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AF Daily - Saturday July 18

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    AF Daily - Saturday July 18

    Hi everyone! It was nice to see even quick fly bys from you TG and Pamina last night. Prancy I hope your dog is OK - I hope you come back today and update us. Hang in there MM - sounds like you have a fun weekend planned where AL has no good place in it. TG, LOL yes - sometimes being a child is simpler that's for sure! But growing up is a wonderful thing, and how good you are working on the maturity part earlier rather than later in life.

    I really enjoyed the discussion on yesterdays thread about attitude. I am still not sure what caused my funkadelic state yesterday although I did make a decision about a small but unpleasant thing and immediately felt a tad better. I hope I wasn't letting something that insignificant ruin my day...but maybe I was. LOL It's still too early here to see what today's mood-o-meter says! I don't think I will try to read the meter until the sun comes up.

    I DO know this. I have not exercised enough this week! I really love the way I feel afterwards, so why do I blow it off and then deal with the guilt about it???? I SWEAR my brain doesn't work right! But I'm gonna keep on trying.

    Mean time, the garden has basically come to a halt waiting for some hot weather. I stopped at another farmers market yesterday and they grow some of their stuff locally and ship other stuff in. Their local stuff is all really late - no local tomatoes (at least no red ones anyway). So I don't feel so bad.

    Seriously - does anyone know if green tomatoes (as in fried green ones) are bad for you? I seem to recall reading something about green tomatoes being bad somewhere, but I can't remember what. If anyone knows....please pipe in!

    Mean time, I look forward to everyone's check in today. I was also thinking of starting a thread that maybe could end up as a sticky someday called "What's AF Daily?" or something like that so new folks would know what this thread is all about. Us "regulars" address each other in familiar ways (of course) which might cause a new person to be a bit intimidated unless they know to just jump on in. At any rate...maybe I'll start something like that and if you guys think it's a good idea, add onto it and then later we can ask about the sticky. Or if it's not necessary the thread can die on it's own.

    OK - enough ramble. I hope everyone has a good plan for the weekend. If not, let's go join MM and her DD at the water park. MM do you have a Cabana boy hired to go with that Cabana???? Seems only right...

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Saturday July 18

    Hi DG
    Having an evening check in for a change. Just quickly. Good to hear your banter. Do tell about the exercise. I will fall over if I ever manage to do anything active on a consistent basis... but I have been walking when I can, and that's helping lift my mood.

    Still sober here ... 16 days running now ... still very precarious. Coming out of the depression fog a bit the past two days.
    It's my little boy's birthday tomorrow - the big 8! So we're off to the beach ...
    Have a terrific day everyone. Sending lots of smiles your way x

    Current attitude towards addiction: Why ask why? Just accept that it is, and go from there ...


      AF Daily - Saturday July 18

      Kayla, a VERY warm :yougo:Congratulations!:yougo: on your 16 days! That rocks! I hope you have a lot of family fun this weekend celebrating your son's 8th b-day. That seems like it would be such a cool age.

      Walking is a great place to start with exercise. I can't wait to get back to weight training (post surgery restrictions at the moment). I never coulda woulda said THAT a year ago!

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF Daily - Saturday July 18

        Good morning Abbers! It is only 57 degrees here right now. This has been such a cool summer! You are so right about the tomatoes, DG. We are only getting the handful at a time of cherry tomatoes. We are also getting a steady stream of these yellow plum shaped tomatoes but I don't know the variety name. As far as your question about green tomatoes, they are definitely safe to eat. I've ordered them off restaurant menus, and my dear mother in law used to make them for us years ago.
        Have you ever grown nasturtium? It's an edible flower. Tastes like radish and is beautiful.
        I'm glad you are out of your funk, or at least appear to be! Yesterday, I was fighting one all day. Probably fall out from my relapse. Some times, even in the middle of my work (helping Mr. Dill work on fencing to keep our black angus in) I would find myself just staring, not doing anything but holding my tools in hand and staring off into the distance. I would become aware of it and get moving again. I'm hoping the depression lifts today.

        Kayla, I am glad you are sounding so good and positive. I can relate to your "fog" and am glad you seem to be keeping it in perspective and moving forward. I am working on my attitude and appreciate and help/suggestions along those lines. Reading positive posts like your is definitely helpful.

        AFM, thanks so much for the author's name. It sent me on a whole new adventure with the public library last night! I had been searching by title at the library website, but couldn't come up with anything. When I search by author it showed me two items, but both were internet downloads. The book wasn't available in the library in hard copy, but I could download an audio or print version from the library! I have never done this before nor did I know this avenue existed at the public library! The Losier audio book is not available for download for two more days, and they will notify me by email. In the meantime, I down loaded the necessary software from the library website and 'checked out' a different book, just to see how the process works. Plus, it was a book mentioned here by Determinator and others that I was wanting to read: The Power of Now. So, I downloaded it and have it on my laptop. I can transfer it to my Ipod, too! Isn't all this great?!!! Thanks, again, AFM. I need all the attitude adjustments I can get right now!:H

        I did all that adventure last evening. The 'old' me would not have been able to accomplish that on a Friday night. OR, would have done it and the next day, found it on my laptop and wondered what the ---- it was and how it got there!

