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AF Daily - Tuesday July 14th

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    AF Daily - Tuesday July 14th

    WAs catching up on the last 2 days and saw that WIP had posted last night! So good to hear from her. She's a great inspiration and resource.

    DG - love the picture of you and your pupster. You look like a model! Also, I was very confused about blanching last year when I froze a bunch of veggies for the 1st time. I blanched green beans, let them dry on a towel and then used a food saver and froze them. They were watery. I'm experimenting with freezing raw. So far they look better. Here's what the Nat'l Center for Home Canning says "Blanching slows or stops the action of enzymes which cause loss of flavor, color and texture. Blanching cleanses the surface of dirt and organisms, brightens the color and helps retard loss of vitamins. Blanching also wilts or softens vegetables and makes them easier to pack." I do not like watery green beans so I am skipping the blanching process. I am going to try canning them this year and will freeze some raw.

    Was very, very tired yesterday. I'm stil doing too much. By the end of the day I had thoughts of sitting on the deck with an ice cold beer. A little scary but when I really thought about it, it was less and less appealing - feeling dense, bloated, not sleeping well, waking up foggy. GEEE just what I need on top of feeling tired. Then I was suddenly craving seltzer water and had a big glass and went to bed early.

    DET - just read about the foot, I assume you karate-kicked a cement block? I need to dig back through the posts and figure out what happened.

    AA - loved the post about the Harry Potter series. So glad you enjoyed every last word with your son. You will find many other journeys to share with him.

    I must get the pupster out for his walk. He's been a pill the last 2 nights, waking up at 3:00am insisting I get up but not needing to go out for an emergency pee. He wants attention for some reason and I can't figure out why. I had to send him to the garage. He nudges me, I ignore him and he walks across the room to his bed, gets on it, immediately gets off of it, nudges me and's weird. He didn't get much exercise on Sunday but a regular amount on Monday. This behavior comes and goes, sometimes I wonder if I'm dreaming and it worries him and he thinks I'm to wake up. If only he could talk.

    Happy Bastille Day to all our AF friends in France! Have a great AF day where ever you are today.

    AF Daily - Tuesday July 14th

    Hi Speedster and thanks for getting us started today. Thanks for the thoughts on blanching. Since I now have some of both blanched and not in the freezer I can compare which way I like best later on. It's fun to experiment with this stuff! I FINALLY got tumeric yesterday so hopefully will FINLLY get those pickles made today.

    AFM I've still got some dimply stuff I'm workin' on but I like seeing the women at the gym who are in their 50's and buff - no dimply crap on them. It's a lot of work but I'm inspired! That watermelon is amazing - I'm discovering how much of the stuff in the produce department at Jewel I take for granted. I am also hoping for some butternut squashes. The vine is going nuts and has lots of flowers but for some reason, I only found one teeny weeny minature butternut squash and it was dead (the vine broke somehow). If more finally come on I must get a picture of a teeny weeny buttnernut squash. Amazing.

    Feeling better day by day. I will be glad when the steri strip falls off so I can see what lies beneath it. I'm off to AA and then my Tuesday leads group meeting and then the gym for some cardio. It's a great day to be sober!!! Hello to all yet to come.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily - Tuesday July 14th

      Morning abbers! Quick hello and well wishes as I dash to the hole. Yesterday was oh so not good. But that was yesterday. Today, I will again do my best. I must stay in my "zone" and let EO own his life. It's hard because I'm more than just a greenie bean, I'm a human bean and Lord knows I have to struggle to not try to fix things for others even at my own expense. I'll be back later on. Have a good one!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily - Tuesday July 14th

        Good Morning Speedster and DG,

        All this talk of domesticity has me cringing. I think I'll call room service. :H

        Speedster, dogs are a mystery to me, too. Poulan seldom wakes up in the middle of the night anymore but I hated it when he used to and then we'd go outside and he would putter around. There I would be at 2:30 or so and I just wanted back in bed!!

        DG, I am so glad the surgery went well and there was only one parathyroid that needed to be dealt with.

        All other to come. Have a great and wonderful AF day!!

        AF April 9, 2016


          AF Daily - Tuesday July 14th

          DG, you are my inspiration in the 'buff' department! I would like to tone up myself a bit more.

          Well, I went to bed last night completely exhausted and have strep throat! I cannot believe it. Well, I can. My nephews were down over a week ago for the weekend and my sister told us after the fact that they had strep throat while here. Like WTF? So now I have it. I have taken a couple of aspirin and gargled with salt water. The aspirin really helps. There is no point in getting antibiotics as it only heals it quicker. It is suppose to go away on it's own in 3-7 days anyway. UGH!

          Well I am to be into work by 7am so I must get this butt in gear. Gotta shower!

          Have a great day all. My throat will be thinking of you! (just kidding!) xoxo


            AF Daily - Tuesday July 14th


            Strep throat is one of the few things that you should take antibiotics for. If you don't, you can get a secondary called rheumatic fever. It attacks the heart. Of course, with the advent of antibiotics, rheumatic fever is seldom seen.

            Strep is a bacteria.

            If the boys really had strep, get to the doctor. If they just had a virus, I am with you, it will run its course no matter what you do.

            AF April 9, 2016


              AF Daily - Tuesday July 14th

              Happy Tuesday ABland!

              feeling a little blicky, tapering off the pain meds as I have 3 big driving/travel days ahead of me starting tomorrow. Speedster, I broke my ankle in jiu jitsu (hey at least I was doing something healthy) LOL!
              I think I may be looking at more gentle activities in the future... sigh...

              Dg, glad you are feeling better.

