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AF Daily - July 16

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    AF Daily - July 16

    Good morning!

    Things are quiet in Abs lately. Everyone is either busy and enjoying their time away from the boards or they feel confident in their sobriety they don't need us anymore!

    Well, today I am going on an all day retreat with my wonderful new company. (I just love the fun stuff this place tends to do!). It is at the Sleeping Dog Farm and Retreat. I have attached a link if you are interested. Then after we are having a BBQ and pool party. Should be lots of fun! We can bring our kids to the pool party. Little AFM will have a blast!

    Sleeping Dog Farm and Retreat Centre

    Well other than that, I am happy, happy, happy! I see I lost my subscribers and I have decided not to renew it this time around. I am using the boards less and less; and subs even less. So I will see if I go through subs withdrawal and renew or just hang out here with you guys.

    Have a great day everyone! xoxo

    AF Daily - July 16

    Morning abbers!

    That's good that you need the boards less and less AFM! I do hope you stick around as your joyfulness is contagious. I'm having a rough spot and your vivaciousness is simply uplifting. Progress and success are essential points of contrast for the overall health of the fourm. IMHO anyway.

    There will be a challenge today. One that I must get through on my way to the other side of my ongoing marital issue. I will be grounded and at peace that things are and will unfolding as they should. And I will continue to do so during the next week. Hey, any ideas will be appreciated..... like some good guided meditations, anything really. I have BGPs on by the way. Sorry to be needy but oh well, it is what it is.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Say, DG did you eat that peppermint ice cream? I believe some may be in order for me tonight.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily - July 16

      Greenie, I will be posting on the Daily Abs, each and every day - so don't you fret! :H Seriously. I am enjoying the positivity that exudes from this thread each day.

      I will send out good vibes to you for today and every day until this is all done. You are a strong woman and never forget that. No matter how one feels about their soon to be ex spouse; divorce is always an unhappy time to some degree. Peppermint Ice Cream sounds good to me! Enjoy! xoxo


        AF Daily - July 16

        Happy Joy Joy day ABerooooos!

        AFM you sound stellar. Great to steal you full time from subs
        very cool that your job is treating you so well, I also can't complain. I've got dinner with the big boss tonight and Im in pain (perfect recipe for drinking eh?) but I'm not going there. I used to be a stubborn drunk and now I'm just as stubborn about my health and well being.

        Greeneyes, I'm glad you have such a good attitude regarding the great challenges you are dealing with. Here are some meditation resources I think I got from AWIP some time ago:

        BuddhaNet - Worldwide Buddhist Information and Education Network

        some pretty nifty stuff there.

        I must now hobble down the hallway in desperate search for coffee.

        be well my friends and all to come,
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          AF Daily - July 16

          You all sound so strong and positive today! I'm sorry to say that I am suffering from a relapse yesterday. I hate to bring this positivity down, but I want to be honest here. I have fooled myself YET AGAIN into thinking I could remain 'in control'. I could NOT. When am I going to stop this insanity? I've been here for 6 and a half months and I seem to do really well for periods of time, then BAM! I am so disgusted with myself and so tired of this fight.

          In case you guys need ugly reminders, here's one for you: my dear daughter called last night and I have no idea what we talked about other than this one thing. Get this. Her friend is worrying that his mother is drinking too much and daughter wondered if I had any way of getting involved and helping out. I know the lady from our years in PTA. Ummm. Well, I haven't seen her in maybe 10 years and I don't think she'd appreciate me getting involved, I'm sure! I would help her if I could. And how ironic! Daughter has no idea about how bad my drinking has become. Only hb knows and even he doesn't really know the extent.

          I wish you well with your difficult week, Greenie. Stay strong. Drinking will not make it better, as you well know.

          Deter, thanks for the link. I hope your ankle heals quickly. That must be so aggravating.

          AFM, I can't wait to hear all about your lovely day.

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            AF Daily - July 16

            Dill, so glad you hopped back on here so quick and didn't go into a dark downward spiral. I was on here (MWO) for a year before I realized that MOD's was for the birds. *disclaimer* (for me).

            you going to be ok tonight? hop in chat if you need to/want to anytime and somebody will come along. I'm at work now so can't play for long, extra strength to you xxxxx
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              AF Daily - July 16

              Good day Ab Landers. AFM, thanks for kicking us of today and MAN OH MAN I wanna go to the Sleeping Dog Farm!!! Thanks for sharing the link - that sounds like an awesome work retreat place.

              Now to the meat of the thread here today....

              AFM, I am so glad that you have reached this very happy and sober place. I am so glad that while you have less time to spend here (busy with LIVING as it should be!!) you have decided to stay in touch via AF Daily - keep your toes in the MWO water I guess. I really do think, as Greenie said, it is so important that people who are struggling have some success to identify with. That's what keeps us comin' back I think. Good for you and thank you as always for sharing a bit of yourself with us each day.

