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AF Daily Thursday 11th June

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    AF Daily Thursday 11th June

    Good morning everyone

    Having teenagers at home 24/7 does not make life easy. No leasurly MWO hours with my coffee, so have to mark and run.

    Sausage - Hope you are soon feeling better and that they get to the bottom of what is bothering you.

    Mary - Well done on dealing with aged parents issue AF, not an easy time for you.

    Kayla and TG, hang in there, we are all there for you.

    Doggy - You really are an inspiration. You are dealing with all life's issues head on and most importantly AF.

    Freebird - I really liked what you said about how personal a journey this is and how important it is for us to personalise it. That is why MWO works so well for so many of us.

    Dill - Hope you got your cardinal problem sorted.

    Loppy - Thinking of you this morning. Hope your appointment goes well. I am the same when I have to get up really early, I always have two alarms set.

    Det - Hope work becomes less stressful for you, hang in there.

    Accountable - Hope the graduation cermonies went ok last night.

    Hidden, Lavande, Pamina, Greenie and anyone else I missed big hello. Have a great day everyone.


    AF Daily Thursday 11th June

    Rusty: I want to deal w/my issues AF. There are no shortcuts & no detours, though I thought so when I was drinking. I'm unused to dealing w/everything full-fledged, but I get a huge sense of acoomplishment when I do. Take care all to come. Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012


      AF Daily Thursday 11th June

      Morning abbers!

      A quick hello and a rah-rah go team! All's good here.

      A cardinal was doing that at my dad's window at nursing home. Same spot on big window. They just taped a letter size sheet of paper on it and that was it. It was a dark color but I think that's all they had handy.

      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily Thursday 11th June

        Hi Rustop and everyone else to follow.

        Starting tomorrow I will have teenagers here 24/7 too and I plan to put them to work; that is after they wake up at 11:00 and have breakfast then chill; then lunch then off to work or friends, then they sleep more....then eat, but they will be working.....hmmm maybe..

        I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again....This is a great web site and this is one of the best threads (I think). You guys don't know how much you (and I mean collectively) help so much. I'am not sure how public I want to take this, so it is great to really be able to share here, which for me it is an incredibly hard thing to do. Seriously, most people really don't care or think it is an issue. And for others, it's none of their business!

        I wish I could thank each and everyone of you personally! Shoot, sometimes I wish I could give you all big hugs....So here is my Cyber Hug....and I am forever grateful.

        Have a wonderful day and stay patient. This too will pass.

        p.s. Is this too sappy?


          AF Daily Thursday 11th June

          Freebird, not too sappy at all! You said what I, too, feel! Well said! And I will remember your advice: "...stay patient. This too shall pass."

          Rusyt and Greenie, Mr. dill hung a bedsheet over the picture window that the bird was banging his beak against. That did the trick!

          retteacher, I drank more than ever when my parents were in their decline. I speak from experience when I say, you will be glad you faced this and dealt with it sober. Strength to you!

          Rusty, thanks for getting us started today! I remember the hectic times with two teens in the house, though it is long in the past now. Try to go with the flow and enjoy this time in your life! I'm so glad for you that you are sober to truly be there for your kids. Thinking of you Deter and Loppy!

          Hello to all to come!

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            AF Daily Thursday 11th June

            Good luck to you today, Loppy. A little phrase from your post last night grabbed hold:
            Loppy lugs;632395 wrote: ........ there is so much more to alcoholism than alcohol.
            So true.....and that is what you have to know to get in the AF saddle. You gotta ride through all that surrounds, leads to, and supports the alcoholism. Its the "so much more" that you deal with with when you go AF - its hard, but you have to sort it out. I am just early guessing, but I don't think you can stay AF very long unless you do that work.

            Freebird - we freed a bird from our chimney last night - I posted it last night as it fit the Bird/Human interactions that was going through the thread.

            Ditto on the Not Sappy - this site is helping so many of us who might not have tackled their drinking habits had this support not been there. I know this is true for me. Other things help tremendously, but we do each find Our Own Way - some with AA 'on the side', some with Meds or Supplements, some with Counseling, some with friends and family....the options are probably endless, but help us find Our Own Way. MWO has armed us with research, a method if you choose, support, wisdom, and even humourous moments to keep our smiles intact.

