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AF Daily Friday 19 June

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    AF Daily Friday 19 June

    Hi all,

    Haven't been around much lately because I am not that good at sharing when times are tough.

    Had my initial assessment to find a counsellor but am still waiting to be allocated one which I am finding stressful but have been sober since Sunday. Taking one day at a time but concentrating on not hurting myself and not drinking.

    Take care all, see that you all have heaps going on in your lives and wish you all well.
    Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
    AF 8 June 2012

    AF Daily Friday 19 June


    If you don't get any joy with the organisation you're going with, I can recommend Turning Point. Turning Point - The UK's leading social care organisation

    Maybe that's who you've gone with, I dunno. I had counselling with them last year and after the assessment (where we also discussed slots that were available and which of their offices would be most convenient for me etc) I was called by "my" counsellor within a couple of days and we settled on a time slot that suited me. From my initial phone call, the process of getting to see a counsellor was very quick.

    They specialise in drugs/alcohol and I went with them because that was the issue I wanted to address, but I suppose you might be going to someone who specialises in something else.

    Anyhoo... just thought I'd let you know. I thought they were very good. Oh, and it's a free service too.
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      AF Daily Friday 19 June

      Hi Loppy, Marshy and all to come

      Hang in there Loppy. As you say take it one day at a time, thats all any of us can do. Have a busy few days coming up getting things ready for going on vacation. My daughter has a show tomorrow so its all go.

      Have a great week-end everyone.



        AF Daily Friday 19 June

        Good morning and TGIF! Loppy thank you for getting us started. Keep hanging in there. I like your focus on not doing things that ultimately hurt you. For me, drinking is right up there at the top of that list.

        Marshy, good to see you as always!

        Rustop, good luck to your DD at the show and mainly, I hope you have a lot of fun.

        Pamina - I'm glad you went for Retail Therapy instead of beer last night. Sounds like a rough session and I wish I could give you a hug. Or a new hand bag. I hope today is better for you.

        This week has had it's challenges for me trying to manage family resentments with Dad in the hospital. All they did this week is tests tests and more tests but the surgeon spoke to him and my Mom yesterday afternoon and the options aren't pretty. But all that aside, despite my best efforts I have spent time being resentful towards my brothers this week for not being here. I posted this on the AA thread but since we have talked off and on about resentments and their negative role in our recoveries here on this thread, you might like it so I'll re-post. For me it's already turning into a good visual!

        An AA friend of mine said this yesterday. "Resentments are like drinking poison yourself and then waiting for someone else to die." Her point being that the person we feel the resentment towards usually either doesn't know or doesn't care about our problem, so we are the only ones who suffer those resentments. So I will be trying to not drink any poison today along with not drinking alcohol today!

        I'm off to the Friday morning leads group meeting and then at some point off to U of Chicago to fetch my Mom and Dad. Have a good day everyone.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AF Daily Friday 19 June

          Hi Loppy, Marshy, Rustop, DG and all to come

          It is a new day, and I feel much better. Thank you all for being here and sharing. It makes it so much easier to battle the cravings from left field when you've got an arsenal of weapons, accumulated over time from all of us, to fall back on. It still floors me that I can be triggered by crap from the past. I'd understand a resentment in the present, but reactions to stuff that is 100% not here today. I call them my 'reflexes'. Spot, dissect, neutralise and ride over with new behaviours. It's slow, like retraining neural pathways. Still, beats drinking any which way you slice it.

          Loppy, I'm glad you've popped back in. Just hang in there ODAT.

          Hi Marshy, haven't seen you in a while either. How were the bike rides during the tube strike?

          Rustop, I love the anticipation-of-holiday time. Enjoy the show.

          DG - lol re the handbag. I think I'll take the hug, thanks. Very good quote about the poison, that's a keeper. I can well imagine the situation with your brothers. My sister wasn't able to help with my parents either. She was ill, and I knew that, but I still had bouts of resentment. What did help me enormously a year ago was that **I** was able to be there. I was very proud of myself. I did what I could and what others did was up to them. Denial comes in all shapes and sizes. It's possible your brothers can't deal with this. You can. Kudos to you. And hugs right back to carry you through this particular day.

          It's Friday and I get to have a proper lunch. Lovely!


            AF Daily Friday 19 June

            Pamina;639657 wrote: How were the bike rides during the tube strike?
            Better than being on a bus I'll wager! Although on that night I went out for a drink with some friends after work and there was very much an atmosphere in the pub of "sod the strike, let's all get drunk instead", which I totally would have once subscribed to, so that was a bit more of a challenge than cycling :H
            Enjoy your lunch. I've got a cheese roll, bag of carrots and an orange at my desk

            DG - I like the idea about resentment as poison. I hope things work out one way or another for you.

            Have a good holiday Rustop!

            Back to the cheese roll...
            AF since December 22nd 2008
            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


              AF Daily Friday 19 June

              Good morning to all!

              Ahhhhhh.... Friday is finally here! I have been busy this week but for some reason, the calendar wasn't jiving with my hectic schedule. I swear yesterday should have been Friday. BUT today it is Friday and for that I am glad!

              I almost forgot it was Father's day this Sunday. Thankfully a friend reminded me on the telephone last night. He is a single dad... and has suggested that he and his daughter come to Victoria for the day and we will take our daughters down to the inner harbour. We will feed the seals at Fisherman's Wharf, and embark on the wonderful entertainment they have down there during the summer. I hope the rain stays away. It sounds like a lot of fun!

              Anyway, Little AFM didn't want to have a bath last night, so I am putting her in the tub this morning. Must run! xoxo


                AF Daily Friday 19 June

                Oh, and of course I will be heading over to my dad's in the AM to cook him breakfast and give him his card beforehand.

                Happy father's day to all on Sunday!


                  AF Daily Friday 19 June

                  Quick fly by to say hello! GF and I are going to a little nearby town to meet up with some others to attend a "Taste of..." The resto vendors have booths set up on main street (well that's pretty much where the resto's are) and serve tapas samplings of one or 2 items from their menu. The last time we went to one it was large, during the afternoon, and hot. The line to the beer tent (draft for a couple bucks) was ridiculous. I was amused and pleased that I wasn't on that page.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Daily Friday 19 June

                    Aloooha Friday Aberoooos!

                    internet is all screwed up so I must be brief. Loppy great to hear from you! I'm also terrible about reaching out when I need to the most. Glad you are AF dear.

                    oh, I have to share this funny thing that happened to me after my workout last night: I got in my car and drove off to notice to my amazement a mouse on the hood of my car. Cute little thing with ears glowing in the late afternoon sun. The little rascal had great balance and never fell off. it climbed up onto the window so I just 'had to' put on the wipers which knocked it back onto the hood but it still didn't fall off the car! so I enjoyed my lively hood ornament for a couple blocks then it either jumped off or went into the engine compartment (not sure which).

                    DG, glad you are finding strength to deal with resentments

                    ok, off and running

                    be well friends and all to come
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      AF Daily Friday 19 June

                      Good Day AF fers --

                      Still here and AF (Whoopeeee). Family health issues had me thinking a bit and remembering back when my own father was ill with Skin Cancer (Melanoma). One of my brothers and my sister really could not tolerate seeing my Dad so sick, to the point where they could not be in the room with him for a long period of time. He was under hospice care at my brother's house, so we were always there. But it is striking how some people can not emotionally handle it. I think that if you can, you will have some precious moments.

                      Anyway off to the Wild (camping), and absolutely no booze for this hearty camper.

                      Hang in there those that are having a rough time....and remember this too shall pass.


