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AF Daily, Wednesday, July 8

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    AF Daily, Wednesday, July 8

    Good Morning AFreedom Riders!! (Shouting from the rooftops)

    Lovin' this free life - went out with friends last night and was very happy with my 'mocktail'. A little hurdle.

    Stay the course people! The benfits are obvious, but also pretty subtle. When a crappy day shows up (big or little frustrations), I become very aware of what my emotion is - pretty quickly. I did not do that before...I just DISPLAYED the emotion without naming it. Last night I had those little nasty frustrations building and I got on my bicycle and spun off some of that energy that would normally keep me 'hung up in a tree' and not moving - stuck in the unclaimed emotion.

    Today is 3 months, or 12 weeks AF and I never planned to go this long. Now, I just want to keep going down this road - it feels right and I have even found 'happy' a few times.

    Good Luck everyone - hang onto that AFreedom - its fun!

    AF Daily, Wednesday, July 8

    Way to go Hidden! 3 months is awesome!

    I, too, am loving this AF life. The more time goes on; the better I feel in my resolve.

    Now that I have secured full-time employment with another company (in which I just landed yesterday and start today - YIPPEE!!!) remaining sober is very important. I really want to start living with out the economical stresses or lack of job security. A huge weight has been lifted from these stressed out shoulders. Drinking just drains my motivation - and I want to be on top of my game.

    Anyway, have a great day everyone. Must pack lunches now.


      AF Daily, Wednesday, July 8

      HG - Congrats on the 12 weeks! Exercise is a wonderful thing to shake a bad mood. Sometimes I don't feel like riding and my rule of thumb is if I'm not enjoying it 10 minutes into the ride, then it's okay to go home.

      AFM - congrats on the job.

      DG - hope all goes well for you and Dad this week.

      Busy work week, which is a good thing. Feeling great AF and eating healthy.

      Hello all to follow.


        AF Daily, Wednesday, July 8


        GIANT CONGRATULATIONS!!! HG for 3 months - fantastic!! And AFM for a new job!!! That is AWESOME!! I am excited for both of you!!!

        Not much new here. Limbed up some trees yesterday (whew!) and put some feeders out and got birds right off so I cleaned the windows... wow! Wait till the cat finds out. He spits on the windows when he sees birds.

        I saw the soffet has rotted in a place or two. :upset: Seems like I have one expense after another these days. At least $ isn't wasted on booze, right? No cigs either.

        Prayers for you, your dad and loved ones today, DG :h

        Have a good Wed!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily, Wednesday, July 8

          That is absolutely fantastic, HG! Good for you!!

          I have to run in and run out. I just wanted to do a quick check in to say I am still on the AF band wagon!

          Today my friend goes in for surgery. I know she will be fine. They are going into her groin first to cut off the blood flow to the artery so they can zap the tumor in her liver. It is a bit tricky, but if they can get this little bugger it looks pretty positive. We know that more tumors may pop up, but hopefully they will be in more accessible areas and they can do this new procedure that appears to be very successful.

          Anyway, I am scared for her today, but I have to stay strong and positive - so that is what I will do!!

          DG - My thoughts are with you, too today SISTER!!!

          xoxoxoxxo to everyone!

          check in later...

          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


            AF Daily, Wednesday, July 8

            Good Morning everyone....been on a bit of a pity-pot dealing with allergies/sinus issues.

            Way to go Hidden on your three months and having a mocktail with friends....that's fantastic.
            AFM...congradulations on your new job...hope it works out well for you
            DG... still in my thoughts are prayers for you and your dad
            MM... I hope everything goes well for your friend today
            Greeneyes....that cracks me up about your cat.

            I'm staying the course and working on my attutude today....I'm letting how I feel affect my mood and I don't want to do that today

            Sunnydaz (5 months 2 days) sober
            Smober 107 days


              AF Daily, Wednesday, July 8

              WOW!! Many positive things for many people simultaneously! The universe is smiling on us, I just know it. :wow3:

              Big congrats on your 3 months, HG, that is a huge achievement! :yougo: Even more fantastic that you should be coasting along now, finding happiness in your new lifestyle. YESSSS.

              Way to go, AFM!! What great news about the new job! inkele: You knew what you wanted, you went for it, and it's all worked out - YAY!!

              Speedster, you're sounding strong and positive. Being AF makes it so much easier to focus on other self-care issues, like healthy eating. I'm working on that one myself. Good for you!

              Clean windows, Greenie, so you can see more clearly. I love clean windows and the brightness they bring. Now you've noticed the soffet (whatever that is...) you can stave off further problems.

              MM and DG - this is a GOOD day for ops. The positive attitude you both have will help the patients, and you're able to be there for them. That's enough for today.

              Sunny, great job working on your attitude. Don't let the allergies get to you.

              I thought I might have to work on my attitude today, too, but it seems to have corrected itself all by itself. I have had the strangest of days. I went to a Bowen therapist yesterday to address a sore shoulder that's been bugging me for months. The treatment is minimalist but I know it's very effective on various muscle issues. They claim to be able to treat a host of other ailments as well. She told me to drink loads of water and keep track of any sensations on anything during the next week. Well, it was my first day of the month today and I used to have massive cramps when I was younger but haven't been through that in years. Today I was sick as a dog for two hours. Unbearable pain, throwing up, the works. My system did a huge spring clean on itself. After it was all over, I felt as though someone had taken a broom thru my brain as well, and now I'm just inexplicably happy. Go figure!

              Happy Wednesday, all.


                AF Daily, Wednesday, July 8

                Happy Wed ABerooooos!

                HiddenGoal, what great news! supa dupa!

                busy as can be, but can't complain about that. Going to be a very physically insensive weekend...have not only my regular kickboxing class but also a jiu jitsu seminar. sweat city! tell ya, hangovers don't jive with exercise so I'm very grateful to be healthy.

                DG, when is your operation?

                be well everyone
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  AF Daily, Wednesday, July 8

                  Good afternoon one and all!

                  Looks like everyone is getting along nicely!

                  HG, congratulaions on your 3 AF months. That's tremendous, and it does feel good. I don't want to do anything to lose that feeling either.

                  Wishing everyone the strength to keep moving forward - the only way to go
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF Daily, Wednesday, July 8

                    Still lagging here in Aussieland ... but making myself check in for sake of sobriety. Managing to stay AF since last Thurs - in past 40 days, only three days on AL, so in spite of how I would have liked it to have been continuous AF time, I am encouraged ...

                    great job to all with annivs ... and prayers to those with ops x

                    Current attitude towards addiction: Why ask why? Just accept that it is, and go from there ...

