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AF Daily - Friday July 17

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    AF Daily - Friday July 17

    TGIF!!! Good day to all in Ab Land. Oops I better mark and run! Be right back...

    I have been feeling a little irritable the last couple of days. Nothing truly bad has happened, but I have found myself getting unreasonably irritated by a couple of very VERY minor things in the grand scheme. I needed a little "brain food" about this and found something in the Daily Readings Daily Recovery Readings that spoke to me. From the Walk in Dry Places reading:

    We delude ourselves if we believe that our happiness and well-being will come when we reach a certain goal. Whatever happiness and well-being we obtain must come through the process of living in ordinary, everyday situations.
    If we observe carefully, we'll find lots of happy people who are in situations or work that we might consider unpleasant. It is not the work or situation that creates happiness and fulfillment. What counts is the ATTITUDE toward it.
    I still sometimes expect to be all happy happy joy joy just because I have reached a goal of sobriety. This reading made me think back to my struggles getting back on the wagon when I relapsed after 60 days AF. I am realizing that a large part of why I had SUCH difficulty getting back on the wagon is just what it says in this reading. (8 months of mostly drinking and a few AF days here and there). I think I was disappointed that the 60 Days AF didn't produce magical results and changes in my life. Yes, life was better - WAY better AF. But the "better" is so often in the very simple things and AFness does not magically make our problems go away. Life is still life and it still takes work. It's just a lot easier sober.

    So today my mind is "back to the basics." For me that is the serenity prayer to start, and a visit to my gratitude list. I need to look at the bigger picture in order to put these little irritants in perspective, and then get the smile back in my soul!

    From yesterday evening...

    LVT, that Camaro ROCKS!!! You must have so much fun driving around in that. I also appreciate what you said about the occassional longing for a cold beer or whatever contrasted with the stark realities of the risks we used to take, and the knowledge (for me anyway) of the risks I would surely take again if I were to give in to that occassional longing. I hope the young mother learns a lesson and ends up someday being thankful for a DUI rather than an accident. It is so easy for us to never think about the potential consequences.

    AFM glad to hear the retreat was as awesome as the pictures looked! Your new job sounds terrific on you.

    Lavande, a quiet day sounds heavenly to me!

    I hope everyone is looking forward to a great AF weekend!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Friday July 17

    Morning DG & all to come,

    Quick check in from me. I'm in a spell of doing long days at work and try to sneak in a quick post here and there - wrote something on yesterday's thread and then had to abandon it midstream when something cropped up at work. And the last thing I want to do is sit at the computer when I get home at night.

    Anyway! Good post on attitude today. Resonates with me at the moment - am in the doldrums for a number of reasons, none of which are really important in the grand scheme of things. Was trying to post yesterday, Greenie, that your ability to be "at peace" is admirable, especially with all the rubbish you're dealing with. Hope things are going OK.

    OK, gotta go!
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      AF Daily - Friday July 17

      Good morning DG and everyone,

      Thanks DG, I'm going to print our your quote. I've had a lifetime full of Attitude problems and gladly accept any help I can get in that department!

      LVT, I am profoundly jealous of your Camaro...........I've always wanted one, I'm sure at this point it's just too late for me. Enjoy it

      Hi Marshy, Greenie, AFM - hope you are all having a great AF Friday.

      Wishing you all a wonderful AF weekend
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily - Friday July 17

        Goooooooooood morning!

        Ah, it is Friday! And a beautiful Friday at that. I had a fantastic sleep last night and am ready to jump on the day.

        DG, I love the daily reflection on attitude.

        I really had to change mine in order to make it past a couple of weeks AF. I also had to change it in general. I try to find something to be happy about even when circumstances may be trying or stressful. I remind myself each and every day that I am blessed in this life. Hammering this into my head has helped me make huge strides in living peacefully. I do have challenges dealing with 'stressful' situations but I am learning to relax through them. BREATHING deeply is another exercise I use. Oh, and I have bookmarked The Daily Reflections Link because I love to read something positive before embarking on my day.

        OK, well must get lunches packed, showered, and be on my way.

        Have a fantabulous day all! xoxo


          AF Daily - Friday July 17

          Morning abbers!

          Hello to DG, marshy, lavande, AFM and all to come.

          Attitude is right DG. Attitude, silver linings, the little engine that could, smell the roses.... all that.

          Yesterday went OK. Papers got served. He didn't read them, but who'd expect that? :H I explained that a date was set since he was having trouble moving forward and that provided incentive to settle up and get it behind us. He agreed. Now the real work begins. I'm wearing kid gloves and BGPs, a nice combination actually. This is a situation that I am hoping can be handled without further damage to either of us and as guilt and manipulation are damaging, I will not use it or allow it.

          Today is a nice sunny day. I feel good, strong, clear headed, and sober - not somber.

          Det, thanks for the link.

          Go forth and spread joy!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily - Friday July 17

            Good morning, my beautiful friends!

            I apologize for my MIA status the past week, or so. I have been so absolutely busy with work and evening activities with DD (softball, acting, etc.). Anyway, it has been all good and I am staying on my AF path.

            I have been feeling the twinges again to go out and enjoy all the wine festivities that are so abound this time of year. I have found a reflection that really hit home for me the other day:

            "No matter how hard you try to free yourself, until you see the value of freedom and the pain of bondage, you won't be able to let go".