              Greenie, I am sending you all of the good vibes and peppermint ice cream that I can muster up. Of course there is no peppermint ice cream left in my freezer so it will be the spiritual sort of P.I. which also happens to have no sugar or calories. Seriously - I can't imagine how challenging it must be to get through this without drinking or causing bodily harm to someone (such as EO). Keep hangin' in there with the BGP's and it WILL end one of these days. I'll be thinking of you!!

              Dill, I echo what Deter said - good for you coming right back here and not sliding into an 8 month ditch which is where "moderation" took me. Don't feel alone at all with those thoughts of "now I can control it....." I'm always amazed by reading the stories in AA and realizing that nothing has changed about alcohol addiction from the common things, such as this one, in all these years. Unfortunately, this notion that we can somehow control it when we have obviously proven time and again that we can't is something it seems we all have to go through. Until we are finally sick of it and ready to surrender. (surrender = stop fighting all for control and realize we can't control it once it starts..) Things in life have very strange ways of happening sometimes so maybe the nature of that call with DD was no accident. Onward and forward, strength and hope.

              Deter I hope you have a good evening with the boss. I used to hate those dinners. Now Mr. Doggy is the boss so I don't hate dinners with the boss so much. Well, he thinks he's the boss anyway. I hear you on that stubborn thing!! Hope you found the coffee you were looking for this morning.

              Everywhere I go this week it seems really quiet. Are we at the peak of vacation season? At any rate, I hope everyone is doing great and just out there enjoying the heck out of life.

              All is well here. There was a teeny weeny butternut squash siting today. If it is still there tomorrow I will take a pic. It's amazing how they are just miniatures of the big ones. I don't know what I expected, but somehow I find it amazing. We need HEAT and we are not gonna get it tomorrow. :upset: Time to learn how to make fried green tomatoes and green tomato relish and green eggs and ham sam I am.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                AF Daily - July 16

                Hi guys, I just wanted to pop in here briefly and offer up some support to all in need!
                It's great to hear the happiness in your posts AFM--I say you truly deserve it! And Greenie, I'm sorry about your challenges--we all seem to have our share of those, I guess that is what helps us grow into who we really are meant to be??? And Dill, I tend to entertain thoughts that for some reason after so much time I have acquired control....but I know better, or at least I am afraid I still have a defective off switch. After our little run in with the state patrol the other night it just reinforced in me so much that AL is so not worth it! With the summer and hot weather here I do crave a beer now and again. Yesterday I had a big frosty mug with O Douls, tomato juice and 3 big fat green olives--yum! Some days I crave a raspberry slush just as much!:H I neither want nor need the alcohol. Just makes no sense. I still wonder if those hypno cds and subliminal messages really did a number on me!!
                At the "safety check-stop" the other night a young mother was arrested for DUI and I learned today she had her kids with her. This could have been me so many times. I doubt she had more than a couple of drinks, but it is still against the law. Unacceptable. I could go on and on (because I have time today) but I won't--you all are on my side on this. We at least KNOW its wrong. So much better being the DD when I really want to go out to a social function. In the past hubby and I would party on and then look at each other and ask "you driving?" UGH! I truly believe God wanted me to quit drinking and I will not EF up that grace from HIM.
                Since I found myself with a little extra time today we got the Camaro out of storage and spiffed her up we are:
                Attached files [img]/converted_files/967704=5056-attachment.jpg[/img]
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  AF Daily - July 16

                  Nearly bedtime and I'm just stopping by to say hello!
                  Grateful for a quiet day - no real challenges for me today, quiet on the homefront.
                  I see that some of you, Greenie & Dill are dealing with rough patches. I hope things improve very soon for both of you.
                  DG, you sound so strong & positive, thanks, glad you are so well!
                  AFM the Sleeping Dog Farm looks charming, hope you enjoyed it
                  Good night all, will check in tomorrow!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF Daily - July 16

                    The Sleeping Dog Farm was absolutely breath taking! What a day! Lunch was provided and it was all organic and from their gardens/farm. We had mini quiche and there were three salads. Bean, potato, and mixed greens. Desert was great too! Raspberry bunt cake and another one that had raisins in it. I didn't try that one as I eat enough raisins with my daily raisin bran.

                    The Strategic Planning session was phenomenal. Talk about the energy and the innovative ideas spewing. I was quite impressed with the 'intellect' of the group. Well done all around! The facilitators were awesome too!

                    Det, good luck with your dinner tonight! Although you are in pain, I know you won't drink. Being AF feels too good!

                    OK, gotta run. Going for a bike ride with Little AFM.

