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AF Daily Thurs 25th June 09

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    AF Daily Thurs 25th June 09


    Thought i'd start off today's thread seeing as no-one else has.

    Recently I've been spending less and less time on MWO but I still try and read the threads from time to time although I can rarely think of anything interesting to post!! i'm still committed to staying AF - almost into my 8th month now.

    I'll drop by again later - have a good day everyone.

    Sausage xx

    AF Daily Thurs 25th June 09


    Thank you for starting the thread.

    Almost 8 months. Wow.

    I am doing well, myself, despite my stupid actions on Monday. I kind of hate the "starting over" but you really do start over if you made a conscious decision to drink. So, I start again.

    But I am having fabulous results from the Baclofen. The physical need, the one where there is a compulsion to drink, is greatly lessened. This helps me deal so much better with that psycological dependence.

    I am going to try to get to AA today. We have a small meeting at 6:30 not too far from the house. I hope to have my client squared away by then so I can go.

    Here is hoping all to come have a sober day. One filled with the goodness that sobriety brings.

    AF April 9, 2016


      AF Daily Thurs 25th June 09

      Greetings all,
      Cindi, i think you'd make an excellent drug and alcohol counsellor one day, if you had the inclination. You are a wealth of life experience, that many would gain from. The thought just occured to me, so thought i'd post it. So,.......... Bewdy Newc!

      Have a safe, sober af day folk's.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        AF Daily Thurs 25th June 09

        Hi Sausage, Cinders and Guitarista and all to come!

        Thank you for the kickstart, Sausage, and don't be a stranger!!! I am glad you are posting.

        Cinders, you are doing so well! It's great to read your posts. They are so positive and uplifting. I don't know if you are "starting over". That sounds like going back to the beginning and you are no where near where you were when you began with MWO, are you? I think not.
        Cindi, i think you'd make an excellent drug and alcohol counsellor one day, if you had the inclination.
        Gutarista, that is very true.

        From today's Recovery Readings:

        The benefit of a spiritual program is the development of integrity in
        my life. Integrity is having an honest respect for myself; it is
        respecting who I am and how I live in the world. Integrity also
        becomes a bridge by which I can reach my fellow man. My respect for
        my life develops a respect for others. My determination to have
        integrity affects the way I treat you. Integrity gives me freedom to be
        -- and this allows for an acceptance of you.

        When I was reading this I thought of the golden rules in Christianity that I was taught as a child: Love Thyself. Love Thy neighbor as Thyself. That's what it boils down to, I think. Easy to say, sometimes hard to do!

        Oh, I got my bike out, cleaned up and put air in the tires. Today I will check out the brakes, and then if I'm feeling "brave" enough :H, I'll take it for a spin!!! It's been YEARS!!!

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          AF Daily Thurs 25th June 09

          Morning abberees and abberettes!

          Thanks sausage - pushin' eight.... ain't it great!

          Cindi, I'm so glad you're responding well to the balcofen. I think guitarista is right.

          Whassa Bewdy Newc?

          Not much happening here, but that's good. I like that aspect of my life because I no longer need to stir it up. I can enjoy it as it is.

          Hope everyone enjoys their day, whatever kind it is.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily Thurs 25th June 09

            Good morning, all!

            Thank you Dill for that passage, it was very beautiful and important. I keep hearing and seeing those words in different ways the past few days. I keep getting messages to care for myself. Boy, I wish I was getting messages to care for someone else, that is so much easier for me. But, I know right now, for me to stay sober and stay on this path, I must start to put myself first. It almost chokes me to even write it. I have so much happiness, love and compassion - why can't I turn some of this inward?

            My DD is going with her Dad for the weekend starting tonight. I am kind of scared because having her around helps me not want to drink. I have to move very slowly over the next few days so I have time to think about my actions. I have a plan to talk to my guy in Seattle tonight, plant flowers, hike and stay close to MWO. I will NOT be drinking! Today, my day 6, I will not drink.

            I hope everyone has a fabulous day! I will have much time to catch up with all my beautiful friends here over the next three days. I look forward to it..

            Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


              AF Daily Thurs 25th June 09

              Well done, Sausage!

              I have to run. I will read up later. xoxo


                AF Daily Thurs 25th June 09

                Good Morning AFreedom Riders! (Shouting it like Robin Williams)

                Its great to hear from everyone that we are just moving forward....not too much looking back, please, just look ahead to what can be our new lives.

                I have been having thoughts about drinking some wine - 'just to enjoy a lovely summer evening', my mind tells me. And I haven't decided if this AF life is 'forever', so I am at risk, I know. So, what I am trying to do is focus on having a filled AF life. Last night I wanted wine at dinner time, but did not. I took a 17 mile bike ride after dinner that I WOULD NOT have done had I had that wine. SO trying to find AF activities and people to be with, which has meant less social time. I guess I am jumping that bridge from doing fine AF when not social, now need to add in social and not have all my time as 'work'.

                Thanks for all the toughts and encouragement put into this thread!


                  AF Daily Thurs 25th June 09

                  Happy Thursday ABenators!!!!

                  MedMama, congrats on 6+ AF. keeping all the positive activities lined up is the best way I think.

                  Cindi, so glad baclofen is helping you.

                  Dill, enjoy your bike ride!

                  I had an annoying drinking dream last night, it was very vivid and briefly disturbing. They used to bother me for hours or days but now I just let them go as 'anomalies of my subconscious'. and thankfully I have them less often now.

                  back to the gym tonight. woooooo! can't wait. haven't been since Friday.

                  AFM, Hidden, Sausage, Greeneyes, Guitarista and anyone I misssed, and all to come....

                  be well
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    AF Daily Thurs 25th June 09

                    Hidden, 17 mile ride AFTER dinner? wow! kudos to you dear!
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)