            I know that I am still in the struggle, that is why I even think about the wine thoughts. I need to let go. I know this, but for some reason I am struggling; I'm in the fight. So, this was a great for me.

            I am reading this every morning and I will keep reading it until it is burned into my brain. I also intend to make an actual list of "freedom" and "bondage" in my long weekend meditation session. I need to "SEE" them again.

            I have my guy coming to visit in two weeks and I'm very excited! Again, he is the one that doesn't drink - oh and have I mentioned how unbelievable HOT he is.. heehee..

            DG - thank you for your inspirational post this morning. Attitude really is everything. Life happens the way it is going to happen, we have no control over most of it, but we do have control over how we react to it. Thank you, sweetie!

            Have a wonderful day everyone! I will try and get here a bit more often. I know that for me to make it to my 90-mark (my first goal), I need to keep this life line going. There are so may lines to the contrary in my "live" life. Thank you again for being here. I will try to be here more for you all.. (hugs)

            LOVE TO ALL!!

            Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


              AF Daily - Friday July 17

              Good morning DG, Marshy, Lavande, AFM, Greenie and MM. Thank you DG for getting us started today with the thoughts on 'attitude'. It really IS everything and must be cultivated daily. That must be one reason why this web site is so key to so many.

              AFM, can you tell me the name of the author of the book you recommended the other day? (Law of Attraction). I couldn't find it in our local library by title search.

              Greenie, those BGP look really good on you! I need to get a pair.

              "No matter how hard you try to free yourself, until you see the value of freedom and the pain of bondage, you won't be able to let go".

              I know that I am still in the struggle, that is why I even think about the wine thoughts. I need to let go. I know this, but for some reason I am struggling; I'm in the fight. So, this was a great for me.
              That's exactly where I am right now. I will meditate on that quote today. It's so easy to throw in the towel against this powerful force. It takes almost constant conscious thought for me right now. But, I am here and I'm in the fight.

              Have a good AF day, everyone.

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                AF Daily - Friday July 17

                Good morning all. I agree that attitude is everything.

                Yesterday my old dog's eye was swollen almost shut. I took him to the vet and it turned out that a molar tooth had abscessed and it actually came through the cheek. Yuk! Then they looked and said that he needed his molars extracted. Okay. He is old so that may be necessary. Then they told me it was going to cost over $l,000 US. My Lord. But I can't leave him with abscessed teeth so I took him in today.
                I got home and all I could think of was trying to settle myself back down with a cold glass of white wine. It was really in my mind. Then I remembered that I had a bottle of alcohol free white wine that I purchased -- oh, about a year ago -- so I could have that at a party we were having. Well, I didn't have that and got drunk instead. So I pulled that AF sucker out and poured myself a cold glass and sat down and relaxed with a book. You know, the AF wine wasn't good, but it was cold and I sat down and enjoyed it. Interesting.......only two glasses and I was finished. Maybe if it were NOT AF I would have polished off the bottle.......Ya think???!!! I don't think it is a good long term strategy because it sort of emulates drinking behavior but then I suppose pouring apple juice in a wine glass emulated drinking behavior!

                Anyway it worked for me and I got up this morning without a hangover and took my old guy to the vet.
                Stay strong today. You help me immeasurably!


                  AF Daily - Friday July 17

                  hi doggy,that is something you ll learn about sobriety,my sponsor of 33 years sober,once said when he finds himself in that manner,its time for a meeting , in his case it works,for all it does not ,you have to find as you said a brake away,or you will be engulfed with the thot to drink,iit s a ravaging feeling,i do wish you well in your endeavours gyco


                    AF Daily - Friday July 17

                    Evening everyone

                    I'm doing well but just really tired tonight. Sorry about the quick flyby, I need to crash.

                    I wish you all sweet dreams to lift those melancholy thoughts and bring a brighter tomorrow.


                      AF Daily - Friday July 17

                      Hey guys, wow haven't posted in a while. Have been doing better at sobriety but am under alot of stress at the minute, lots of overtime at work (6 day weeks for the first time in my life) which also means 7 hours a day exposed to swine flu patients, which is frightning. Have also been experiencing some unusual hair loss which is a little scary, not patches, just alot more than usual falling out during the day, maybe stress related? Also been smoking again lately, once again, stress related. I'm getting my first tastes of the adult world this summer, and I must confess, I far prefered being a child! haha.

                      Love to all and hope all are well

                      When I was a kid I thought I wanted all the things that I hadn't got, but I learned the hardest way

                      Time to get what I'm really looking for 17/03/10


                        AF Daily - Friday July 17

                        Just a real quickie post from me.

                        dill, the author of the book is Michael J. Losier.

                        Have a great night everyone!


                          AF Daily - Friday July 17

                          Good evening!

                          I'm sooo glad it's Friday and I am home watching a movie with DD and a lemonade.

                          I really have been thinking about Al this week. I think it is because I am so tired and haven't had time to exercise. This changes tomorrow! I have time to meditate, hike and just started a three-day weekend with DD. We are going to head to a water park where she is taking friends and I have rented a cabana. I am going to start the sequel to Pilliars of the Earth; World Without End.

                          Anyhooo, I'm doing OK. I will make it through this tough spot, I know it. I can AND WILL do it!!

                          OK, back to the movie. Just wanted to touch base with y'all.


                          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.