              AFM, if in doubt....see the doc! hope you feel better quickly.

              got some hobbling around to do....

              be well!
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                AF Daily - Tuesday July 14th

                Hi again. Greenie, so sorry about the craptacular day dealing with Estranged One yesterday. I hope your day today is MUCH better. You are right - we cannot fix other people's crap and life at least for me is so much more peaceful when I stop trying! (easier said than done sometimes..)

                AFM I hope that isn't strep! I hope little AFM doesn't get whatever it is. Maybe a day or two of rest will knock it out.

                Cindi I am jealous of room service!! (wouldn't want to do all that travel for it though!) But hey - make the best of life if you have to be on the road, right?

                Deter hope you are not in too much pain reducing the meds. Yes, we need to find you a less dangerous hobby. Let's see.... how about knitting. No wait - those needles are pretty sharp. How about....reading. Oh wait...paper cuts. How about...... I love picking on you. Seriously...please make sure you are all the way off the meds before you drive long distance OK?

                If you plant your tomato plants way too close together, they get tall. Really tall. These are over 5 feet tall.

                Maybe the benefit will be late season tomato picking without needing to bend over.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  AF Daily - Tuesday July 14th

                  Hi Everyone: I'm happy to see everyone doing so well here on the daily thread. Wippy, if you're reading, it was wonderful seeing your post. Mary
                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    AF Daily - Tuesday July 14th

                    Good afternoon one and all!

                    My, it seems as if everyone is dealing with something a little 'extra' these days.
                    Wishing everyone a speedy recovery. I'm just dealing with my annual case of poison ivy - yuck!

                    I have enjoyed your pictures DG, keep 'em coming

                    AFM, I have to agree with Cinders - definitely go for an antibiotic if you are dealing with Strep. The Doc's office can do a throat culture in a matter of minutes. If left untreated, Strep can cause multiple problems down the road. Now I'll put the retired nurse away again, where she belongs

                    Holding out for a great AF day for each and everyone of us!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF Daily - Tuesday July 14th

                      Really? Antibiotics? I read that it would go away on it's own within 3-7 days? Maybe I should go to the clinic then.

                      Shitty! Here I thought I was going to 'tough' it out. I read that antibiotics only help it heal at a faster rate.

                      OK, I will go to the clinic and get antibiotics. I was planning to take Little AFM to the clinic for antibiotics if she catches it as she cannot take aspirin due to Ryes Syndrome.

                      Thanks you guys. What would I do without ya'll????


                        AF Daily - Tuesday July 14th

                        Oh and I am going to grow squash and some watermelon next year. DG, your little watermelon is WAY too cool! I would love to be able to show Little AFM how little they are when they start off and watch them grow. I think she would get a real kick out of it.

                        This year I have tomatoes, garlic, sweet potatoes, ling potatoes, basil, rosemary and sunflowers. I really don't have a lot of gardening space but I think I will replace the potatoes with squash and watermelon next year!


                          AF Daily - Tuesday July 14th

                          AFM what are ling potatoes? I LOVE sweet potatoes. (must be moderate with those!!) WHEE I bet Little AFM would LOVE to grow a watermelon. Somehow that seems way cooler than growing a turnip or a cabbage.

                          I'm liking my "viney section" of the garden where we put the chain link fence to keep the dogs out. Very space efficent to let this stuff grow up instead of out. Do you have any type of fence? The lady at the landscaping place showed me some deer netting - it's like heavy plastic string in a grid of about 3/4 or so inch squares and it's about 4 or 5 feet wide and comes in rolls. She said that the viney stuff loves to grow on that, which I can see. If I didn't have the chain link I might figure out some sort of frame to hold some of that stuff for vineys to grow on.

                          I went to the farmers market this afternoon - a different one than the "downtown" one in my little town. Not many farmers around any more I guess. There was only 1 truly local farmer selling their truly local stuff. They had some cool stuff though. I'll be back next week for Portabella mushrooms - need to plan dinner around that LOL! Nobody has tomatoes yet which is surprising. This cool weather is officially slowing us down now. My garden is "keeping up" as far as what I saw today so I'm pretty full of myself. (that means the pests will decend tonight and feast it all away LOL!)

                          Speedster I ended up making a recipe very similar to your refrigerator pickles today except it was for regular canned ones. I used a combo of Erythritol and Stevia instead of sugar so I hope it works out. I did a water bath - not pressure cooked. But with all that vinegar I think I'm still OK even without the sugar.....I hope I don't die of Bread and Butter Pickles anyway.

                          OK - enough rambling. Have a good evening all! AFM - hope you get to feeling better soon and that Little doesn't get it!

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            AF Daily - Tuesday July 14th

                            Just a quick evening pop-in to say hello to all.

                            I love all this talk about gardens! We have been picking cherry tomatoes for a couple of weeks now, but they are just a few at a time. Yesterday I got enough to make a salad with fresh garden cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, vidalia onions (store bought) and fresh dill in a rice vinegar dressing. MMM! We have chili peppers, green bell peppers and jalapeno peppers and I have discovered that I love jalapenos! For some reason, we have never been successful at growing watermelons.

                            Hope you get to feeling better, AFM and that little AFM doesn't catch it!

                            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                              AF Daily - Tuesday July 14th

                              DG, I should have wrote 'Finger Ling Potatoes'. My mind was faster than my typing output LOL!

                              Fingerling potato - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                              Well, I went to the clinic and the doctor looked at me (and Little AFM - she is fine thus far) and has given me Amoxicillin and took a swab. I have to take 3, 500mgs capsules a day for 10 days! YIKES!

                              Have a great night everyone. I am off to take Little AFM out for her bike ride and I shall die afterwards I am sure! :H Ah, the things we do for our kids even when we feel like crapola! xoxo

                              Thank you friends for advising me to get them. Obviously this should be treated. Love you all!

                              Dill, I love Jalepenos!!!!! I just ate a bunch of Olives stuffed with Jalepenos. YUM!

