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AF Daily - Saturday - June 20th

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    AF Daily - Saturday - June 20th

    Anger is a condition in which the tongue works faster than the mind. --Anonymous--

    Good morning everyone and happy Saturday to my Abs friends. Hope your weekend is off to a great start!

    Anger is something that is always going to pop up in my life - usually on a daily basis, but I am the one who decides how to deal at it. I can get pissed off and be in a generally bad mood all day long; I can lash out at others in an effort to make myself feel better; I can internalize it all and have a drink to dull the feeling; or I can share it with someone trusted in an effort to get it out, talk about it rationally, and let it go. I can tell you from personal experience that the first three are the easiest - the last one very, very hard. Ironic that the last one is the one that I need to practice in order to stay sober. The key, I think, is not to expect to talk to someone about it and have it go away right away. Instead I need to be patient and keep working on staying positive about it, understanding that other people have issues just like me and no one is perfect. Just like stopping drinking, having a plan in place (and then working that plan) goes a long ways. All I know that being pissed off all the time about money/sex/other people is no fun for me or the people around me and is a perfect recipe for desiring a drink...

    Have a wonderful day everyone!
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."

    AF Daily - Saturday - June 20th

    Good morning AA and all you other abbers!

    Great post AA. Anger and resentment are two demons for me. I have found though, since not drinking, that I am naturally less angry. I think I blame less. I love your "key" it is a great plan to have and practice. Can't say that I've been pissed off about sex lately though. I suppose you first need a partner. :H

    I'm off to take the kitty to the vet for his annual. On the way I'll prepare my wallet for the shock. I imagine many pets are feeling the effect of the state of the economy. I know may shelters are. I would like to adopt another little doggie, but can't right now.

    The little food festivle was good but it was almost unbearably hot. My friends drank beers, and the thought didn't appeal to me at all. I was happy with my water bottle. My favorites were barbequed shrimp and bacon kabobs, tenderloin kabobs with a chili marinade, she crab soup and key lime pie. The music and setting were perfect. And it was short and sweet, 5 -7:30.

    Have a good day! Stay cool!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily - Saturday - June 20th

      Afternoon all,

      Am off to a BBQ with loads of people I don't know and only a few that I do. A stressful situation for me but I've popped an antabuse so cannot give in no matter how strong the temptation.

      Anger.... One of those emotions I always internalise. I had cause to think of this a few weeks back when I realised I hadn't shouted at anyone in nine years and it is not because I don't feel like it.

      Anyway running late, everyone have a brilliant day, wish the weather was better but never mind.

      Take care
      Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
      AF 8 June 2012


        AF Daily - Saturday - June 20th

        greeneyes;640580 wrote: Anger and resentment are two demons for me. I have found though, since not drinking, that I am naturally less angry. I think I blame less. I love your "key" it is a great plan to have and practice. Can't say that I've been pissed off about sex lately though. I suppose you first need a partner. :H
        Good post, AA. Ditto on what Greenie had said. I find that I am a lot less angry now that I am not drinking. I am a complete nut bar and very easily agitated; and I tend to have outbursts the day after a good night's of drinking. To be perfectly honest; it is very rare for me to be angry when I am not drinking. I am mellow-yellow for the most part when AF.

        As for the sex - :H I am with Greenie on that one as well.

        Anger and resentment was a huge reason why I drank to begin with. Good topic, thank you.

        Well, good morning, Abbers!

        I am feeling very energetic today so I think I will get off of this thing and do something productive this AM. Then I am going out for a coffee, doing some shopping, clean the house and then a bike ride with Little AFM.

        Have a great day everyone! xoxo


          AF Daily - Saturday - June 20th

          Good Morning everyone....I woke up way to early but getting anxious about vacation coming this Wednesday...I always get like that before I go off for a few days. I have such an addictive personality it comes out somewhere....since I'm not drinking or smoking...I'm spending. Oh well one thing at a time. Anger....that was a big one for me too but like some of you said since your not drinking the anger isn't quite so bad. I had to deal with it last weekend...and I felt a little and hubby quite smoking at the same time and that was the first big test since I had quite. But I know I need to work on some alternatives...that time I just got away for awhile ( a casino no less) but didn't blow any of my quits thank goodness. My sister was there too but don't think I could do that very often...a bit slippery. I just recieved my book yesterday MWO and it looks like it's going to be a really good read. Oh well I need to get busy on some stuff around this house....hope everyone has a great day.



            AF Daily - Saturday - June 20th


            :welcome: to the AF Daily thread. This is a great bunch of people here. Once you get to know us all, I am sure you will agree.

            We are all looking for abstinence on this thread and support each other in that endeavor.

            AF April 9, 2016


              AF Daily - Saturday - June 20th

              Hope everybody's doing well on here, I haven't been on to see in a while. Anyway, I hope everybody is doing good, I won't be here tomorrow, maybe again sometime soon though. Love to you all

              When I was a kid I thought I wanted all the things that I hadn't got, but I learned the hardest way

              Time to get what I'm really looking for 17/03/10


                AF Daily - Saturday - June 20th

                Hello friends!
                I'm "home" for my class reunion and we got together last night at the bar. I can't begin to tell you how badly I *needed* about 3 beers and 6 ciggies to try to feel comfortable walking in there. But I sucked it up so to speak and drank my na beer. When someone bought a round somehow I ended up with a bud light. I wasn't sure what to do but ended up taking it back and exchanged it for the na beer. I was so tired today it almost felt like a hangover. Tonight we are getting together again tonight but I don't think there will be any temptation as I will have to drive. My kids even have me permission to drink! I told them I wasn't planning on it.
                Well I better get ready!
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  AF Daily - Saturday - June 20th

                  Happy Sat ABerooooos!

                  not very talkative at the moment, we went to a friends house that has pets and I had to take a benadryl to fight off allergies so now I'm vewy sweepy....zzzzzzzzzzzz

                  welcome Sunnydaz! glad you got the book.

                  TG, glad you popped in, been wondering bout you.

                  off to make some espresso, be well friends
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    AF Daily - Saturday - June 20th

                    Hello everyone. Just a quick pop in to say hello, and AA thank you for starting the thread today and choosing such a relevant topic! Were you reading my mind? (or my posts or my sig line???? ) Anger & resentments are such a challenge. But I know that finding better ways to deal with it is key to my peace of mind and my sobriety.

                    I find the serenity prayer very helpful as a reminder that there is PLENTY in the wold - in fact most of it - that is outside of my control that I need to just accept. Acceptance and wisdom are big issues for me and it's nice to have that prayer as a reminder of that.

                    Your point AA is a very good one about talking it out. For me I'm trying to get wiser about WHO I choose to talk to about stuff like this. I have a tendency to want to have a bitch session with someone who will completely agree that I am totally right to be mad as hell. While that might feel good temporarily, that is not the right solution in the long run, just like drinking to feel better is not. Wise counsel. Still working on that. And then of course being willing to listen to words of wisdom when they are offered rather than going back to the old ways of wanting support for my bad position.

                    Anyway, enough rambling! Great food for thought on this thread as always.

                    Dad was moved today to a nursing home where he will likely stay until July 7 when he goes back to the hospital for the Big Surgery. He is not happy about it - he wanted to go home. They want him on IV anti-biotics though, so the nursing home it is. I swear he is trying out for the lead role in Grumpy Old Men II - The Sequel From Hell. I can't say I'm looking forward to spending father's day with him, but will do it anyway because it is the right thing to do. I'm sure I will be glad in the end for doing the right thing by him.

                    Hello to everyone and special :welcome: to Sunny! This is a good thread. I hope you will join us when you can and tell us more about yourself. AF is good. Very good. Special hello too to TG. Hope you are doing OK. Tell us more about what's up when you can OK? Mean time hope you are enjoying at least some of your summer time of youth!

                    Thank you so much to everyone here for listening to me ad nauseum about my Dad and me me me. You guys are the best and thi forum and all of you Daily AFers are so important to my sobriety. There aren't enough words to thank you all. We should make up some new words for stuff like this. Sobersupportastic or something.

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.

