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AF Daily Sun July 5th

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    AF Daily Sun July 5th

    Hi all

    Quick post from me, i've not been around for a week because i've been in hospital - came out last night - no internet access.!!! I've been having very erratic blood sugars including suddenley dropping very low for no reason - even quite quickly after i've eaten - I was admitted through accident and emergency a week ago due to very low blood sugar early in the morning and was kept in for a week for tests - one included a 72 hr fast (only allowed water!!) not much fun - but i've survived and i'm 9lbs lighter !! I have to go back as an out patient for the results of all the tests - one theory is diabetes (it runs in my family) another is over production of insulin for some ? reason / incorrect timing of surges of insulin after I eat.

    Anyway it's great to be back, and able to eat again - I still feel very weak but i'll drop by later

    Hi to everyone !!

    Have a good day

    Sausage xx

    AF Daily Sun July 5th

    Morning Sausage and all to follow.

    Hope you are feeling better and that they manage to get the meds right. Sounds pretty scary to me.

    I haven't been around lately because I have been on a long bender full of self pity and disgust. But I genuinely want to change.

    Thanks Cindi for posting the link to the AA tapes I have been lying in bed listening to them. I think I am getting to that place where life is so unbearable that change is the only option. The couple of tapes I've heard so far are truly inspirational.

    Hope everyone enjoyed their 4th July
    Take care
    Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
    AF 8 June 2012


      AF Daily Sun July 5th

      Good day to all and thank you Sausage for getting us started today. I am so sorry to hear about your scary insulin / blood sugar issues and your hospital stay! 3 days fasting...oh my. I hope they get to the bottom of it and you end up with a way to control that through meds or diet or both or whatever. How frightening. My sister in law went through something that sounds similar - she actually passed out a couple of times from low blood sugar. I know the problem was identified and she has a fix in place and now I'm curious what it was. Please be well and please stay in touch so we know you are OK!

      Loppy I am sorry to hear that things have been rough lately - especially in your mind. That is really hard. I love listening to some of the AA speakers and their stories as it gives me so much hope for a better life than the one I was living with AL in it - with AL being only a part of the problem. I wish you well in your search for YOUR truth and inner peace.

      Yesterday was a lazy rainy afternoon and I took full advantage of that by lounging around and napping and watching movies and just doing lazy things. Today must be different! I will go to AA and then the gym as usual and then have a marathon between the kitchen and the garden pre-making some food for the week and doing what I can with the stuff coming out of the garden before it all goes south on me. LOL I bet after yesterdays rain the radishes that werent ready yet on Friday will have exploded over night. Literally.

      Does anyone here make one or two jars of dill pickles at a time rather than whole huge batches? Are there other kinds of pickles easier to make small batches with? Any recipes for either?

      That will sure keep me busy and out of trouble for the day! Hope everyone had a fun and sober 4th of July stateside. And Marshy I am thrilled to hear you are not holding any grudges. I am counting on working with you on that International Gym Rat Exchange Program.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF Daily Sun July 5th

        Sausage - take good care. I hope they get your blood sugar regulated quickly. Being AF will certainly make the problem less severe.

        Loppy - look at what you learned from this rough time and believe the future will only be better AF.

        Busy Farmers Market day yesterday, gardening and a bike ride. Watched the Tour de France and will do so again today along with Wimbledon finals. No fireworks for us, went to bed about the time they kicked off. I froze 10 cups of corn yesterday and have to tackle another equal amount today. Love having it cut off the cob and ready to eat in 2 or 4 cup servings in the freezer.

        DG - I make this refrigerator pickle recipe. It's EZ to adjust for small batches. I think the tumeric makes it.

        6 cups thinly sliced pickling cucumbers (about 2 pounds)
        2 cups thinly sliced onion
        1 1/2 cups white vinegar
        3/4 cup sugar
        3/4 teaspoon salt
        1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds
        1/2 teaspoon celery seeds
        1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
        1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper
        1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
        4 garlic cloves, thinly sliced
        Place 3 cups cucumber in a medium glass bowl; top with 1 cup onion. Repeat procedure with the remaining 3 cups cucumber and remaining 1 cup onion.

        Combine vinegar and remaining ingredients in a small saucepan; stir well. Bring to a boil; cook 1 minute. Pour over cucumber mixture; let cool. Cover and chill at least 4 days.

        Note: Pickles may be stored in the refrigerator for up to one month.


          AF Daily Sun July 5th

          Hi all,

          Sausage - scary stuff! I hope they get you sorted out quickly.

          DG - am I right in thinking it's your surgery this week? I won't be around (see below), so if it is I hope it goes well and wish you a very speedy recovery. All that fabulous veg will help

          I'm off to visit my parents (aka The Boozehounds) tomorrow for a few days. We're having a big family get-together on Wednesday. Everyone in my immediate family drinks too much/has alcohol problems etc so there'll be a whole lot of drinkin' going on. I'll be taking an Antabuse tablet with me in case I feel tempted. One day I hope to be able to deal with seeing my family without taking drugs first :H

          Have a good week everyone!
          AF since December 22nd 2008
          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


            AF Daily Sun July 5th

            Good morning all! Lost my wireless internet connection yesterday and today i am stealing my neighbors next door. I hope i can figure it out.

            Sausage- sending gooding thoughts your way, hope they get it all figured out and you're feeling better soon.

            Today I will be visiting my daughter and new granddaughter and then it's a 4 mile walk later.

            no booze for me today! I've got my first week done and i'm starting to feel really good, almost like a "sober high" if there is such a thing.

