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AF Daily - Thursday July 9th

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    AF Daily - Thursday July 9th

    Early morning AFland! Good day to all,

    I'm commuting to work today by bike and then have my volunteer meeting this evening.

    Pamina - interesting about the purge and change in attitude. I believe in toxicity and occassionally fast and it's a huge help.

    Kayla - feel free to start a thread in the morning. I still ready the previous days late posts so don't feel left out. Good job on getting back on track after your 40-day AF run. You can do it!

    This last few days I've been thinking "I really can't do it all" and what can I eliminate. I will not resign tonight as President because it's not our 'official' re-election meeting. That's at our October meeting (quarterly mtgs), so I have time to figure out a replacement or I may change up our Board of Directors and replace 2 people who are not that active with some new folks and then DELEGATE more.

    I'd love to expand my garden but don't know if I can really handle more. I thought I might expand for a fall planting but will wait and expand it over the fall/winter when it's cooler.

    Being AF makes me feel less frustrated about not having time to do it all. I'm in a much calmer state instead of getting spun up.

    Hello to all that follow! I must suit up and hit the road in 30 mins.

    AF Daily - Thursday July 9th

    speedster;659507 wrote: I'm in a much calmer state instead of getting spun up.
    Me too - and isn't that a wonderful thing. Thank you speedster for starting today's thread. I hope your commute by bike is enjoyable!

    My apologies for not catching up on yesterdays thread. I have to make this pretty quick today. Thanks to all who have been so nice with your well wishes and prayers for my Dad. He had a very grueling day yesterday. I guess I should say the surgeon had a very grueling day yesterday. The leg vein bypass lasted 7.5 hours and that is just the surgery - that doesn't count pre-op / post op. The surgeon told us before hand it could be long - he wasn't sure how long. He had a lot of scar tissue from a previously failed bypass surgery that he had to work around. Dad's heart and everything stayed stable through it all which is good. I hope he made it through the night OK - will find out soon. I'm guessing he did or the phone would have rung.

    Now today I finally get my own thing taken care of and am very grateful to be finally getting this over with. It's very funny how THIRSTY I feel just knowing I can't drink anything.

    I am very very very grateful to be sober, and to be learning ways to handle the business of life with a lot more acceptance and calm than the old days. I would be a crazy screaming drunken mad bitch this week if not for sobriety and that dang serenity prayer.

    Thank you all for being here. I apologize for posting about "me" and running but I gotta go - just wanted to say thanks and let you know everything is going OK so far.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily - Thursday July 9th

      Hi Speedster, I'm impressed with your bike-riding, I've been THINKING about dusting down mine for so long.

      DG - as promised I've been thinking about you from the Southern Hemisphere, thanks for the update on your Dad.

      I'm working on building myself some AF time now my visitors have gone. This is the first time I've had AL (wine) in the house and have been able to resist without too much effort, feels great.

      My Thursday is wrapping up - hope everyone who has Thursday yet to come has a great day!

      Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



        AF Daily - Thursday July 9th

        Hey Speedster and DG, and all to follow,

        Hey I got in early for once. Thurs night at this end. Glad to be among you all.
        Prayers and thoughts your way DG. Good to hear it affirmed how much more worthwhile life is sober, despite the hardships.
        So true that nothing's helped by drinking.

        Stay well everyone x

        Current attitude towards addiction: Why ask why? Just accept that it is, and go from there ...


          AF Daily - Thursday July 9th

          Hi Abberonies!

          Quick fly by to say hello and wish everyone well.

          DG glad your dad got through OK. You will as well. I continue to keep you both in thoughts and prayers.

          And for your friend too MM. Amazing hwo much our hearts can hold all at once isn't it?

          I'm interested in the purge thing; I'll have to go back and look for that. I do know that what is in your system goes through your brain. There is a yoga instructor that doesn't teach meditation until students have had a few months of specific dietary change becauese of the state of mind.

          I'm out and about today but I'm really liking watching the parade of birds outside the window of this room at the new feeders. Funny how a simple little thing can be such a big change.