        Deter, I got the Tolle book, The Power of Now, audio version. Thanks for mentioning it a few days back.

        I hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday!

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          AF Daily - Saturday July 18

          Ooops! I forgot to reply to your question, DG, about starting the new thread. I think it is a good idea!

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            AF Daily - Saturday July 18

            Hello DG, Kayla, Dill and all to come

            Good job stringing the AF days together, Kayla!! Hopefully you'll feel better and calmer as the fog recedes further, which it will, as you keep sticking it out.

            LOL on the audio adventure, Dill! I didn't know that's possible, either. It would never occur to me that libraries offer downloaded books these days, but of course they would do. Audios might even work better in getting you back to a good headspace. Let us know!

            Which brings me to the attitude issue from yesterday. Very good topic! I can so relate to the thought pathway that runs along the lines of 'I have put in this much effort, really thrown myself into this, worked so hard; now I expect to get the reward that *I* want (whether that is happiness, skinniness, high exam grade, career success); what do you mean I have to put up with a less-than-perfect result???; well, what's it all for, then, should I even bother in the first place?' Yet if we write out the initial expectation "sobriety should produce perfect happiness on all days" we can recognise that as utter nonsense. I can't count the times I've felt disappointed that some endeavour didn't turn out exactly the way I had hoped and then got mad at myself for not producing perfection. Not only is that thought sequence irrational, it leads into a dead end. One of the (many) old patterns to be left at the curb. Hope you've put the momentary funk behind you, DG.

            The other thing I was left thinking about was Greenie's arsenal. Boy, those BGP have seen a lot of action over the year. You may also want to stock up on L-theanine Theanine for relief in the moment. Another thought is tapping on the chop point below your pinky on the side of your palm. It can help defuse a feeling of overwhelm. More info on EFT Home - World Center for EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). And lastly, visualisation. If you will be called upon to make a statement/negotiate/justify a point, decide in advance how you'll word it, practice, and visualise yourself doing it. I've used it for various performance-type situations, and it reduces anxiety by making it all more familiar in advance, if that makes sense.

            The sun is out, the sales are calling, and I've got to make a move. Happy weekend one and all.


              AF Daily - Saturday July 18

              Morning abbers!!!

              quickie as I'm going to throw on clothes and walk little doggie. My knees are still hurting, but it's time to stop reading about exercise and begin somewhere. I used to be a triathlete for fecks sake!

              And Pamina, thanks!! I have theanine and I know what tapping is, but that's all. I'm not quite clear on the chop point. Palm side meaning palm or side of the hand? I'll look at the site. I understand the visualization part of it too.

              Off to do the block now.

              This thread is the bomb! It is SO helpful.
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF Daily - Saturday July 18

                Good morning friends--congrats to all the sober people here....hang in there to those trying so hard to be. It is so worth it, so never, ever give up!

                I'm feeling really good these days and don't want to jinx myself, but life is good. Hubby is incredibly worried about the future of life as we know it. When he talks about what is going to happen because of what the government is doing it makes me sick to my stomach. I told him if there is something I can take control of that would help the situation, let me know, otherwise I'm going to keep on living in my own little world (which he thinks is made of sand).

                My garden is there. That is about all I can say. As usual I planted too many radishes and can't eat them fast enough, but it does give the grasshoppers something to enjoy besides my beans and kale and corn. I tried to move 2 cucumber plants to make room for a pumpkin plant and killed them both--but I have plenty of others. It is so late, and although the days are warm the nights are cool, so its not growing very fast and if it stays like this, like DG tomatoes won't ripen. Oh well, I still enjoy it all the same!
                And I have never heard anything about green tomatoes being bad.

                Dill, I wished our library offered downloadable books, that is a valuable resource there! I was paying $15 a month at for 2 books per month. Which isn't bad, but I couldn't keep up so I put it on hold for the summer.

                DG--I like the AF thread idea.

                Should be a fun day. Going to my friends garage sale, then taking the Camaro in the parade for the prevention coalition. Then back to town to watch some of my little friends in the swim meet. So, I better keep moving.

                Happy weekend--sober ok? :h
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  AF Daily - Saturday July 18

                  Good morning everyone!

                  What a nice surprise to log in and there are a good number of posts, here already!

                  DG, glad you are feeling better. I tend to get into a 'funk' over something that should not hold that much power, but I am working on 'letting things be' at the moment. Attitude is everything in life.

