I was thinking this morning about when I first started quitting alc. I was absolutely obsessed with thoughts of alc and was struggling mightily with the compulsion to drink! I am so grateful to be away from that now and to be able to look at it with objectivity. I recall that when I first started to quit, I had to channel my obsession in more "healthy" ways. I started to compulsively read books about alcohics and recovery. I looked for movies and song about that topic. I mean I HAD to have some contact with alc!!! It's really quite amazing to me in looking back, just how desperate I felt. I am grateful, so very grateful, to be past that and to be able to look at it with some objectivity.
Well, my bike is not road-worthy. The rear brakes are not working and the front tire won't hold air. The whole thing needs a lot of attention as it was stored for too long in our old barn and exposed to too much air/moisture fluctuations. I have to decide if I want to refurbish or buy new. I did take a spin in the driveway, and it felt really great!
I hope you all have a fab Friday!