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AF Daily - Thursday July 2nd

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    AF Daily - Thursday July 2nd

    I'm first again. The dog slept in after a day @ camp and a 5-mi walk to a swimming hole. He has a great life.

    DG - yes that is my pupster, Speed, caught in my training treat pouch. I need to crop the photo and resize. I got frustrated just resizing but now it's too small. How's dad?

    LVT - so sorry about hubby, don't sweat talking with us. Maybe there will be a time when he's in a good mood that you can talk about it again.

    TG - good to hear from you, how's the bass practice?

    DET - my garlic is curing in the basement, when 1st hung to dry it really made the basement smell wonderful. I need to try some this weekend.

    Speaking of weekend, it starts a day early as tomorrow is the observed Independence Day here in the states! I'll be focused on the garden and farmers market. Corn and peaches are in and I always freeze a bunch. I need to get started while it's young & fresh. I will not be attending any picnics, and I will be AF this holiday weekend.

    OH! I plan to let the officers and board of directors of a small non-profit that I'm president AND treasurer of that I will run our quarterly mtg next week, but step down for the next mtg. I've been prez for 3 yrs also filled in as Treasurer for last 2 yrs. I will stick with Treasurer but give up the leader role. I've agonized over this for months and it's silly. I'm burned out & someone else can step up. Of course, I said I was going to resign last year too......I MUST this time.

    Have a great AF Thursday, must go wake the dog and walk him. He can sleep while I'm at work. What a life.

    AF Daily - Thursday July 2nd

    Speedster, you're always #1 in my book and thanks for getting us started! Great to hear that you have a fun weekend planned. Farmer's Markets are awesome for fresh wholesome food, and in my humble opinion it tastes so much better.

    That is one of the keys in our lives I think - slowing down and taking a little time for ourselves. I get so worked up maximizing my time that even on my days off I feel like a lazy slug if I am not constantly doing something. I sometimes wonder if that isn't just my way of propping myself up sometimes and making me feel more important (how can work get by without me) then I might really be! That is part of my whole sobriety program - learning how to feel comfortable with myself and who I am so that I don't feel that need to be constantly busy. Certainly a work in progress for me!

    Have a great day (or day off) everybody!
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


      AF Daily - Thursday July 2nd

      Good Day AFFers.

      Great start Speedster.

      Just wanted to poop in for a quick hello and to say "Thanks" for everyone on this thread today....


      AA -- I think it is very important to stay busy, but you should do things that make you truly happy and not things that make others happy. I am the type of person too who likes to be doing something all the time and I have lots of responsiblity, so things must get done and I like to be busy. BUT I am trying to put some things in there that are for me and just me (and not the ego part of me). I don't think it is as easy as it sounds and as you said "a work in progress".

      Take care everyone and have a wonderful weekend. Off on vacation for me. YEAH.


        AF Daily - Thursday July 2nd

        AA & Free bird - yes that's the root of my problem, I do things because I'm suppose to and don't necessarily want to. I seem to add to my activities and commitments and never drop any.

        I have always been good about getting a full 8 hrs sleep but when I'm up, I'm the EverReady Bunny.

        A friend said he was at a home owners' association meeting and they were looking for new officers. A current officer rattled off ALL the things he had going on his life and he STILL found time for the association -- basically guilting people into volunteering. When they approached my friend, he said "I don't want to" and they were speechless and moved on to the next person.
        I Don't Want to be Prez.
        I Don't Drink.

        Freebird - have a great vacation!


          AF Daily - Thursday July 2nd

          Morning all!

          Getting nervous already about the weekend coming up and a holiday weekend at that. I'll be hanging here for most of it.

          Wish everyone a healthy sober day.
          AF/SF - November 23, 2014


            AF Daily - Thursday July 2nd

            Good morning!

            I know that all of you that are nervous about the upcoming July 4th festivities are going to do just fine! I use to get drunk every Canada Day, and I believe that yesterday was the first in many years that I was sober. I had a GREAT time! I also love waking up hangover free and not having to nurse myself back to life for 3 days!

            Well, I must run. I have an early meeting this AM which requires pulling the pantyhose out (I detest pantyhose). But you gotta do what ya gotta do!

            Have a great day everyone!


              AF Daily - Thursday July 2nd

              Good morning, my dearest Abber-soldiers!!!

              I'm awake after a full 8 hours of sleep!!! YAY! The first since being AF almost two weeks ago. This is a very good sign for me and I know now that I am on the upswing. Now I feel like I can go full steam into life.

