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Thoughts on going the month of June AF

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    Thoughts on going the month of June AF

    Hi, everyone. I found this site the end of May '09 and made the following decisions:

    1. order the MWO book

    2. make an appointment with my primary care md. and be honest about my drinking and ask for advice on A. pharmaceuticals and B. a recommendation for a therapist for behavioral help

    3. commit to an intense workout schedule (up at 6:30 M-W-F for an hour workout/plus, at least 16 miles a week on the elliptical) NOTE: I am not a morning person!

    4. get the nutritional supplements recommended in MWO and use them daily

    5. maintain a journal of accountability (i.e.exercise/food/weight/general thoughts/etc)

    6. commit to AF starting June 1st, '09

    Here are my experiences being AF for these 30 days:

    1. getting up in the morning is a pleasure/joy; going to bed at 9:00/9:30 p.m. is a bit weird, but I've been pooped with hard workouts and early mornings. (By the way, my husband told a friend from Maryland I was getting up at 6:30 to workout, and he responded, "P.M.???" So, no exaggeration that I'm known NOT to be a morning person!

    2. Perrier and lime is pleasant instead of wine at restaurants/saving the wine calories is allowing me to make headway on getting my 20+ pounds of "wine-weight" off

    3. my face does not look bloated/I sleep soundly/I wake-up clear-headed and without remorse or confusion

    4. my supplements permit me not to have "wine/sugar" cravings and, thus, I feel "still" not aggitated

    5. my workouts are making me feel strong/healthy/empowered/proud of myself

    6. my therapist (recommended by my md.) has truly helped-me-help-myself by growing in self-knowlege and self-awareness (yes, in only a month so far; though, I see him twice a week)

    7. my experience following other members' journeys on this MWO site has been truly inspiring, and I am continually struck by others honesty, vulnerability, triumphs, and backsteps

    8. attitude as I turn to July is to proceed with peace and continue to choose to

    lean into light and live
    ...fully and not partially!

    May all you monthly AF members know you are in my thoughts this evening and as we all proceed into this next month. For now, goodnight from the mid-west u.s.a. :h

    Thoughts on going the month of June AF


    That's incredible progress. You really had a well thoughtout plan. Big Kudos for getting up early! I'm a morning person but that seems like one of the most difficult changes. I can imagine that was tough! What a great post to read this morning. Join us on the daily thread this month!


      Thoughts on going the month of June AF

      Macbarry thanks for your good post, I hope those starting out on this journey can gain some encouragement from your story. It can be done if we really want it with all our hearts. Good luck in July and keep up the good work.
      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


        Thoughts on going the month of June AF

        Very inspiring post, mac!

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          Thoughts on going the month of June AF

          Talk about "truly inspiring"!! Your post is just that to me.

          I have also bought the book, cd's, supps and look forward to success as you have achieved.

          THANK YOU!
          AF/SF - November 23, 2014


            Thoughts on going the month of June AF

            MacB, thank you so much for sharing your experience! Congrats on 30 days and may you fully enjoy your AF days ahead.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.

