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AF Daily - Sunday - June 14

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    AF Daily - Sunday - June 14

    Morning everyone and happy Sunday! The sun is finally shining and we have no real plans so it should be a nice, relaxing day...

    Yesterday was a good test of the coping skills that I have developed over the last two years. We had gone to downtown Chicago to a museum, and coming home my wife too route that we hadn't tried before and we ended up in heavy, heavy traffic just in the city. In the past I would have gotten extremely agitated and spent the rest of the day upset (in fact it would have been a great reason to have a drink), but this time around I was okay with it. That's not to say I didn't have times where I was frustrated, but instead of getting upset I logged on via my phone to MWO, Facebook, talked to the kids and her, etc. and tried to make the best of a two hour car ride that should have been only one.

    Just another one of life's lessons I guess, and I'm glad that I was able to pass the test. Didn't get an 'A', but my grade was a hell of a lot better then the 'F' I used to get!

    Take care everyone!
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."

    AF Daily - Sunday - June 14

    good for you for comming through sober another trigger:goodjob:

    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


      AF Daily - Sunday - June 14

      Good morning AA and Mario!

      I must say, AA, well done!! :goodjob: I think if my hb was a drinker, that would have done him in! He hates it when I do what you described that your wife did. Of course, it is frustrating for all involved!

      I think you get a B+/A-. But, your story makes me think that maybe I need to get mobile web...There are many times when a little MWO goes a long way!!:H

      Have a great day, all!

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        AF Daily - Sunday - June 14

        Good Day to all -- Dill, Mario and AA and everyone to follow,

        Being stuck in traffic -- all I can say is it's a good thing nobody had to go to the bathroom. One of my worst fears.

        Day 13 for me. Last night we were all out to dinner and I managed to have sparkling water instead of wine without feeling like I was missing something. It was really more fun and I was much more focused on the company rather than wondering where is the waitress with my drink. This is quite an achievement for me to refocus on everything else around me instead of that one little obsessive thought.

        Great day here and there is much gardening that needs to be done.

        Oh one more thing. Yesterday we played some golf at a local course and at the beginning of the 9th hole I said to my significant other jokingly "Wow!! last year I couldn't wait to finish this course and this year it went really fast. I must of had a hangover". I really do remember this and the difference was startling. He just looked at me like I was green and said nothing. But boy it did feel good to really enjoy it and not wish it was over so I could go home and well you know....

        Thanks to everyone and have a special day.


          AF Daily - Sunday - June 14

          Good morning, Abbers!

          I went to the races with my mother last night. It was fun, but NO eye candy that I saw, LOL. BUT it was fun!

          I went to bed just after 11pm (which is terribly late for me!) and I slept in until 9:30am. Thank you Nana for taking Little AFM downstairs!!

          Doing some laundry, then off for a bike ride (I jog alongside) and then too the park. Have a great day!


            AF Daily - Sunday - June 14

            Hello AF Corner of the World -

            Lovely Day - cut some little trees and brush along the drive. Hadn't done that in awhile - felt good - dirty labor hauling brush. Also, its a start to more tree cutting - gotta let the sun shine through this woods - its gets a bit dark at times.

            Last night I was actually thinking a glass of wine would be nice and it was the 60th day!
            I was bored. Had nothing going on, which has been the modis operenda lately. No social engagements to speak of on the horizon either, gonna have to cook something up as being without people is NOT a good thing for me. Gonna have to watch out for that one.

            I hope eeryone is finding some sunshine in their day!


              AF Daily - Sunday - June 14

              Congrats on 60 days, Hidden!


              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                AF Daily - Sunday - June 14

                :yougo::yougo:CONGRATULATIONS ON 60 DAYS SOBER HG!:yougo::yougo:

                WOO HOO!! Way to go girl!

                Quick hello to everyone and AA thank you for kicking things off today. I think the topic of how to handle highly frustrating situations in a better way than with AL is an excellent topic. Doing something else is sure a good one - I too need to look into activating the web stuff on my phone (which has about 1,000 more features than I use / need!) I find the serenity prayer helpful these days to remind myself that I can't change everything and accepting things I can't change peacefully is a much better way to go. AA in the old days I would have found a way to pull off the road and head to the nearest bar, even if that meant leaving my car on the shoulder and possibly getting it towed (assuming you were on the expressway when you got stuck).

                I've gotta run as I am getting things in order for an early start tomorrow taking Dad to the U of Chicago Hospital. He could use any good vibes you care to send...and thank you so much for all of the support you have continuously given him and me as we deal with his failing health.

                Wishing everyone well this sober Sunday...and special strong vibes to anyone struggling today.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  AF Daily - Sunday - June 14

                  AA - Well done on managing to keep your calm when faced with that kind of stress, I hope none of the passengers in your car were the sort to get car sick!