              Yes, I am with all of you AF-Americans that will be celebrating the 4th of July this weekend. I have a very strict plan in place. I will have my daughter and have made all very family-oriented plans. Parade, BBQ (at the park - no AL), antique fair and fireworks. I have to work Friday and Monday, so it is really just Sunday that I have off and I am going to fore go Sunday parties this year. I was actually AF last 4th of July, so I will just follow that same plan. I actually am not worried. I have NO DESIRE to drink!! YAY for that, too.. But, I still have to be very careful cuz you never know if something may temp or trigger.

              I have to run.. Early, busy day.

              Make it a GREAT one!

              Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                AF Daily - Thursday July 2nd

                Thank you to everyone for the advice and encouragement. I sometimes find myself slipping into the old patterns I had when married to my first alcoholic husband. (Nope--didn't learn my lesson--this one was better!):H A lot of it is a control issue for me I know. I just get so irritated with him. It is always best if I can simply be in bed (pretending to be asleep) when he gets home like last night. I'd like to be able to talk to him and nudge him to get honest about his drinking--but with this guy I'm afraid it would have the opposite effect! He has always been quite rebellious and hasn't outgrown that.
                It was so hot yesterday I got done working about the same time he did, the kids were at home, so on a whim I called him and invited him for ice cream. He did come (which kinda surprised me) but only ordered tea. I made a comment about ice cream interfering with his beer drinking (he obviously was thinking about). We talked about "stuff" for about 20 minutes then I went home and he went to the beer store and over to a friends to work on our son's car. He was hinting around about going to the bar-asked me what I was going to do--and I might have gone, except I had things I had to do at home.
                Long story, but I guess that I'm trying to pound it into my brain, that he is going to do this, and he will pay the price ultimately. Yes, someday I will talk to him, but I will have to be very careful how and what I say. Afterall--just because I changed, doesn't mean he wants to. I'm so glad I did though, so my kids have 1 role model now.
                And, I'm sure I feel one helluva lot better than he did this morning all reeking of beer and got called in to work. :H
                This will be my 2nd af 4th of July. I used to drink quite a bit in order to handle all the fireworks that make me so nervous. No more!
                Ok, gotta run. Have a great one all! :h
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  AF Daily - Thursday July 2nd


                  I listened to an AA speaker mp3 yesterday that was amazing. It was two alcoholics living together. They had a child.

                  The mother started going to AA but did not push him to go at all. She just changed her life and sobered up.

                  He continued with massive drinking and DUIs, etc.

                  One day after a week long blackout, where he woke up with a bottle in one hand and a loaded and cocked gun in the other, he went back to AA for the second time and has been sober since.

                  They renewed their vows sometime later.

                  Their daughter looks at them with love and respect now. She even accompanies her dad on his speaker engagements, and he says she looks up at him at the podium with pride and love on her face. So unlike the times when he was drinking when he saw distrust and hate.

                  Just keep doing what you are doing. It is all you can do. I am incredibly amazed that you have been able to stay sober with a drinker in the house. Lots of kudos to you. The pride I feel for you is boundless. I am not sure I could do it.

                  It is a long story, but if you are interested, here is the link to download these speaker meetings. This one was Bill S from Roswell, GA. I downloaded it because he spoke at my home group.

                  AA Speaker Tapes : Find Alcoholics Anonymous Speakers

                  Even if you don't like AA, the speaker meetings are incredibly inspirational. You always find a little bit of yourself in their stories.

                  On my front, I was sober yesterday and I am looking forward to a sober day today.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    AF Daily - Thursday July 2nd


                    Just saying hello. Wishing everyone well.
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      AF Daily - Thursday July 2nd

                      Happy Thursday ABeroooooos!

                      wow, what wonderfully insightful posts.

                      AAth, I am also finding myself drawn to introspection these days. Questioning my motivations and responses. I'm finding a lot of my 'programming' is fear based.

                      Lets have a wonderful sober, safe, fun Independence Day!!!!!!!!!! (i'm getting psyched early!)

                      be well
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AF Daily - Thursday July 2nd

                        Hello everyone!!! Speedster thank you for kick starting us again today. The subject you raised about doing more and moreandmoreandmore and having trouble saying no or gracefully (and appropriately) ending a commitment is a very good one. I probably end things that are due to end sooner, but MAN do I create a lot of drama to make it happen. I like the story of the guy about the HO association who just said "I don't want to." Why is a simple "no" so difficult sometimes? That is something I have started to work on already via AA (managing commitments more effectively and simply, including saying a simple "no" where appropriate). It will be a while I think before I master it LOL! Mean time, it does sound like Pupster has quite the life. "The life of O'Reilly?" Who is O'Reilly anyway????? I've always heard and used that saying and never even asked.