            Have a great day all!
            AF/SF - November 23, 2014


              AF Daily Sun July 5th

              Sausage--I'm so sorry you've spent the past week in the hospital-starving! I hope they get you all fixed up!
              Loppy, i'm also really sad that you are sad. I wish there was more I could do! :l

              But I can help you DG if you want to make Dill pickles:

              2 Cups water
              1 Cup Apple Cider vinegar
              1 tsp canning salt

              Bring this brine to a boil. Pour boiling water in clean jars--also sterilize your lids. Pack jars with cucs, dill and garlic with a "pinch" of Alum. (after pouring the hot water out)
              Then pour brine into packed jars. Tap them on the counter to get air out and put lids on. They should seal as they cool.

              If you end up using bigger cucumbers, you can cut them into spears, or slices. I usually cut off the blossom end, my mom said it made the pickles get soggy. I don't think you need to do this with the little "gherkins". Maybe not this year, but if you are going to do much preserving of food, I recommend a book or a class. If it's not done right, your food can spoil. I'm not as careful as I used to be, but I really should be. For your other produce such as tomatoes, freezing works quite well. Try here--

              Ok, gotta run, speaking of gardens, I need to deal with some weeds this morning. We are meeting some friends at the lake for a bbq and play time with the kids and dogs. I spent the afternoon with an old friend I haven't seen in awhile. It has been just a great weekend so far!
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                AF Daily Sun July 5th

                Happy Sunday ABerooooos!

                Mstall, you've heard the phrase: 'high on life'? well, congratulations....that's you! keep up the great work hon. Life will most assuredly have it's ups and downs but to do this sober is so rewarding on so many levels it defies description.

                Sausage, I'm so glad you are in the care of proper medical help and it sounds like they are going to figure this out. xxxxxx
                incidentally I've noticed that after a big meal I feel light headed. ??? wonder what that is. at any rate I'm making some changes to eat many smaller meals per day. seems to be helping with that. and I'm losing body fat!

                Loppy you need some extra hugs love xxxxxxxxxx can you isolate what is the hardest obstacle for you at this very moment?

                Dill, you TEA party ragamuffin you! TEA party here was great with many eloquent speakers, but I didn't get there in time for parking so that was a hassle. d-oh!

                and last night I finally saw the new STARTREK movie! big fun! looooved it.

                Doggy, Marshy, Speedster, LVT and all to come......have a spectacular day!
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  AF Daily Sun July 5th

                  Good Afternoon AFers!

                  I had a wonderful evening with family last night, good fireworks and lots of good food.

                  Sausage, So sorry to hear about your blood sugar issues. No fun at all. Keep us posted and let us know what they find out and how to keep it in check. At least you are not adding alcohol into the mix, that will surely mess up blood sugar problems. :l

                  Loppy, I am so glad you enjoy the speakers. It is so darned inspirational to hear about others who have lived just like us and they are now sober and happy. Gives me hope and strength for sure.

                  DG, I am lucky to make dinner. Pickling is way out of my league. Hope you get a good recipe. Speedster's sounded interesting. LVT's sounds like a plain old pickle recipe and appeals to me, too. I might try them both sometime. (Or not. Just not a great cook/canner type.)

                  Marshy, :H:H I know exactly what you mean. Hard to be around a bunch of drinkers but I can do it and so can you. We can just sit and watch them get stupid.

                  Mstall, you are doing brilliantly. Not too long ago, I am sure a 4 mile walk would have just been a want to but might have cut into the drinking time, huh? :goodjob:

                  LVT, Glad to hear you are having a wonderful weekend.

                  Det, they say smaller meals throughout the day are better for us. Unfortunately, when we are out at clients, etc, you just simply can't do it.

                  Love to all my AF friends,
                  AF April 9, 2016


                    AF Daily Sun July 5th

                    Mstall, you sound MAH-VALOUS DAH-LING!! Savor this wonderful sober feeling you have right now. When AL comes knocking, and he surely will, remembering all the good things you enjoy about being sober is a great weapon. Good to write it down for handy reference if you are so inclined. :yougo: on one week sober!

                    Cinders, sounds like you had a great 4th doing some traditional stuff!

                    Deter, I feel like I need to move to smaller more frequent meals too. I can't imagine getting that done on the road as Cinders mentioned - heck, I work from a home office and can't manage THREE meals a day much of the time. that not good. But if I want to get a bit more fat off my ass, gotta take these extra steps! Glad it's working for you and I really appreciate the tip!

                    Marshy thank you for the good wishes - yes surgery is Thursday. Dad's is Wednesday. What a crazy week it will be. Not as crazy as yours though. I think I would rather go under the knife than deal with the family visit from the way you have described them! I don't even know if Antabuse could save me. My family is crazy enough without throwing alcohol on top of them. (I drank enough for all of us anyway...)

                    LVT and Speedster, thank you both so much for the pickle recipes and also the link! Yes, I need to study up on this stuff. I want to make both the refrig pickles and later on regular dills for the winter. What I don't like about newer books / internet sites even is that they feel compelled to put the modern "safety twist" on everything rather than just explain the way our grannies and their grannies did this stuff for years and years. ie. the books seem to say you should pressure can tomatoes when that is NOT the way it has historically been done or IMO, is best done. (like your pickes LVT) LOL I found a recipe for some pickles at and the recipe actually got changed (by an admin I presume??) to include boiling the jars after all the pickle stuff was inside of them. The original recipe poster put in a comment that it was NOT necessary as her family had been doing it that way for years...... etc. I realize that safety is a consideration but in the case of tomatoes - as one example - there is way too much acid for anything to grow in there anyway if you get a good seal.

                    OK - that's my granny rant!

                    OK - off to eat some of that turkey and fixin's I spent all day slaving for LOL! Have a great evening one and all.

                    Where's TG? Rockin' the bass? Oh I think her BF is home. Don't do anything we wouldn't do TG...

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.