                  Free Bird - well done on resisting, and never forget, it will get asier

                  HG - congratualtions on your 60 days! all here are very proud of you.

                  As for me: have unfortunately been on a (thankfully mild) bender lately, but am AF tonight and feeling much better for it having seen my wonderful fiance last night as well. has continued to be a tough time lately, with my brother being arrested friday night, then going camping the following night, taking my sleeping bag and then having that confiscated by the police.

                  Also on Friday my mother had a psychiatric review of her bipolar and was told that the bipolar, probably oweing to recent events and stresses, has escelated and his the worst kind there is, and was also diagnosed with a schizotypal personality disorder. she also receieved confirmation that my father had been psychotic, and that this trait had probably been inherited by my younger brother. Needless to say my brother is to be asessed fully later this week.

                  So yes, a great deal of stress on my young shoulders, but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger n all that so, here goes nothing and am going to try and ahve a better week this week

                  When I was a kid I thought I wanted all the things that I hadn't got, but I learned the hardest way

                  Time to get what I'm really looking for 17/03/10


                    AF Daily - Sunday - June 14

                    Hello friends and big congrats to HG!

                    TG--I'm sorry, you do have a heavy load for such young shoulders! I've been feeling a little sorry for myself, but I certainly do not have the same kind of stress as you.

                    I blew a gasket the other night when hubby came home after an evening with friends at the "club" without me. I'm getting a little tired of being left out and not that I have a burning desire to go to the bar and hang out--but I do miss spending that time with my husband. I tried to keep busy, but I can sure get myself worked into a frenzy! I won't bore you with the details, but talk about frustrating! Trying to get my feelings into words that he can't misconstrue!
                    I need to either see a shrink, or someone else I can talk to-- holding all of this in, because he can't understand cannot be good for me. I'm not sure there are any books out there that can help me. I was thinking today maybe I should write my thoughts and feelings down on paper and read them to him sometime. We have never been very good at communicating. Today it feels like I probably totally over-reacted.
                    I even have considered the option of the old "If you can't beat em, join em" adage, and it doesn't appeal to me at this point. I have a feeling thought, without the support (and sound advice) from my friends here at MWO--I might throw in the AF towel.
                    Tomorrow I vow to start all of my supplements, and start a daily walk. This coming weekend the boys and I (doubt hubby will go) are going "home" (my sis lives on my parent's farm now) for my 30 year class reunion. I'm really looking forward to that--and getting away--and I'm pretty sure I can get by with AF beer.
                    Best wishes to all here for a sunny, sober week.:h
                    NF since June 1, 2008
                    AF since September 28, 2008
                    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                      AF Daily - Sunday - June 14

                      CONGRATS HG!! WAY TO GO ON YOUR 60 DAYS!

                      AllApollogies, I am sorry you have been going through so much lately. I am glad you are AF tonight, as you know that drinking just compounds the pain - both emotional and physical.

                      Please stop punishing 'yourself' for the choices your brother made that resulted in an arrest. Also, you have no control over your mother's illness.

                      In regards to your mom's bipolar episode; I want to ask if she drinks? Is she on medication?

                      People with bipolar disorder are prone to schizophrenic behaviours due to excessive alcohol. This is a proven fact. It is so important for bipolar people to get the right medications and stop alcohol and drug abuse. Once a bipolar person reaches the schizophrenic stage; there really is no going back.

                      Again, I am sorry you are in so much pain. I really hope things settle and, your mother gets the help she needs. Please do yourself a favour and stop binging on the alcohol. You still have your life to live. :l xoxo


                        AF Daily - Sunday - June 14

                        Hidden Goall Happy Happy 60 big ones!!!!!!! so happy for you.

                        Doggy Girl prayers for your Dad and you dear. hoping all the very best.

                        well we're home from camping and super tired/sun tanned and happy We were out with a group of power-drinking party people (and they weren't young either). seeing the long faces in the morning and the early drinking really didn't encourage me to drink at was more aversion therapy for me I'm happy to say. In fact there was one thing I saw that really turned my stomach: soembody brought a bottle of bacon flavored vodka. I'm NOT kidding! I had to smell it just for giggles and that wiff almost made me barf. somebody paid 30 bucks for that atrocity! oh well.....not me.

                        TG, do police in the UK have a thing about sleeping bags? sorry to hear your having a rough time.

                        well, off to unpack and relax a bit

                        be well friends
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          AF Daily - Sunday - June 14

                          Bacon flavored vodka. Suppose to be a breakfast drink to go with your eggs or what? How gross!! What are they going to think of next?
                          Starting over again


                            AF Daily - Sunday - June 14

                            proof that this crap really exists!

                            Bakon Vodka :: Home

                            LOL LastCall, I shudder to think of what might be next.
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              AF Daily - Sunday - June 14

                              DG , prayers for your father. ((HUGS))

