AFM, How’d the interview go?
Speedster, if you really want time off from the Presidency, it looks like you are going to have to be assertive about it. Don’t let inertia keep you locked in. Just set an exit date and say you will be glad to take another turn in the position at some later date! Everyone needs to share in the responsibility, not just you! (My 2 cents)
HG, thanks for the fireworks display!
Pamina, I think you summed it up so well!
That’s what it’s like for me, too. I really AM having to put my energies into my own “project” right now, and I can’t take on much more! It’s too bad I can’t share my struggle with these folks, but they would not understand it, I’m afraid. And besides that, one or two in particular don't just share and be done. They talk their problems into the ground and are just "using" me to sound off to, but endlessly.... I have started just walking away. I'm grateful for summer break!!!
DG, part of the reason I was having such a bad day the other day was because of the issue you brought up.
if you have accepted that you don't want to drink again (or if you are like me, CAN'T safely drink ever).
Deter, thanks so much for the offer to meet in chat any time. That is very kind!
I wish you, and all to come, a wonderful, AF day!