            Hang in there with the Teens, Rustop - they seem to just want a place to 'hang'.

            Ok, moving on - I can get lost in words and need to move this body - Great Day All!!


              AF Daily Thursday 11th June

              Good morning, friends!

              Preschool graduation was Awesome last night! Little AFM is technically NOT graduating; but they included everyone - and they all received a Memory Book and a diploma. They all wore the cap, sang songs, it was fantastic. The administrators BBQ'd hamburgers, hotdogs, had sliced veggies, chips and had graduation cakes. It was fantastic. I am so proud and it was a very emotional event. My pictures turned out a bit waverly as I was filming the whole thing with my right hand and taking pics with my left LOL!

              Here is a pic for you all to see. The photo gallery won't take the files as they are too large and I am technically inept. I may take it down later as I worry about creeps looking at it.

              PICTURE WAS INSERTED HERE.... yes, sorry......... I didn't really feel comfy about posting the pic where every Tom, Dick, and Harry could see it, so I took it down.... I have a couple posted in Subs where is it a tad bit safer there. xoxo

              I am off to a workshop today, so have a great day everyone. I will have to come back and read your posts. I didn't have a chance this morning. I hope you are all doing well! xoxo Attached files [img]/converted_files/924908=4976-attachment.jpg[/img]


                AF Daily Thursday 11th June

                Sorry, I had to delete my post. I didn't feel comfy about posting my daughter's pic where any Tom, Dick, or Hairless can see it.

                I have a couple posted in subs.... where it is a tad bit safer.

                The ceremonies last night were awesome! Very well done and emotional. Thank God for sunglasses! I filmed and took pics; so that was interesting. Being a left handed photographer with a right handed camera while filming with my right was something else. LOL.

                Off to a workshop this AM. Have a great day!


                  AF Daily Thursday 11th June

                  Good morning Ab Landers! I keep thinking it is Friday but it's Thursday. LOL I've done that already numerous times today. As long as I remember when I wake up tomorrow that it's Friday, I'll be OK.

                  Deter I hope your dreaded meetings are over soon so you can get back to your usual self. Oh how I remember those corporate events in the drinking days which just compounded each stressful event with even more stress. In addition to strength vibes for all who might feel Al's call today, I shall try to send lottery vibes to all who have stressful jobs. But only if you share your proceeds with me.

                  AFM - glad the graduation was fun for you and little AFM. Wow I didn't even think about right/left handed cameras for photography. Wish I could see the pics but totally understand your concern.

                  Loppy I hope your counseling session goes well today. Seems like a very positive move for you to make, despite it being scary. I too love the quote from your post yesterday that HG quoted. That is certainly true for me. But it has been well worth the effort to work through all the other crapola. Looking forward to hearing how it went.

                  HG I love reading your posts. I enjoy ALL the posts here but you have a certain way with words that is uniquely HG. Now that would be a good name for a _________ product line. Not sure WHICH product line and would hate to stifle the creative thinking around here by suggesting one. Fill in the blank!

                  Dill it's good to know about that bed sheet trick. Glad it worked, and also the paper trick that Greenie mentioned.

                  Mary I was not sober when my Dad's health problems got going full swing. After his first surgery at U of Chicago hospitals where I was providing transportation, he and my Mom needed to be picked up in the mid afternoon. Of course that was a very problematic thing - meant I had to stay sober all day. By that time in the progression of my alcoholism, I just couldn't do it. I spent over $200 sending a limo to pick them up so I could drink as usual all day. Of course the money wasn't the worst thing about that situation, although it was certainly a big waste of money. The control that AL had over my life was the worst of it. What if I wouldn't have had the money to pay for that solution? I hate to think of what I might have done. Would I have left them stranded? I might have. Either that or drive drunk risking their lives, my lives, and countless other lives on the road. Disgusting. Yes, I am very glad to be sober now even through the most difficult moments. (which are nothing compared to what so many others have manged to get through sober)

                  Free bird. I can only speak for myself but I LOVE sappy. We are like huge maple trees of strength, hope and experience to share so of course there is sap. Let's make syrup.

                  Greenie, glad all is good. What's new these days at the barking lot?

