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AF Daily - Mon 6 July

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    AF Daily - Mon 6 July

    Good morning Abland!

    It's a new week in a new month. Hope everyone had a good 4th of July!

    I had a calming weekend which returned me to a good headspace and ready to tackle some not so fun items on the to-do list.

    I popped into the daily recovery readings this morning where the first one just hit me:

    When I feel uncomfortable, irritated, or depressed, I look for fear. This "evil and corroding thread" is the root of my distress: Fear of failure; fear of other's opinions; fear of harm, and many other fears. I have found a Higher Power who does not want me to live in fear and, as a result, the experience of A.A. in my life is freedom and joy. I am no longer willing to live with the multitude of character defects that characterized my life while I was drinking.

    The reason it spoke to me is that I felt a very strong fear of drinking last week. It started with a work do on Wednesday night where the bottles were aplenty. I didn't want to drink but the sight of AL filled me with a fear I can't explain. As though the AL might evaporate and I'd be forced to inhale it. I was afraid I'd be seduced into wanting it later. I was reminded of DG's description of the 'irrational' fear of relapse that led her to join AA. This felt completely irrational as well. I've since been puzzling over what it signifies. I think the answer is fear of changes I'm already making and ones yet to come, ones I would have earlier used the AL crutch to cope with. It was a wobble and it's now passed, thankfully.

    Sending strength to Sausage, Loppy, DG and all others dealing with physical or mental challenges this week.

    Take care.

    AF Daily - Mon 6 July

    Hi all

    Thanks everyone for your supportive posts yesterday - it's good to be back home and able to get on line and connect up with everyone at MWO. I have to see the consultant as an outpatient for the results of my tests - in the meantime i'm trying to eat regularly and healthily trying to avoid refined carbohydrate( high in sugar) - which seems to cause surges followed by sudden drops in my blood sugar. At least i'm not complicating the equation with alcohol which I know does funny things to blood sugar.

    I'll be back later - hello to everyone to come

    have a good day

    Sausage xx


      AF Daily - Mon 6 July

      I've been wondering how everyone fared the holiday weekend (at least us in the US). I know for me it could easily be the hardest one to stay af. I did have a rather large twinge Saturday night just looking at my friends drinking their ice cold bottles of beer, but realized how hungry I was--so ate some bread until we were ready to eat. That was always a big problem for me, I would drink instead of eat. Not anymore. Yesterday we were with friends at the lake and they had a couple of cocktails/beers which didn't bother me at all. I've found some new flavored cold brew green tea, which is a nice change of pace. It comes in Blueberry flavor or fruit made by Celestial Seasonings. Later in the evening I ran into a friend at the softball games. We used to play ball together and there was also a lot of beer drinking involved. She is quite a little younger than me, and I shuddered when she reminded me she was only 16 when she played with us "old ladies". What a great influence! Oh, well, she turned out just fine! :H She mentioned having some beers a couple of times and I finally told her I had quit. No biggy.
      Ok, my phone is going off, it is time to get to work! I hope everyone had a fine weekend and enjoy a good week ahead.
      Oh, DG--on the canning thing. I do pretty much pressure can everything I make (except pickles) I guess mainly because it is faster than a water bath. The tomatoes now are not as acidy as they used to be. I even add some lemon juice to mine. I also can green beans which really need to be pressured. Some of my stuff I keep for several years too, which makes a difference. If you use yours right away, you're correct, the pressure canning is not necessary. Good luck!!
      NF since June 1, 2008
      AF since September 28, 2008
      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


        AF Daily - Mon 6 July

        Good morning!

        I had a busy weekend and I did not even get onto the computer. I am still AF, and very tired LOL. I had a houseful of little children and my sister. I must get another coffee into me and get motivated. I will be back later. xoxo


          AF Daily - Mon 6 July

          Happy hangover-free Monday ABenators!!!!!!

          happy, healthy and AF here I'm happy to report. a huge trigger for me in the past was when my dear Dx would be on travels and I'm home alone. Whenever she goes these days the thought still strikes me but I realize quickly the detriment it would lead to, and the thought disperses.

          LVT, blueberry green tea? I'm trying to imagine what color that would be .....

          Sausage, very wise to shun the simple carbs, keep us informed on what your tests yield.

          Pamina, thank you for the thoughtful start today. It's amazing that fear is hiding in just about every dark corner of our minds.

          AFM, you survived a house full of little children AF? nice!

          ok, on the road again........

          be well,
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            AF Daily - Mon 6 July

            Back from vacation

            Good Morning everyone....would have gotten on her sooner but hubby was home and it's hard for me to do much of anything when he's around...he needs lots of Needless to say it's nice to get back into the routine.

