      I didn't call the woman who gave me her phone number last week, I have lots of excuses, but the main one is because I am sick this weekend and just didn't feel llike it. I will be going to my Sunday morning meeting and hope she attends as well. It will be easier for me to talk to her in person rather than with a phone call, if that makes any sense?

      Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


        Weekly AA Thread - Week of June 8 - June 14

        ready2change;635319 wrote: ...It will be easier for me to talk to her in person rather than with a phone call, if that makes any sense?

        R2C, it does make sense, but in AA making the phone call usually means that you are holding yourself accountable to the program. I'll admit that I was never good at doing that either, but that is the purpose behind it.
        Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


          Weekly AA Thread - Week of June 8 - June 14

          Thanks AA...I went to my meeting this a.m. and unfortunately she was not there, so I didn't get to talk to her. I vow to make the call, it may not be today (I am sick) but soon.

          I have a it proper to ask how much sobriety one has? Today at the meeting the speaker was congratulating a fellow AA on her 5yr anniversary of sobriety. He said this was around the time we should begin to sponser? Does that sound about right? I know DG mentioned that her sponser was new at it, but I'm not sure how long she had been sober?

          Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


            Weekly AA Thread - Week of June 8 - June 14

            That's a load of crap R2C. To me and most of the people I know, you are ready to be a sponsor as soon as you have worked all 12 steps. There is absolutely nothing in the Big Book that puts any sort of timeframe on how long you should wait and five years is absolutely ridiculous.

            Glad to hear you are going to give her a call - just don't wait too long, okay?
            Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


              Weekly AA Thread - Week of June 8 - June 14

              Hi everyone. Thank you all for sharing your experiences. I have gotten a lot out of my catch up reading.

              I too have choked up a number of times at meetings - unexpectedly. I think for me it is pent up things that I have kept deep inside under lock and key that want OUT. I am also amazed at the young people in the program. Some of them seem more mature than I do at times. R2C I have also thought about my own life and "what if" I had recognized the depth of my addiction sooner, reached out for help sooner, etc. I have come to the same conclusion it sounds you have - just wasn't meant to be that way. I really am learning the value of staying in today and trying not to drift into past "what ifs" and especially not drifting into the manufacture of future events (one of my hugest problems).

              As far as how people self identify (recovering alcoholic, alcoholic, dually addicted, etc. etc.) I too was highly curious at first. I've realized it's a personal thing and 1) as an alkie I tend to want to over analyze things sometimes, and I was over analyzing that one and 2) it's not up to me to judge how or why people identify in the way that they do. Baby steps for me. I too was a bit uncomfortable and questioning at first about why I should have to identify myself and my addiction each and every time I spoke. I don't know if this is the global reason why it's done that way but for me, I recognize the value in never forgetting that I am addicted to alcohol no matter how long I am sober. I don't want to relapse and have to go through the early stages of recovery ever again if I can help it. One thing that I believe will help me stay sober is never forgetting that I am addicted and as such, can never drink safely.

              That's just my own view of it - I'm sure there are many others!

              My sponsor has 4 years of sobriety. The one thing she has not done is complete the steps herself and I am a bit surprised that she didn't mention that when I asked her to be my sponsor. We are working through it though.

              R2C I can really relate to your comments about the phone. I would not admit to a phone phobia, but still never wanted to make a call. Finally my sponsor just gave me an assignment to call her two times per week no matter what - and no matter how briefly we talked. I needed that I think. Initially you would have thought that phone weighed 5,000 pounds and I couldn't pick it up. Now I am much more comfortable calling her when I need to talk or just to say hi. I am also more comfortable calling others, although I still don't do it very often. There may come a time where my willingness / ability to pick up that phone is all that stands between me and AL. So I'm really grateful that my sponsor pushed the issue even though it really pissed me off and I admit I wasn't very nice about it. And some of you here may recall when this happened as I was questioning her qualifications to be my sponsor. In this case, I humbly admit that she was absolutely right. Twice this week I picked up the phone and called to offer a girl a ride who was in need of that assistance. I don't think I would have done that either if my sponsor hadn't got on me about the phone thing. I still don't know what it is about that phone. I'm glad to be getting over it though. So R2C, I really encourage you to make that call. I'm guessing that if you tell that woman how strange you feel doing it, she will probably be able to relate.

              Winefree I am sorry to hear that you were plagued with those drinking thoughts, but am very glad that the program worked as we all hope it will to help you successfully navigate that challenge.

              Kayla, I too am glad we have this place here to talk about AA and our feelings one way or the other about the many aspects and nuances of the program. Probably the biggest thing that gives me enough faith to accept certain things that seem to go against my grain is the constant interaction with folks of many years sobriety who swear it all works. I think that's the glue holding it together for me sometimes. Lord knows nobody ever achieved 30+ years of sobriety doing it the way I did it.

              I have continued with daily meeting attendance even though I havent posted in a day or two. Todays meeting was especially relevant as I am diddling around trying to get started on the writing of Step 4 and still haven't put the pen to paper yet. Mary, I thank you so much for your help - I have printed the suggestions you sent along. The Sunday meeting I attend is a 12 Steps and 12 Traditions meeting and today's discussion was on Step 4 - very timely! So I hear a LOT of good testimony about the process and the value of the step. And as often happens, one person spoke up whose words really hit home. He talked about "over intellectualizing" Step 4 as in reading every book and study guide and example he could get his hands on - spending a lot of time but not actually doing the step. That is clearly what I have been doing. I thanked him after the meeting and he has promised to stay on my ass about it. I truly am looking forward to the freedom that is promised once some of these boogey monsters deep down are brought out into the light of day.

              Mary, I'm sure your Step 5 will be very freeing. I hope you will share about the experience.

              AA I always appreciate your words of clarification and experience on this thread!!

              Gyco you too - good to see you! And Cindi too and anyone else I have neglected to say hello to. Hi to PP too!

              The Sunday AM group is one of my two home groups and today was our picnic. WOW what a great turnout! Everyone at all meetings held at the club was invited and it was fun to see so many familiar faces from all the different meetings I've gone to, and also meet some new folks. Mr. Doggy joined me there for lunch and some mingling and for the speaker. He commented on how nice and also how humble everyone seems. Not an arrogant jerk in sight. A lot of admitted ex-arrogant jerks. We spent a lot of time talking to the homeless man I have mentioned. He is a very nice and interesting person. Mr. Doggy agreed it was more fun to spend a half hour talking to him than a half hour of being "stuck" with anyone at the Chamber of Commerce Christmas Party, as just one example LOL! I'm proud to call these people my friends. I can only hope to give as much to them as they have given to me.

              Overall, I am very glad to have AA and the people there as part of my own sobriety toolbox. I still struggle with certain concepts from time to time but as I slowly see the wisdom of things I once questioned, I feel like I'm better able to accept things even when I don't quite get it. And even if there are some things that I never get, I do see the value of AA in my program so I'll keep goin' back.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.