                  TG it was good to see you check in yesterday and I'm glad you are OK. One day at a time for everything our young friend.

                  RUSTOP!! Thank you for getting us started today. Congratulations to you and to everyone who somehow manages to stay sane with teens in the house. I cannot imagine that.

                  I am encouraged by the chiro appointment about this hip. When we reviewed the X-rays he showed how my pelvis bones are off kilter which he thinks is at the root of the problem. He feels he can adjust things and then give me exercises to stretch and strengthen specific muscles around the hip joint to keep it in place. He gave me the first adjustment yesterday. I was sore this morning when I got up but went to the torturer anyway, and am glad I did as the movement made it feel better. There is some arthritic development in both hips - not terribly bad but I need to make good lifestyle choices to slow down the acceleration. He mentioned Glucosomine (check), Fish oil (check), and with a funny look on his face, NO ALCOHOL. I was then reminded that when I saw him for accupuncture to quit smoking, I had been drinking all day prior to my appointment. Of course that's back when I thought I was so clever and good at hiding that stuff. I'm sure I reeked of alcohol in addition to the chain smoked cigarettes. I smiled and looked him directly in the eye and said "I used to have a bad problem with alcohol but I don't drink any more." It felt really, really good just to say it. It's the truth. Facing the truth is one of the things that I think is starting to set me free. Oh - and he also encouraged lots of excercise - both strength and cardio - to help stave off the arthritis too.

                  Well, less running around today so I'm going to post on a couple other threads then clear the clutter off of my desk. Hello to all that I missed from yesterday and probably some new posts today since I started this novel. I hope everyone is enjoying some AFness today.

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    AF Daily Thursday 11th June

                    Hello my af friends!

                    I can relate and would love to comment on so many posts this morning. Unfortunately I lack the time nor the energy. Thanks free bird for the sappy cyber hug. I hope my self absorbed posts at least cheer someone up once in awhile.
                    DG-I assume the use of your sauna will help with any joint issues. I know when I get "out of whack" I try to get in there and have not had to see my chiropractor nearly as much!
                    We had a bad storm here yesterday afternoon. I was in town with one son home alone (he is 11) with Sam and the older one mowing a lawn. I just signed up for text alerts from the weather channel so when I was mowing at the cemetery, a tornado warning came across my phone. So I grabbed one son and headed home. We covered up some tomato plants, took care of a newborn calf that was stranded on the wrong side of the fence and headed to the basement. No tornadoes (THANK GOD) but about 5 inches of rain with some hail--which caused flooding. A good majority of the crops are destroyed, not to mention roads, fences and fields. It could have been so much worse, I'm so glad I got home in time. Hubby was stranded in town and made it home finally about 10:30.
                    Here are a couple of photos.

                    Attached files [img]/converted_files/925053=4980-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/925053=4981-attachment.jpg[/img]
                    NF since June 1, 2008
                    AF since September 28, 2008
                    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                      AF Daily Thursday 11th June

                      HG just a quick comment --

                      Freebird - we freed a bird from our chimney last night - I posted it last night as it fit the Bird/Human interactions that was going through the thread
                      I read your post this a.m. and the first thing I thought of was "BAT". My neighbor had borrowed our extension ladder yesterday because they had at least two bats in their house on two separate occassions, and they were looking for the point of entry. We have found bats in the house, but they were not living. I don't mind bats as long as they are outside (eating bugs). I am glad it was a bird and you were able to let it go. You freeier of birds you.


                      does hiddengoal have anything to do with hockey?


                        AF Daily Thursday 11th June

                        LVT I'm glad that you and your family are safe (and Sam and Baby Cow too). That must have been scary. What a strange weather year we are having. Spring came early for us but summer isn't here yet and it's already mid June!

                        Those pics made me think of The Wizard of Oz before they go over the rainbow.

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          AF Daily Thursday 11th June

                          Hello all,

                          Finally checking in here today. The strange weather is ocurring here on the East coast as well. Rain, rain and more rain. Getting a bit tiresome. The farmers must be happy though, I noticed the corn is up about 8" already.

                          Hoping for some dry weather for the weekend so I can catch up on outside chores.
                          Have a wonderful weekend
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

