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AF Daily - Tuesday, June 23rd

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    AF Daily - Tuesday, June 23rd

    Kind of getting a late start today! I am feeling kind of quiet today, all the way around, and haven't much to contribute here, but at least I shall get the thread started. Then, I will plug along and get on with my day!

    DG, I am very glad your Dad is in a nice facility. That makes all the difference!!

    Deter, I can't wait to hear about your adventures!

    Everyone: I hope you all have a fab day and meet your goals as well!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    AF Daily - Tuesday, June 23rd

    Hi Dill & all to come,

    Plugging/plodding along very nicely here.

    I was woken up at 1am and again at 3am by foxes in the park outside. They make such a deathly screaming noise. The first time I heard it when I'd just moved in here, I thought a woman was being attacked in the park and I leapt out of bed only to see a bunch of foxes rolling around and having a whale of a time. Little beasts :H

    Have a happy day!
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      AF Daily - Tuesday, June 23rd

      Good morning!

      DG, from your thread yesterday; I am glad that your dad got into a decent facility. Father's day must have been a tad bit more pleasant for all of you. xoxo

      Monday went relatively fast. At least the evening did. Little AFM and I did the usual evening bike ride/jog and I am feeling a bit stiff for some reason this morning. I think that I should start to take the l-glut again for this purpose. Feeli'n' great these days. Loads of energy, my skin has stopped breaking out (due to liver detox I am assuming), and I am starting to see results of my exercising. Me, likey!

      Today, I have a half day at work. In the afternoon. So, I am going to drop Little AFM off at daycare and head over to my dad's house. His wife is gone to Nova Scotia this month to visit with her mom (a well deserved break after the many months of my dad going through cancer, surgery, chemo, radiation, etc.) I am going to mow their lawns, weed-eat, weed/water the gardens. I really enjoy stuff like that and where I live it is Strata and the Strata hires people to take care of the common areas.

      So that is all for me. Have a great day everyone! xoxo


        AF Daily - Tuesday, June 23rd

        Morning all.

        Fell down yesterday. Had to be honest.

        Back in the saddle. One day will not turn into more.

        Had scary talk with doctor yesterday. Apparently MS is on the table again. Oh well. Whatever is, is. Right?

        Hope all have a good day. I am determined to.

        AF April 9, 2016


          AF Daily - Tuesday, June 23rd

          Good morning, my AF friends!

          Yep, it's me! Back in the AF saddle. It's good to see everyone. I am so grateful that I can come back here and see, feel and give the support we all need to fight this fight. So, thank you all!

          I will catch up over the next while, but for now, let's just say I am taking it slow and steady. I am not going to over-think my days. The only goal is to not drink. I am on day 4 today, and I know the next few days are crutial. Day 4/5/6 are the hardest for me. When I get past that, I gain a lot of strength.

          My main goal besides not drinking is to kick start my healthy eating again. I have been off and on with that and my exercize for the past month, or so. We have had the weirdest weather! It has rained EVERYDAY for the last 31 days straight. I don't think that has helped my brain, and definately my butt! Not to fear, the sun is out today and it looks like we may finally see summer now.

          I will check in later tonight. DD is in a softball tounement. It is SO stinkin' cute to watch her!

          Have a fabulous day!


          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


            AF Daily - Tuesday, June 23rd

            Oh, Cindi - I am so sorry to hear about your Dr. appt. I'm glad you are not going to let your one day turn into more. You saying "whatever is, is" is obvioulsy right, but I think taking a positive stance on that phrase may help. I believe everything does happen for a reason, but we can definately have a strong impact depending on how we react it. Our attitude toward the "what is" dramatically efffects the outcome of our day and ultimately our lives and how we live it, especially how when it comes to AL. That is one thing we do have a say so in. I remember meeting a woman in recovery that had cancer, and she said: "I can't do shit about one disease, but I can the other - that is my power".

            Stay strong and please share how you are feeling.


            Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


              AF Daily - Tuesday, June 23rd

              Welcome back, MM! One day at a time! I had to do the same. I found that days 4/5 were the hardest for me. That is when I start to feel better and the rollercoaster ride begins. UGH!

