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AF daily - Saturday July 11th

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    AF daily - Saturday July 11th

    I'm a little melancholy this week, although I know exactly why. Right around 1 1/2 - 2 years ago my son and I started reading the Harry Potter book series together. It was one of those things that I started doing after getting sober, and it became a nightly ritual that both of us really looked forward to. So around 20 pages a night, most nights of the week, and we slowly worked our way through all seven books. Well, we finally finished the last book two nights ago, and I find myself a little depressed about it. We've been following Harry and his friends for so long now, and it was truly something we shared - we read the books, see the movies, go to exhibits, etc. Seems like a stage of his life has now passed and it is hard to let it go.....

    Like all things in life, I guess, this to must come to an end. If we don't change and grow then we stagnate and that is something that I cannot afford in any aspect of my life. I am grateful that I can recognize it and understand it. It's okay to be sad and work through this period, and that used to be something that I couldn't accept. Progress not perfection, I guess. Hope everybody has a great weekend!
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."

    AF daily - Saturday July 11th


    I know exactly what you mean. It is sad to see those phases in their lives come and then go. I hated it, too.

    You might try getting him interested in The Hobbit and then the Trilogy afterwards. My oldest grandson is read The Hobbit right now and is thoroughly enjoying it. He is 11.

    Well. Happy Saturday all. Doing really well here and hope all to come are, too.

    AF April 9, 2016


      AF daily - Saturday July 11th

      hi AA great thread,as he gets older those thing s like reading and everything else , we parents do with our children ,or maybe even some day with gran children, will pass,they will grow up,they will b like the birds in the air,they will move on in life,grow away,and maybe even move away,,,life will not end,child rearing is not easy,my wife and i had 4,its seems like your addiction is well under control,i wish you well gyco


        AF daily - Saturday July 11th

        AA, I love how thoughtfully you are able to look at these things in your life. It's wonderful that you have done this with your son, and what's even more wonderful is the deep appreciation you have for this special time you have spent together. Your post made me think that today I want to examine how I view things in my day, and see that so many things that might seem like chores sometimes are really gifts. Thank you for starting us off today!

        Hello Cinders and Gyco and all yet to come.

        Today started off cloudy in the early hours with some sprinkles. But now the sun is out and my garden is calling me. I feel good enough today where I'm going to head out there soon and just putter around a bit. We've had rain off and on the last couple of days so I'm sure there must be something popping and ready to pick! After that I will rest if it feels like I should. I have not had to take any pain medication other than the occassional OTC Tylenol which I think is good. I feel a bit woozy at times - I can only guess that it must take a little time for the anasthesia (sp) to fully be gone.

        I am grateful to be sober today, and not be obsessing for AL. In the old days, this recovery would have been the excuse of the moment to get sloshed to "kill the pain." AL *was* my pain and there isn't enough alcohol on the planet to kill him. I'm glad I'm not trying any more!

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AF daily - Saturday July 11th

          Good Evening from the Southern Hemisphere,

          Hi AA - I truly identify with how you feel about coming to the end of Harry, and think its fantastic that you've been able to share the whole experience. My boys are growing fast and my nest is looking a bit sparse, but I'm still able to have moments of what I can only describe as 'stand out memories' to be stored along with Harry, Batman, Star Wars etc. It might only be a shared smile and joke with Teen 1, or us all sitting down to dinner together, or doing a photography course with Teen 2, but I just love the moments, however brief, that manifest that special connection( which can get fewer as the hormones kick in !). Being AF means I drive them around a lot more, and we get to chat and listen to the radio etc. together, which is a huge bonus.

          Hi Cindy Gyco and DG!

          At the minute I'm thinking about focus. I've always been scattered, not really finishing anything, but I'm starting to really really focus on what I want. Had I sustained my previous AL intake I would have just carried on plodding along in a 'woe is me' frame of mind, but I feel much calmer now, and don't get so stressed and panicky about the future.

          Happy Saturday to all to follow!

          Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



            AF daily - Saturday July 11th

            Good morning friends!

            AA, I think that is a wonderful way to spend time with your son. It would be sad to see the series end. The good news is, there are lots of other books out there! It is also great that your sober time has allowed you the insight to understand and accept your feelings--cool!

            I have been super busy as usual. We had a pretty great day yesterday I wanted to share. Hubby, youngest son and I spent the afternoon together and then had an end of the season baseball "game" with my son's team. (10-12 year olds) It was a lot of fun, and it felt good to be able to still smack the old ball (softball for me) out there first time up to bat in oh......14 years! Afterwards we were invited to the coach and his wife's house for beers. They drank quite a bit, and I will admit I looked at her smoking her ciggies and drinking her beer, and wished I could still do that. She said I could.....but I knew deep down, the buzz would be short-lived and I would feel like shit today. Besides, I had to drive home. I still like this AF way off life, but will admit again how at times I miss the connection that beer with friends used to give.....

            Anyway, it was an interesting evening which hubby even said how patient I was--but after hearing a couple of stories for the 3rd time I was ready to go home!!:H

            I'm pretty sure if I didn't stay connected with MWO this af lifestyle wouldn't have lasted this long! Summer is def the hardest.

            Ok, gotta run! Have a great weekend all!:h
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              AF daily - Saturday July 11th

              Good morning everyone!

              I am in run-mode, but wanted to check in quick to say I will see you all tonight.

              AA - thank you for sharing your feelings about you and yoru son. It is hard to watch them grow up and break away a little at a time. It is such a double-edge sward. You are so proud of them and who they are becoming, but it seems to tear a bit of you away each time they pull away into their own world. Just think, we are lucky - we get to live our wonderful lives and theirs as well.. It is beautiful when you think of in that way.

              DG - So glad you are so strong right now. I am so proud of you sister!

              Sorry so short, but I have a huge group in this week, so I'm at the spa trying to get ready for a big day.


              Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                AF daily - Saturday July 11th

                Happy Saturday amigas y amigos!!!!!!!

                AAth, you obviously have enormous love for your children and it warms my heart to see that. it's wonderful.

                LVT, well done on resisting the beer and smokes!

                DoggyGirl, so glad you are doing ok

                Betty, I've also had trouble with focus. I'm so hyperactive and bore so easily that I have to be really careful or I have 5 semi-finished projects all laying around.

                tonight is UFC 100 so I'm limping my broken butt over to a friends house and bringing a 6 pack of N/A beer. should be fun.

                ankle update: it still really sucks! oh well. mentally I'm doing fine. in the old days any excuse to drink 'for the pain' would have sent me into binge-land.

                be well
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  AF daily - Saturday July 11th

                  Good early afternoon my friends!

                  I am a cranky pants. Little AFM is in a mood and I seemingly have a short fuse today.

                  I am still AF and will remain that way. Although.... I am almost at the point of insanity. I popped an antabuse nonetheless. Yes, that is my safe guard for when I am this upset, irritated, and angry as all H*ll. LOL!

                  Have a great day everyone! UFC 100 tonight - way too cool!


                    AF daily - Saturday July 11th

                    Hi abbers!

                    I had a nice little day today so far. Went to the zoo early and rode the tram up to the gardens. Walked back down the wooded path to the riverbank. Then had spontaneous pizza lunch with my dad at the nursing home. On the way home, I saw a new consignment store and stopped and poked around. It's so nice to wander through a day like that. Not wanting to get on home to drink (more) or having never even left at all. Just stop and do this, stop and do that. I didn't buy anything either. I used to buy some wierd stuff when I was drinking.

                    Cruise along!
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      AF daily - Saturday July 11th

                      spontaneous pizza is the best kind!

                      AFM, so glad you are using your tools proactively. (antabuse). recipe for success!
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AF daily - Saturday July 11th

                        AA, in today's newspaper it had a teaser for the sunday paper. One was "What Happens When Harry Potter Fans Grow Up". I'll let you know.
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

