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AF Daily - Saturday - July 4th

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    AF Daily - Saturday - July 4th

    Good morning, all Abbers and Happy Independence Day to you!

    AFM, How’d the interview go?

    Speedster, if you really want time off from the Presidency, it looks like you are going to have to be assertive about it. Don’t let inertia keep you locked in. Just set an exit date and say you will be glad to take another turn in the position at some later date! Everyone needs to share in the responsibility, not just you! (My 2 cents)

    HG, thanks for the fireworks display!

    Pamina, I think you summed it up so well!

    but their lives feel very chaotic to me, and I'm not sure I want to play agony aunt or life coach. Feeling nervous about that.
    That’s what it’s like for me, too. I really AM having to put my energies into my own “project” right now, and I can’t take on much more! It’s too bad I can’t share my struggle with these folks, but they would not understand it, I’m afraid. And besides that, one or two in particular don't just share and be done. They talk their problems into the ground and are just "using" me to sound off to, but endlessly.... I have started just walking away. I'm grateful for summer break!!!

    DG, part of the reason I was having such a bad day the other day was because of the issue you brought up.

    if you have accepted that you don't want to drink again (or if you are like me, CAN'T safely drink ever).
    I am working on that acceptance and the voice in my head (the ‘beast’, if you will) was really locking horns with me that day. I know that that surrender is essential. I understand that now.

    Deter, thanks so much for the offer to meet in chat any time. That is very kind!

    I wish you, and all to come, a wonderful, AF day!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    AF Daily - Saturday - July 4th


    Is this really the first reply today? Where are all you sleepy heads? Must be at some parade some where. I just got back from riding 32 miles on my bike - feels great!
    Gonna make some Rhubarb Cake to take to a Pig Roast, then Fireworks on the beach...

    Happy Day!


      AF Daily - Saturday - July 4th

      Happy AF-Fourth!!

      Well, this is a quick check in because I have been playing on the computer all morning and must get ready for the festivities!

      I hope everyone has a safe, happy and sober 4th!

      I will check in in a while on one of my rest stops. I have a house right downtown amongst all the activities, so I plan to come home and rest a few times. Making sure I have a non-al beverage with me at all times, I am not hungry and not tired. I also have a nice oasis in my backyard if I feel any pressures arising..


      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


        AF Daily - Saturday - July 4th

        Happy Independence Day ABeroooooooos!!!

        and to our friends in the UK, thank you for still being our good friend

        remember: sober holidays rock!

        Dill, very nice start again. I really like the way Eckart Tolle graces the subject of acceptance/surrender. sadly I'm still to sleepy to recall them at the moment

        I'm off to a constitutional rally (tea party as some would say) and then off to the gym. Hidden, 32 miles before breakfast? hot damn! you go girl!!!!!!

        MedMama, you sound strong. XXXX

        be well my friends,
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          AF Daily - Saturday - July 4th

          Hey, Det! I was at a tea (Taxed Enough Already) party last evening! They reported attendance at 5000 at the Dayton Tea Party rally. It was great. Lots of good speakers, entertainment and enthusiasm.

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            AF Daily - Saturday - July 4th

            Hello all and Happy AF 4th to all in the US. I am glad for all of my freedoms today, but especially the freedom from AL.

            Dill thank you for getting us started. I know how difficult that acceptance can be. And of course "refresher courses" are often needed - AL will lay in wait forever I think. BUT...when you can accept whatever your own true reality is when it comes to AL, this journey gets easier - at least it has for me.

            HG - AWESOME fireworks and bike ride!! You sound like you have enough energy for two people today!

            MM - sounds like you have a great plan. How fun to live right downtown in the thick of things (especially since you also have a haven in your back yard!) Have a good time today.

            Deter have fun at the Tea Party. I saw signs for one here in my town this weekend but I'm quite happy to stay home and take advantage of this rain to have a lazy afternoon. I hope you will tell us all about it! I can definitely do without more taxes around here.

            This afternoon is lazy! Nuff said. Life IS grand - I agree with you HG!

            Happy Holiday to all yet to come!

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF Daily - Saturday - July 4th

              Determinator;654417 wrote: and to our friends in the UK, thank you for still being our good friend
              Yeah, we don't bear grudges. Much. :H

              I hope you're all having a happy & sober 4th of July!
              AF since December 22nd 2008
              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

