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three weeks AF

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    three weeks AF

    Hi, everyone. I am now turning to my fourth week as AF. This weekend, I had some social/situational wine triggers, but had Perrier water with lime, while others had champagne and wine, etc. I was up at 6:15 Sunday morning to take my nephew to the airport, and realized what a difference it is to greet the day happily rather than grudgingly. Also, my workout program is also going great; three times a week I'm up at 6:30 and working out for an hour. The supplements I'm taking are playing a huge role in keeping my sugar/wine cravings in check.

    Last weekend, my husband and I got up early Saturday morning and did a bunch of errands by 11:00 a.m. I mentioned how in the past, 11 a.m. would be the time I'd be getting out of bed (due to drinking a bottle and a half of wine the night before!). My husband said, "Well, now you've got a full life, instead of a half one." So true.

    Hope everyone does well as we proceed through the month of June AF!!!!

    three weeks AF



      three weeks AF

      Great stuff Macbarry. Isnt it amazing what a difference not drinking makes to our every day lives?
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        three weeks AF

        Good going Macberry! I like your observations about how much better you feel just going about the day to day things in life. I want my sober life way more than I want to drink, that's for sure. Keep it going! WE CAN!!

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          three weeks AF

          Macberry -- :goodjob:

          Good for you and keep up the good work. I espically liked what your husband said to you. "Now you have a full life, instead of half". Oh Yeah.....I can truly relate to how good you are feeling. I too have been AF for three weeks and am right in there with you cheering you on. :yougo::yougo:



            three weeks AF

            Two thumbs up! I like your husband's comment. Keep up the great AF work!


              three weeks AF

              Bravo! Great that your spouse is so supportive too. Onward and upward!! :goodjob:


                three weeks AF

                Thank you all for your responses!!!!

                Thanks to all of you who sent me an affirming posting today. I soooooooooo appreciate your support and presence; it is most heartening to be on this journey with others like yourselves! I've let my husband read your replys, and I told him my "support group" appreciates his support of me! For now, goodnight from the mid-west u.s.a. :thanks:


                  three weeks AF

                  thanks macbarry, I stopped May 15, 2009. Just stopped. So it's been almost 6 weeks. Weekends are bad though. Trying to keep my mind busy. Started walking around the Rose Bowl Saturdays and Sundays, but I'm experienceing craving for sweet stuff - you know, sugar - and I've never had a sweet tooth before. Have you experienced this? Any solutions? I don't want to replace alcohol sugar with donut sugar. Thanks.:new:


                    three weeks AF

                    Great job Macberry - its a new life that is FREE of so many things that held us back. Keep up the good work!

                    Solid - it was April 15 for me and my body wanted me to replace all the suagr and carbs of my daily wine. I couldn't believe how much of that I was eating. but I let it ride, because getting AF was the priority. I used L-glutamine, but not faithfully. MAny people swear by it.


                      three weeks AF

                      Hi, solidgone!

                      Hi, solidgone. I've just now read your posting. To tell you a bit about me, I started my substance abuse problem at 14 with sugar stuff (candy/cookies/etc). I was a binge eater for years, but didn't throw-up...just got fat (+20-25 pounds usually). My substance of choice shifted in my early 30's to wine. I lost the "candy"weight, and I was able to maintain strict limits on alcohol (i.e. I only had wine while out socially...and I'm not one to get drunk in public). This shifted to drinking wine alone (my habit had gotten to bottle and a half of wine on most nights).

                      Found this MWO site in May (see my posting earlier this evening for a recap of my journey so far). I have found good food (no fast food/no "junk" food/etc), regular exercise, and supplements (especially L-glutamine and L-theanine) have kept my cravings in check.

                      And...I always keep my blood sugar level with proper protein/high fiber/healthy fats throughout the day (or I get cranky and will splurge on whatever is close by). For instance, my husband and I ran errands mid-afternoon, and I made sure I had an Atkins' bar (140 calories) and a motzarella stick (50 calories) in my purse. I needed to eat them to stabilize my blood sugar before we had time to finally stop for out meal.

                      Hope this helps...and, a very warm welcome to you! :welcome:

