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AF Daily - Wednesday July 15

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    AF Daily - Wednesday July 15

    Good morning all! I just start us off today with this quote:

    Change your thoughts and you change your world.
    --Vincent Norman Peale

    I am working on my thoughts everyday and really focusing on honesty. You know, sometimes you know what is needed and you still fall short in the effort to get there. I'm talking about getting honest with myself and staying that way. I tell myself this is the most important thing for me right now, and then I can't seem to focus on it, or face it. I don't know if I am making sense.

    Looks like we are in for some rain today here. The garden will be very happy! I wish you all a good AF day!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    AF Daily - Wednesday July 15

    happy Wed ABland!

    Dill thanks for the nice start and for the encouragement on the other days' thread. Finally doing a bit better with my stomach I'm happy to say and got all of these pain pills out of my system. yucko!

    Dill, honestly has been absolutely critical in my recovery, and very challenging.

    I'll be back once I find a hotel room this evening, on the road again......

    be well,
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      AF Daily - Wednesday July 15

      dill;664618 wrote:
      Change your thoughts and you change your world.
      --Vincent Norman Peale

      I am working on my thoughts everyday and really focusing on honesty.
      This is exactly what I am trying to do! Have you ever read the book Law of Attraction? I signed it out of the library the other day and it is really good so far. I have been taking it on the bus with me and reading it on my way to/back from work. (I don't' drive into town. Parking is EXPENSIVE!!!). I am half way through it after one round trip. It is an easy read and it is really good. I recommend it highly. There are worksheets you are too do but they suggest that you read through the book first and then go back and do the assignments. I am glad that I signed it out. This is the way I WANT to live my life. Attracting More of What I Want and Less of What I Don't want.

      Well, I am feeling a tad bit better. Was in bed at 8 and could not keep my eyes open for very long. I read a chapter of this other book I got and it was nighty night for me. The antibiotics and salt gargles are starting to help.

      A big thank you to all of you who suggested I go to the clinic!!! And Cindi for scaring me about Rheumatic Fever! Seeing the doctor gave me 10 days worth, I guess that says enough about how 'letting it run it's course' was a bad idea. So far Little AFM is free of it. :thumbysup:

      Well, must run and get to work. I hope you all have a fantastic day!

      The AF life is the BEST! I am feeling so fantastic that I wouldn't even dream of blowing it! xoxo


        AF Daily - Wednesday July 15

        Good day ab landers! AMF - you truly sound wonderful these days and you are an inspiration of the joy that is possible each day. The bus ride sounds a lot less stressful than driving/parking and what a great way to use that time reading! Thanks for the book recommendation. I've added that to my Excel spreadsheet of interesting sounding stuff! I'm glad you got some rest last night and that Little AFM has not been bit by the bug. And thanks for the link to those finger potatos. Those look interesting and LOL very much like little fat fingers! I've never seen those before.

        Dill, thank you for starting us off today and that is such a GREAT quote. Our thoughts truly are powerful. We will achieve what we believe. How's that for corniness! That self honesty can be a tough one but so liberating as well. In order to be honest with myself (and with others) I really have to get into a humble mind set rather than a prideful / egotistical one and that is not always easy for me. But change happens if we keep working at it. And on the garden topic - I am really enjoying the sharing we do here about that too! We got more rain today but the temps are still cool (for this time of year) and forcasted to stay that way. HEAT!! Bring on the HEAT! (that's my tomatos talkin'...)

        Deter I hope you are driving SAFELY today!! Glad to hear you are off all the meds - yuck. Look forward to hearing you and Dorkboot have landed safely.

        Hello to all yet to come. It truly is a wonderful day to be sober, and be in touch with EVERYTHING in our lives for better or worse. Whatever might be 'worse' won't get 'better' unless we face it head on and deal with it.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AF Daily - Wednesday July 15

          AFM, I have not heard of the book Law of Attraction. I will look for it at our library. Thanks!

          DG, tell your tomatoes to hang in there, the heat has to get here eventually! I just got back in from picking green beans, peppers, cherry tomatoes and cucumbers. I picked 13 cucumbers off one hill and I am certain there were many more out there! So far the rain that's supposed to be coming in from the west of us has disappeared before it gets here. Fingers crossed.

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            AF Daily - Wednesday July 15

            Hi AFers,

            All sound good today and that makes me feel good, too.

            Having an easy day today and taking time to take things slow. I usually run around in a panic with so much on my plate and I have decided that doesn't work for me. So, I am going to work on some time management skills and keep myself in a calmer plane.

            I always love VNP. He was the first of the motivational speakers. His writings are still timeless.

            Dill, DG, Det, and AFM, glad you all dropped in and I hope the rest to come have a great day, too.

            AF April 9, 2016


              AF Daily - Wednesday July 15

              Howdy AF land.

              We're getting some rain storms and I won't be able to ride the bike, but that's okay I could use a low-key evening.

              AFM - I would love to ride my bike to work but would love a bus ride. My car commute isn't stressful but I'd rather read.

              Nothing else to report. Glad to be AF.


                AF Daily - Wednesday July 15

                Hello all,

                Late day check in here - all is well with me!
                Hope some rain visits my garden soon, have been out watering in the meantime. Picked a handful of cherry tomatoes today, the rest are still green.
                Glad you got the meds for your Strep AFM, better safe than sorry!

                Thinking about turning in earlier than usual tonight, thankful for a good AF day.
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF Daily - Wednesday July 15

                  speedster;665070 wrote: Howdy AF land.

                  AFM - I would love to ride my bike to work but would love a bus ride. My car commute isn't stressful but I'd rather read.
                  You know what is funny? I thought I would totally dread taking the bus. We use to call it the 'Loser Cruiser'. BUT, I am actually enjoying the lack of stress of traffic and finding parking, and being able to do some reading. I never get much of a chance to read having a little one around so this is the perfect chance to start again - in peace! LOL! I also don't have to transfer buses as the bus stop is just outside my door and, it drops me off right outside of work and vice versa.

                  How friggen relaxing is that? Parking downtown is approx $20 or more a day here. I have better things to do with that money Taking the bus costs me $3.70 a day, having the bus pass. If I paid with cash daily it would cost me $4.50 a day. So either way it is so much cheaper! And we haven't even calculated in gas, wear, and tear on my car.

                  So, I am loving this service. Plus I work for a company that is environmentally friendly so taking the bus is a thumbs up! :H

                  Have a great night everyone. We are heading to beddy bye!