              Cindi, hang in there. One day is not the end all, if you don't let it be. I hope that it isn't MS you are dealing with. Prayers for you, hon! xoxo


                AF Daily - Tuesday, June 23rd

                Good Morning everyone...leaving tomorrow for vacation but will try to check in when I can...this really starts me day off good. I don't know about you guys but I get totally stressed out before a trip....don't know why really...leaving my comfort zone I guess. But I doing the right things...making a list, listening to some relaxation cds and taking my supplements that will help me stay more calm. Before I would have gotten drunk and had a real mess before I'm was leaving....but that's the old me.
                Dill...sometimes when we are still we learn the most about ourselves.
                Marshy....I had to laugh when you were talking about the foxes.....when we were in the southern part of the state I had seen just about everything on our back patio from racoons, squirrils and possums....coming from the west that was way different for me.
                Accountable for me....I didn't realize L-glut was also good for sore muscles...just learning all this stuff.
                Cindi....just get right back on the can do it. And don't be too hard on yourself.
       are such an inspiration....I too am trying to eat least make better choices.
                To all of you have a great day and I will be leaving tomorrow so I will check in when I can

                Hugs, Sunnydaz


                  AF Daily - Tuesday, June 23rd

                  Opps kind of repeat myself...oh well...maybe should read before I post



                    AF Daily - Tuesday, June 23rd

                    Evening everyone.

                    DG glad to here that the facilities for your Dad are OK it makes such a difference to know your loved ones are in safe hands.

                    Good news I now have an appointment with the counsellor I am to be working with.It is on 30 June. Who would have thought it would take this long to sort out. I first asked for help via my GP in Feb 2008. She refered me to the in practice shrinks.........who didn't want to see me until I got sober.... So I was refered to Turning point....... Who felt that because I worked in town would not be able to access there services sufficiently....... but they refered me to a project in town.......... who didn't want to help because I didn't do the sniffy stuff as well........ but they refered me to an alcohol project..... who wouldn't help because I live in the wrong postcode....... but refered me back to my GP......... who refered me to a local private practitioner ....... who would love to help but couldn't find a slot in his diary.

                    By that time I'd been sober for about 6 months and thought I could do it on my own. How wrong I was. I don't know how I would have got this far without you lot. You make it all bearable even at the blackest times.

                    Hope everyone else struggling to stay sober finds whatever help they need and that everyone stays well.

                    I'm off to reread my copy of MWO. Think I need some of those little trick we learn in early recovery and then forget when we have been sober for a while and a trying to deal with relapses.

                    Take care all.
                    Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
                    AF 8 June 2012


                      AF Daily - Tuesday, June 23rd

                      Hi folks,

                      Hang in there Cindi while they work out what's really going on. As I recall, an acquaintance had MS and it responded well to vitamin D.

                      Welcome back MM, sounds like you're well on your way.

                      AFM, you seem very chipper lately, good for you!

                      Sunny, happy holidays and try to stay in touch.

                      Marshy, we had foxes in the park too when I lived closer to the centre. Merry little creatures, they are.

                      Thanks for that Guardian article, I looked up the entire thing. I read the Guardian all the time until they changed the layout and I never got used to the new one. He talked about change being incremental, with two steps forward and one step back.

                      That's where I'm at right now. Nothing drastic but it feels like one step back. Or it might just be a transitional funk. I've had a busy but mindless period at work for about 6-7 weeks which finally came to an end yesterday. For the next 1,5 months the work is all cerebral with flexible hours. I need to organise myself and my time. Which is both good and scary. Then for the past 2 months I've been making headway with one set of issues in counselling, and now a new hydra needs tackling. Sometimes I just wish Tinkerbell would wave a magic wand to 'fix' me once and for all. I even considered buying a bottle of rose wine at the supermarket today. For about 30 seconds. Then I bought strawberries instead.

                      Greenie, I might need to borrow those BGP for a few days...

                      Happy plodding/plugging, everybody!


                        AF Daily - Tuesday, June 23rd

                        Cross posted, Loppy. Goodness me what a run around. I'm so happy you're finally able to get started next week. Very good news indeed!


                          AF Daily - Tuesday, June 23rd

                          Hi AFreedom Riders -

                          Still here, just no time to post, but I am reading and still AF - I think it's about 10 weeks. I still keep saying I wasn't planning on doing this "forever', as thoughts of wine have been lurking, but so far I just keep passing it up.

                          Will catch up when more time. Good luck Loppy - you will be so gald when you start your sessions. Welcome back MedMa! I remeber you back when I was here before as Go2Goal. Glad you are with us. Good days to all.



                            AF Daily - Tuesday, June 23rd

                            Hi there,
                            Well it is quite a ride this isnt it? Here I am still sober. I never thought I could do it but I have. My emphasis is mostly on the huge mountain of psychological crap inside this madhead of mine. Occasionally I come here.. I think some people come here every day.. but I dont. I come here and there are a few posts that I read in lnog term abs that really inspire me.. I think those people are not here anymroe but what they said rings true for me.

                            Im not going back to the madenss.


                              AF Daily - Tuesday, June 23rd

                              Good evening, all!

                              Just a quick check in. I hope everyone is having a wonderful evening. I had a very brief moment of wanting to have a glass of wine with dinner, but it went away very quickly. I am happy because it is night 4 for me, which has been difficult for me in the past. I am home safe, sound and happy to be sober. I'm off to bed with a smile on my face.

                              Sleep well, everyone...


                              Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.

