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AF Daily - Tuesday - 16 June 2009

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    AF Daily - Tuesday - 16 June 2009

    Morning ablanders!

    First off, CONGRATULATIONS Greenie!!! :yougo: :yougo:

    I had half a tub of ice cream yesterday, just because it's summer and it goes with strawberries and I had to have it. Now I realise I was simply celebrating your 1-year AF so nothing to feel guilty about. Well done in the middle of all your trials and tribulations, go demolish a gallon of peppermint ice cream!

    Second, healing vibes sent across the oceans to Cindi, Kayla and others struggling. Stay close, we want the AF life, for ourselves, for each other. The collective willpower is here. We CAN do this.

    Third, support floating to those with family issues. TG, you do have a massive load on those young shoulders. I went through a similar episode with my sister when I was your age. Not something that's easily understood by the world at large. Please consider seeking professional help if it gets too much to bear.

    Loppy - you've been awfully quiet. How did you get on with your appointment?

    DG - :l

    Big hello to all others.

    I'm visiting my Dad's place again and feel like a gardener-in-training. He was very particular about his flowers but I'm not sure when he planted what and in what order. The garden is beginning to resemble a tropical jungle so my mission today is to re-impose a semblance of order. Must have a green thumb somewhere. Maybe they grow on those who try...

    Happy AF day all!

    AF Daily - Tuesday - 16 June 2009

    So sweet of you to include me in your wishes. Yes, struggling here, as many of us are. If you read the AA thread you'd know why, so maybe you have. I ditto your loving optimism. We DO INDEED want the AF life. Bless you, and happy hugs for those to come x

    Current attitude towards addiction: Why ask why? Just accept that it is, and go from there ...


      AF Daily - Tuesday - 16 June 2009

      Hi all

      Quick check in from me - i'll be back later!!


        AF Daily - Tuesday - 16 June 2009

        Who-hoo Greenie!! Cheers for you:heartsnflowers:

        Kayla, your thoughts appreciated. You are being honest - things will settle.

        Pamina - thanks for a beginning and you are not the only one who been enjoying ice cream

        Lopy, we are wondering about you.

        Wishing Everyone a Clear Day.


          AF Daily - Tuesday - 16 June 2009

          Hi everyone

          Thanks for starting us off Pamina. Greenie, congratulations, you are an inspiration to the rest of us.

          Beautiful sunny day here, have had 2 long walks, one with doggies and the other with daughter and pony. Going to spend some time in the garden now. Catch you all later.



            AF Daily - Tuesday - 16 June 2009

            Happy Tuesday ABerooooos!

            thanks for the nice kickstart Pamina.

            someone mentioned getting thier first Tolle book recently? sorry name escapes me but just wanted to say kudos on that as I've very much enjoyed 'a new Earth' and listen to the audio CD version as I drive very regularly. There is so much content in that book and I'm glad I got the audio book version because I doubt I'd take the time to read it otherwise with my crazy schedule and crappy reading habits

            Cindi, you feeling any better?

            so glad I made it to the gym last night in an attempt to burn off some of the cookies I ate while camping. Moooooo! so much for sugar MOD's it's either binge or nothing!

            be well my friends
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              AF Daily - Tuesday - 16 June 2009

              Afternoon abbers!

              Today I pulled off the big girl pants and donned my party pants! I'll always keep my BGPs handy though. Ya never know when you might need them. This was quite a year in the life of the green bean. Thanks very much for hanging in there with me as I bumped along. Support is really a tremendous gift and I am truly appreciative of each one of you. :l
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF Daily - Tuesday - 16 June 2009

                Greenie - once again big congrats on your accomplishment!

                I am feeling a little bit nostalgic this afternoon. I was looking through some of the old pictures and post and recognized so, so many names that don't seem to be around anymore. It made me wonder how many of them had 'graduated' from MWO and how many simply gave up trying....

                I would like to think it trends to the former and not the latter, but I know and understand this disease and know that no matter what the program recovery rates hover around 8%. That means that, out of a group of 100 people, eight people will get and remain sober. How very -- sobering....

                So, I am grateful for this thread and this group of people who are truly working hard towards their sobriety. You are always an inspiration to me because you never give up and are always here for each other (and me)!
                Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                  AF Daily - Tuesday - 16 June 2009

                  Is this your one year celebration, Greenie?? If so......... CONGRATS sister! You have come a LONG way from when you first got here. You are truly one of my inspirations. And I ain't shittin' ya! xoxo

                  Det, I don't think that I have mentioned on the threads that I purchased the book "A New Earth" by Tolle. I have had it sitting on my night table for many moons and have only read about 20 pages. I found it hard to get into. Seeing you speak so highly of it, I just may give it another shot. It could have been my 'head space' at the time of when I first starting to read it.

                  Hello, all Abbers! Another wonderful day in Soberville. Gotta get ready for my physical with Mr. Doctor. All blood work has been done now I guess it is the best part for last. hahahahahaha............... SO NOT!

                  Have a great day everyone! xoxo


                    AF Daily - Tuesday - 16 June 2009

                    AAthlete;637230 wrote: Greenie - once again big congrats on your accomplishment!

                    I am feeling a little bit nostalgic this afternoon. I was looking through some of the old pictures and post and recognized so, so many names that don't seem to be around anymore. It made me wonder how many of them had 'graduated' from MWO and how many simply gave up trying....

                    I would like to think it trends to the former and not the latter, but I know and understand this disease and know that no matter what the program recovery rates hover around 8%. That means that, out of a group of 100 people, eight people will get and remain sober. How very -- sobering....

                    So, I am grateful for this thread and this group of people who are truly working hard towards their sobriety. You are always an inspiration to me because you never give up and are always here for each other (and me)!
                    Very sobering, AA. Another sobering statistic is that 40% of us alcoholics die from our disease. That does not count accidents, etc, it counts physical death due to drinking, it is liver, kidney, brain, heart, failure, etc. On the death certificate COD is alcoholism.

                    I, too, am glad you are all here. Thank you.

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      AF Daily - Tuesday - 16 June 2009

                      Hey guys,

                      Congrats to Greenie! Everybody here is so happy for you I'm sure

                      AA, that a disturbing and frightening statistic, I must prey that me and my fiance are in the 8%, though lately it's seemed less and less likely.

                      And on that note onto well... how things are. I'm not so good at the minute, I've been drinking again n I'm startign to consider that there may be something a little, I don't know how to say it but, wrong with me mentally I suppose. My mother was discussing her schizotypal diorder with me and I realised that so many fo the traits are things that I can see in myself, things like seeing and hearing things that maybe aren't as real as they seem - hearing my name called, looking for who's calling and finding them not there. I guess I'm scared, I don't know what to do, I can't talk to anybody because I'm too frightened. I need help, or somebody to tell me whats going on really. I cannot cope alone anymore.

                      When I was a kid I thought I wanted all the things that I hadn't got, but I learned the hardest way

                      Time to get what I'm really looking for 17/03/10


                        AF Daily - Tuesday - 16 June 2009

                        All, there is nothing wrong with being scared, but you need to be willing to take that first step. Have you talked to a physician about what is going on? That would be my first suggestion, and we can give you all kinds of advice here but at the end of the day all we are experts at is drinking and you already know how to do that! You don't have to be alone - we are always here for you.
                        Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                          AF Daily - Tuesday - 16 June 2009

                          TG, ditto what AA said. additionally I used to suffer from various 'brain things' for lack of a better word that happened to me when I was still of them specifically being hearing my name being called when nobody was around. I'd also hear the phone ringing in my sleep and other freaky crap like that. I think it's obvious that this stuff poisons our minds and bodies and will indeed kill us given the chance. TG the only thing that can put you into (or take you out of) that 8% group is mindset. You must look in the mirror and tell yourself outloud: I CAN DO THIS

                          why? because it's true.
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            AF Daily - Tuesday - 16 June 2009

                            :l 's AllApologies. Geesh, I can tell you some scary stories about me during my heavy vodka drinking days. I even had hallucinations. I kid you not. One time my brother in law came running into my room to see what I was screaming at. I thought there was a dead body hanging in the closet. I have also had two more of them. Also, like Det said, I have heard things and nothing was being said or ringing. I thought I was going off the deep end. Seriously thought I should have been institutionalized!

                            I promise you that your feelings of going mental will subside when you stop drinking. Just because your mother has a mental illness doesn't necessary mean you do.

                            My suggestion to you is to stop drinking, book an appointment with your doctor, get a referral to see a therapist, and then have an assessment. I did this. I had NO clue that I had bi-polar disorder. (Manic Depression). I am on great medication; and if I stay away from the alcohol I am normal and happy as can be. Let a professional help you determine what you may be dealing with; or it even can be a result of your abusing alcohol.

                            I am on Antabuse as a safeguard. You may want to learn more about it as a possible tool when/if you speak with your doctor.

                            Hang in there. Most of us have been in your shoes. xoxo

