I'm commuting to work today by bike and then have my volunteer meeting this evening.
Pamina - interesting about the purge and change in attitude. I believe in toxicity and occassionally fast and it's a huge help.
Kayla - feel free to start a thread in the morning. I still ready the previous days late posts so don't feel left out. Good job on getting back on track after your 40-day AF run. You can do it!
This last few days I've been thinking "I really can't do it all" and what can I eliminate. I will not resign tonight as President because it's not our 'official' re-election meeting. That's at our October meeting (quarterly mtgs), so I have time to figure out a replacement or I may change up our Board of Directors and replace 2 people who are not that active with some new folks and then DELEGATE more.
I'd love to expand my garden but don't know if I can really handle more. I thought I might expand for a fall planting but will wait and expand it over the fall/winter when it's cooler.
Being AF makes me feel less frustrated about not having time to do it all. I'm in a much calmer state instead of getting spun up.
Hello to all that follow! I must suit up and hit the road in 30 mins.