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AF Daily - Wednesday - June 10th

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    AF Daily - Wednesday - June 10th

    Loppy, you will be surprised how easily your sessions will go - don't worry because you are doing what you need and it will help you move so much faster to a healthier place.

    DG, Interesting thinking about patience - when we have it, when we don't. I DO find I have less when I have too much packed into my days. Not surprising. But I can breathe and slow down my approach is much lighter and happier. I love hearing about the speakers and thoughts that are triggered - thank you for always sharing your thoughts with the rest of us.

    Well, I 'll Wind up this night with another bird tale...I was hearing funny sounds near our woodstove. It is hooked in to a stone wall with 3 chimneys with two trap doors. I heard this sound and traced it to one of the little metal doors. Called the family round, we talked about what it might be: a squirrel?, a bird? The we all heard it scritch scratching and I said I thought it was a bird - you could kind of hear winging. hubby said squirrel or mouse. So we gathered what we thought for catching the critter and while we put a box to the door, I said, "Oh! What if it is a bat?" Rabies shots if you get bitten - get some leather glovessss....Got a flashlight, peered in....bird - little bird. hubby grabbed him, took him out and he flew away. Poor thing - he fell down about 26 feet of chimney.... So, windows, doors, chimneys and birds

    Ya'll Sleep Well!


      AF Daily - Wednesday - June 10th

      Loppy lugs;632395 wrote: ... there is so much more to alcoholism than alcohol.
      So true.....and that is what you have to know to get in the saddle. You gotta ride through all that surrounds, leads to, and supports the alcoholism. Its the "so much more" that you deal with with when you go AF - its hard, but you have to sort it out. I am just early guessing, but I don't think you can stay AF very long unless you do that work.

      OK, nite again - just got thinking on that little phrase Loppy snuk in there


        AF Daily - Wednesday - June 10th

        ugh, big long very stressful day. Haven't been this stressed in ages (work crap).

        chat helped (thanks chat pals!). dreading a meeting tomorrow morning but it doesn't do much good to fret I s'pose. Promise I'll be my happy self by tomorrow night. or give me a good smack ok?

        Loppy, get the most out of your therapist visit. Lots to learn about our silly selves.

        be well friends,
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)