                        AA - thought provoking post as always. I went from 100% slug during my final years as a drunk to being active and busy now - but sometimes it feels frantic. I think I need to examine why. I think sometimes I hide behind my "business" as a replacement for hiding behind AL in the old days. Never a lack of things to work on, that's for sure! I really appreciate your posts.

                        Freebird, you have fun on vacation OK?

                        Mstall, do you have a good plan for the weekend? You mention spending a lot of time here which is a really good thing early on. Are there events you HAVE to attend that involve people drinking? If so, let us know if you want to talk about how to work through those - lots of good ideas among the folks here on this thread. YOU CAN DO IT. Don't be nervous. Don't "hope" you won't drink. DECIDE you won't drink.

                        AFM I am so totally with you on the panty hose thing. I can't remember (and don't want to) the last time I wore them. You have my deepest sympathies about that. At least you didn't have to manage putting them on with a hangover. There is a positive side to everything I guess! Sounds like you and Little had a good holiday.

                        MM, sounds like you are locked and loaded (but not drunk LOL) for the weekend! I'm still waiting for the answer to my waxing question from yesterday. Or maybe it's on the other thread - I will look there just in case.

                        LVT, you are right that you cannot control him. He sounds like the kind of guy where the more you try the more he will rebel anyway. Trying to stop controling others is not easy - I have to work hard on that one every day. But I feel so much more at peace in those rare moments where I truly accept that it's not up to me what other people do. You are doing such a good job as a role model to your kids - I hope hubby sees that example too and decides to come along for the ride! Your kids will really appreciate you!!

                        Cindi thank you for sharing that particular link. There are so many speakers out there I have a hard time picking. It's nice to hear about ones that others here like!

                        Hi Greenie!

                        Deter there must be something about the 1 year mark that fires up the reflector introspectors in us, eh? Thanks for the info about the whey on yesterday's thread. I posted a question there but will ask here as well. What do you know about un-denatured whey and whether that is "all that and a bag of chips" or not? I keep hearing about it but don't know if it's just hype and buzz.

                        For the newer AF folks out there, hang tough and stick to your guns this weekend, and through all the summer stuff. Doing like MM and staying away from certain types of parties is a good idea - do whatever you must to keep your sobriety. The good news is that it all gets easier on down the road. So the "strictness" you might need to impose on yourself initially will get better with time.

                        I was thinking this morning about the difference between last summer (last drink was on May 22 so last summer was the fight just to stay AF every day) and this summer (busy with a lot more things of my chosing!). Sobriety was and is my #1 priority and that's how it has to be. But I no longer have to spend as much time on MWO or just hanging onto the edge of the cliff to stay sober. LIVING AGAIN is really nice and it was worth sort of giving up last summer in order to get here. At least that's my 2 cents on it!

                        I need to get busy and start figuring out what I'm going to do if all this stuff in my garden actually gets big and ripe. I think I will need to learn how to make pickes and salsa this year. Any good links or better yet, good family recipes passed down through the ages??????

                        I better get out to check on my garden. I love that thing but it's sort of scarin' me at the moment - it's bigger than me now for sure!!

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          AF Daily - Thursday July 2nd

                          was thinking this morning about the difference between last summer (last drink was on May 22 so last summer was the fight just to stay AF every day) and this summer (busy with a lot more things of my chosing!). Sobriety was and is my #1 priority and that's how it has to be. But I no longer have to spend as much time on MWO or just hanging onto the edge of the cliff to stay sober. LIVING AGAIN is really nice and it was worth sort of giving up last summer in order to get here. At least that's my 2 cents on it
                          I am having a tough day today. I mean, just in the sense of trying to stay af. Everything else is pretty good! I will stay af, but what I'm saying is, I am glad to read that message as it gives me hope.

                          Thanks to all of you for sharing and being here.

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            AF Daily - Thursday July 2nd

                            Hey all Today has been a much better day for me, ahve been listenign to some really beautiful music, specifically a song called 'Scar Tissue' by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I would recommend it to anybody who wants a really soulful, beautiful summer song. Am feeling better also because in just one more day my fiance will be back on British soil, I can't wait to see him again, I've missed him alot (as anybody who knows me will no doubt be aware.)

                            Dill: sending you good vibes today, it will get easier

                            When I was a kid I thought I wanted all the things that I hadn't got, but I learned the hardest way

                            Time to get what I'm really looking for 17/03/10


                              AF Daily - Thursday July 2nd

                              Just wanted to pop in and say "Happy Birthday" to AAthlete!
                              It's been amazing watching you grow over the years.
                              Hope you are spending your day immersed in love and appreciation.

                              * * I love Determinator * *