            I went to my granddaughter birthday party and had to deal with the ex and his wife and I did have all those feeling of insecurity where before I would have taken a drink to face the situation. I prayed to my HP and reached out to anyone I could to just get some reinforce-ment to deal with it all. We never could even speak to each other and had no help bringing up my son but now since the grandchildren are here we are forced to deal with each other. Me and ex don't say a word but his wife has her hands extended with a big smile on her face as if we are the best of friends....oh well it's a start. But I did have to hear about how much they spend and to let us know about all there money....then she was asking where hubby worked and what his title is....I didn't answer. The botton line I made it through without a drink or smoke so I'm grateful for that.

            I'm glad to be back and I will check in tomorrow.....Oh today I have five months of sobriety
            I do feel so grateful

            Sunnydaz (5 months today)
            smober...105 days


              AF Daily - Mon 6 July

              Sunnydaz: well done on 5 months!

              AFM: welld one on keeping AF and (hopefully sane) with those little kids runnign around xD

              Just a quick check in today as I have a date with my wonderful fiance to prepare for! Hope everybody's well and I shall speak tomorrow, much love to all

              When I was a kid I thought I wanted all the things that I hadn't got, but I learned the hardest way

              Time to get what I'm really looking for 17/03/10


                AF Daily - Mon 6 July

                I rode my bike to work today. It was delightful meeting a colleague for coffee before we finished the ride to the office. EZ to do with an AF life!

                Busy day at work. Glad to see so many positive posts this morning!

                I'll catch up later.


                  AF Daily - Mon 6 July

                  Sunny CONGRATS!! on 5 months. And double decker congrats on surviving the b-day party! Whew!

                  Wishing everyone a good week. Keep the fear at bay! It's tough sometimes.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Daily - Mon 6 July

                    :yougo::yougo:CONGRATULATIONS SUNNY ON 5 MONTHS SOBER!!!:yougo::yougo:

                    And also for surviving the B-day party. Both my husband and I are on our second marriage but there were no children in the previous ones (or this one) so we have no reason to interact with our ex's. I can't imagine how difficult that must be! Good for you sucking up whatever you had to for the sake of your kids / grand daughter! And also congrats on 105 smober days. That one is a buggar too.

                    Pamina thank you for getting us started today and with such a thought provoking message. I'm only beginning to realize how fear truly underpins so much of my thinking. Fear of being alone. Fear of being unloved. Fear of people having negative opinions of me. Fear fear fear. Deter you are right - it's hovering in all the dark corners of my mind - the same places where AL is always hovering. Coincidence??? I think not!! GREAT topic. And thank you for your kind wishes for me and Dad this week. His ordeal will be far greater than mine.

                    Sausage it's so good to know you are home and stable for now. As Det said - please do keep us posted on what the tests reveal. You are so right that alcohol surely does not help issues pertaining to blood sugar!

                    LVT your post is a good reminder that one of these days, I need to back off on the coffee and revisit the tea collection. Blueberry green tea certainly does sound interesting! Yes, granny's tomato canning recipe involves adding a teaspoon of lemon juice. Good to know that is more widely held than just her...RIP granny and all!

                    AFM - I also have an irrational fear about a house full of children. AHHHGGGG!!! Congratulations on surviving that!

                    TG have fun on your date!

                    Speedster sounds like an enjoyable way to commute to work! Especially stopping off with your friend before hitting the office. I worked out early this morning and was thinking too about how that would be torturous if not impossible with a hangover. Life is good.

                    Hi Greenie! Yes...keeping the fear at bay. That is worth working for.

                    This is one of those days where I am annoyingly happy to be sober. I feel a bit like I'm watching my life from outside of myself and wondering how I can be reasonably calm with all the medical stuff coming up this week for Dad and then me, and with the ever present list of crapola I need to get done before I'm on restrictions from driving, talking, etc. for 7 - 10 days. I just keep thinking that TODAY is a beautiful day and that my Dad needs the prayers way way way way more than I do. This is completely different from how this week would be starting off if the same circumstances were happening and I were actively still a drunk. I can't even describe how big and loud my pity party would be! You all would be calling the cops from all that noise.

                    I did some more thinking on that ARC thingy (cardio whatever it is) and realized the very close correlation between the journey to sobriety and the journey to fitness that I have experienced. I think I will save that for a post to My New Story Starts Here.

                    I am very grateful that we got a call from a new client this morning! Yay. I will take any and all positive signs of economic recovery, no matter how small. The fall Born shoe line is calling my name. HEY it's better than AL!!!!!

                    Have a great AF day one and all!

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF Daily - Mon 6 July

                      thanks everyone for all your congradulations....I will be catching up more in your lives as time goes by


