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AF Daily - Tuesday, June 9

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    AF Daily - Tuesday, June 9

    Marking [outside in the grass] and running!

    All this PPT is interesting. It's been 11 years since we have had a puppy here. Now we are running a canine/feline seniors assisted liviing community! LOL

    Looks like I'm first again today, and I have to get ready for a long work day, so, just a quick start. A dream: We were celebrating something. We were in a lounge. Someone was serving champagne for a toast. The server picked up a glass and poured it into my mouth. I started to swallow then remembered I wasn't supposed to be drinking. I spat it out [gross], but some had trickled down my throat. I was upset that my AF streak was ruined. End of dream. Silly, I know. Just thought I'd share. It was the night of the full moon when I dreamt it. Didn't you say you had weird dreams that night, Det?

    Good day and strength to all!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    AF Daily - Tuesday, June 9

    Good Morning AFreedom Riders!

    Dill, your instincts are intact! That is how I would think about that dream - you rejected the poison - way to go!

    I am usually off work in the summer - mixed blessing, but have to go in today. Yuck, I have gotten used to waking up slowing with y'all.

    I hope its ma'velous day for every one! Will check back in later.


      AF Daily - Tuesday, June 9

      Hi Dill, Hidden and all to come

      It's been over 6 years since we had a puppy. Our goldie was dragged up as we got her in the middle of a building project. For her it was idealic, sand and mud to dig in, constant food supply from the builders!! She spent most of the time outdoors. Other puppies I trained with the newspaper. When very little, first teach them to go on the paper and gradually keep moving it towards the door and then just outside the door. They then learn to whine at the door to be let out. Works.

      Off with my teens shopping, will check back later.



        AF Daily - Tuesday, June 9

        Hi all

        Quick check in earlier today from me - am fine, just waiting to hear from hosp re my next lot of tests which can fortunately be arranged as an outpatient.

        No real other news, certainly not drinking - in fact haven' t really thought about it in last week or so which is good - do any other long term abstainers find there are peaks and troughs ie certain weeks, when its harder to remain AF than at other times over the long term picture?

        Will check back later - have a good AF day everyone


          AF Daily - Tuesday, June 9

          Good morning, Lovlies!

          I have lots to do this AM, starting with a meeting at 9.

          Did the usual last night; jogged while the Little one rode her bike. I have to admit that her riding is a great incentive to keep my butt motivated. An hour goes by like nothing! Over one week into it; and I heard my arse yelling at me this morning. LOL! Feelin' a bit stiff. Now, this is where the l-glut will come in nicely, me thinks.

          Oh, and I picked up a really cute summer dress for Little AFMs grad ceremony tomorrow. Got new tapes for the camcorder and a new gig card for my new dig. camera. My old one sucks; more of a beginners camera. So all is good and set to go!

          Have a great day everyone!


            AF Daily - Tuesday, June 9

            Happy Tuesday ABlanders!!!!!

            Dill, yes I'm the king of freaky dreams. they come and go, but the drinking dreams still really bother me. thankfully I don't have them so often now.

            Sausage, the intensity of this challenge will go in cycles, and thankfully for myself after about the 6 to 8 month mark I felt a big relief in my cravings. Now life is pretty darn good and I'm SOOOOO grateful. It's worth the wait please know that.

            attended a tradeshow in a nasty casino yesterday. Standing on one spot (feet aching) people smoking and wandering around with drink trays constantly. The worst thing I did was eat a sandwich and not remove the bread....simple carbs really blow me up these days. Anyhow I brought my workout gear and went straight to the gym afterwords to detox myself from the casino atmosphere. all good now!

            be well everyone and enjoy your pets for me
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              AF Daily - Tuesday, June 9

              Glad everybody's havign a good time and sincerely hoep the tests go well for you sausage.

              Am not gonna say much tonight, put simply my brother has been expelled from school, my mum is distraught and I am feeling the need to drink and do whatever else I can to get rid of all the bad stuff that these events are inspiring in me. I'm sober now, I don't know whether I will be later - I can't cope with this at all.

              When I was a kid I thought I wanted all the things that I hadn't got, but I learned the hardest way

              Time to get what I'm really looking for 17/03/10


                AF Daily - Tuesday, June 9

                AllApologies, I hope you hang in there and don't drink. It won't help. It won't make the problems disappear. It will just give you a hangover and make you feel lousy and maybe disappointed in yourself and you'll STILL have the problems to cope with.

                Strength to you!

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  AF Daily - Tuesday, June 9

                  Hi all,
                  Just thought I'd check in to say I'm still around. Net down for few days here.
                  Won't stay online now. Feeling very sad after some contact with my mum, a week into being in the disability home - and a strange stroke of synchronicity that I may share here when I feel stronger.

                  Day 10 - lots of feelings coming up. All those ones so suppressed by the booze.
                  Thinking of you all

                  Current attitude towards addiction: Why ask why? Just accept that it is, and go from there ...