          Later on!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily - Thursday July 9th

            Well wishes to everyone today, especially you and your dad, DG! :l :h
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              AF Daily - Thursday July 9th

              Good morning, my friends!!

              I'm also going to have to be quick. I have a bunch of girls sleeping that I have to get up, make lunches and get to acting camp. Had a blast with them last night. BBQ, cookie making and watching "Wipeout" on TV. OMG, we were laughing our arses off! I love being part of my daughters live, and more-so that she wants me to be a part of her live. She is at that age, you know...

              My friend came through her surgery just fine and the doctors are very optimistic! Yeah! I was so worried about her yesterday. Thank you all for your well wishes.. it worked!

              DG - I am so happy to hear about your Dad's surgery. I will be keeping good thoughts for his recovery and you today. Please pop in as soon as you can to let us know how you are feeling.

              Sorry for the fly-by, but I must run!


              Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                AF Daily - Thursday July 9th

                Good Morning all...have a full day ahead of me and some catching up to do around here. Come to find out I think I was allergic to the Milk Thistle....I looked it up and it wasn't good for people that are allergic to ragweed especially.

                DG...I'm so glad everything turned out well for your what a long surgery.
                Speedster....way to go on that bike ride...I hope that motivation is catchy...I keep telling myself I'm going to start walking.
                Betty... way to go on your continued it's time for you
       true nothing is helped but drinking....I always remember that quote something like" Drinking the poison and waiting for someone else to die" I know I always drank when I couldn't control something, someone.
                Green eyes.....I know with me the more recovery I have the more I can focus on other healthy ways
       glad your friend came through okay
                To all of you have a great day
                Hugs., Sunnydaz


                  AF Daily - Thursday July 9th

                  Good morning all. I am new to this thread thing but I gather you can just send in your message and get your day started on a positive note. Glad to hear about everyone's doings and especially glad to hear how much being AL free makes life get better and better.

                  I am on Day 5 AL free and heading out for a horse back ride. I have an Arabian and Thursday is my major ride day -- at least two hours. Last Thursday I couldn't do it because I was so hung over. I am elated to feel good today so I can spend the time with my best horse friend.

                  To all -- have a wonderful day. Prancy


                    AF Daily - Thursday July 9th

                    Happy Thursdays ABerooooos!

                    ok, the bad news: Xrays today confirm my ankle is indeed completely broken. I now am forced to wear the 'dork boot' for the next 5 weeks and have more xrays in a couple weeks to see if the broken bits have moved or not. the good news is that if the pieces don't move too far...I may not need surgery (knock on wood).

                    they gave me some really heavy duty 'Hollywood strength' pain killers which is giving me this odd reaction.....Im wearing one sparkly glove.....and wearing white ruffled socks with black shoes. LOL

                    DG and MedMama, I'm so glad the surgeries for those close to you have been without serious incident. extra XXXXX's for you both.

                    Prancy, welcome to you and congrats on 5 days AF! hope you have a wonderful ride. I'm not much of an equestrian person myself (I travel too much for even a dog) but all our neighbors have horses or ponies. They smell much nicer than cows

                    Greeneyes, love the avatar!

                    be well everyone,
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      AF Daily - Thursday July 9th

                      Determinator;660415 wrote:
                      they gave me some really heavy duty 'Hollywood strength' pain killers which is giving me this odd reaction.....Im wearing one sparkly glove.....and wearing white ruffled socks with black shoes. LOL
                      OMG! That is the funniest thing I have read all day!!! :H Get well soon you dork! hahahaha! I am sure the boot is stylin'!

                      Hello to you all from me. I haven't been posting much in this thread due to lack of spare time and for some reason I have been sucked into the Subs Vortex enjoying very interesting thoughts on different things....... ie: Michael Jackson and other things.

                      I am still AF and life is gooooooood!

                      Have a great day everyone!


                        AF Daily - Thursday July 9th

                        Pamina, I went back and read your post from Wed. and googled Bowen technique. I hadn't heard of it and was really impressed! It really makes sense.
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