                  Kayla, great job on your 16 days. I found once I hit the 21 day mark it was a lot easier to commit to my resolve. I am heading on two months now and I haven't felt this good emotionally or physically since my drinking career commenced. I have had good, long stints of AF time, one being for 8 months in 2007. The thing that is different for me now is I feel at peace with the fact I cannot drink. All of the other times I was 'white knuckling' it waiting for the day I would fall flat on my face. In the back of my mind I was setting myself up for failure. The AF life is a great life. I feel so happy and I want each and everyone of us to feel this good. Have fun at the beach!

                  Dill, you are more than welcome for the author's name. I have finished the book now (it was a fairly short read) and am trying to implement that way of thinking into my life. I am not a 'self help' book junkie but there are a LOT of great ones out there. Today I am going to the library to specifically look for that book 'The Easy Way to Quit Smoking'. I quit smoking when I quit drinking but this has been suggested by many, many members on the 'What are we Reading' section of the site. For curiosity's sake I would like to see what it is about. I am not really struggling with the nicotine addiction but I think any tool we add to our 'toolbox' the better. Quitting smoking is definitely harder for me that the quitting drinking. BUT I am sooooo sick of that dirty habit I will NOT smoke no matter what! Hey, DG? You found the ciggies harder to quit didn't you?

                  Greenie, you sound a little 'off' today. Are you OK? (((Greenie))).

                  Hello, LVT! Nice to see you.

                  Well, today I am going to take Nana and Little AFM to Hillside shopping center. It is suppose to be a hot one here and I think an air conditioned mall would be ideal for the peak hours. We never get down there much, actually we never go to malls much, so this will be considered a 'trip' to do some serious window shopping. hahahaha! I was looking at the Sears catalog last night and I just LOVE the styles that are coming out this fall. Just love it! I haven't liked any of the new styles for many, many, years. But this year it is great. I may have to go and look (if they have them in yet?) and see if I can buy a couple of the pieces I want that will last for years, as the styles are very classic. We will see. I tend to get stingy when I have to dole-out the money! :H But I know me and I will really want them at some point and they will be all gone. SO the time is now to horde! hahaha

                  OK, I must fly. Hello to everyone to come. Have a great day all!


                    AF Daily - Saturday July 18

                    Everyone sounds so bright & busy here today, that's fabulous

                    I don't have much to add. I will say your new thread idea DG sounds like a good idea.
                    AFM, I found quitting the smokes much harder......... I am 60 days smoke free today thanks to QuitNet. They provide a wealth of information and support there that is just priceless. Check it out:

                    Kayla, congrats on 16 days, awesome

                    Wishing you all a fabulous AF weekend!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF Daily - Saturday July 18

                      Thanks Lavande. I will check out that site. I am at 49 days smoke free. I am doing 'OK' with it. I get those fleeting thoughts and forget that I don't smoke. Then it dawns on me.... 'Oh, yeah! I don't smoke anymore'. I will check out QuitNet. I forgot about that site. It was mentioned here many times as well but I never went to look at what it is all about. Thanks!!!


                        AF Daily - Saturday July 18

                        AFM, I'm good. I just wanted to get going while the going was good. Great walk too. I just ambled as the knees are being wierd. But the neighbors were having a yard sale so we laughed a bunch and I got to borrow a pitchfork that I needed. The leaves and stuff have landed in the corner of the fenced back yard and I need to take care of that as little doggie is just about to figure out she can jump it. There was a storm here last night and the rotty branch a bird feeder hung from fell so I need to get the ladder and hack saw back out. Poor knee. I can really get going with a ladder and a hack saw. :H I REALLY want a power saw. So, off I go to the tundra.
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          AF Daily - Saturday July 18

                          Happy Saturday ABenators!!!!!

                          I'm back home thankfully will take me a bit to catch up but wanted to say howdy to my MWO family for now.

                          On Wed night I ended up an a hotel so skankoid that they charged a cash deposit to give me the tv remote control. WTF? then the guy comes over to show me the hidden switch behind the tv to get the free 24/7 porno channel. I'm not kidding! I felt like I was in a Quentin Torentino movie.

                          be well everyone,
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            AF Daily - Saturday July 18

                            Det, :H:H (Did you view your free porn??)

                            Everyone else, gosh, this thread has me up and perky. Thanks!!

                            Still AF here and like AFM lovin' the AF life.

                            You all help keep me on track and when I do get a little funky, I pop over here and read what all have to say.

                            Dill, I went through the exact same thing you described this last time. Staring off into space, mind just wandering everywhere. It worried hubby a lot. In my case, it was guilty thinking. The omg, I did this and I did that and look where I have gotten. Hmm. I am still dealing with the guilt but have a better attitude about it. I know it is something I have to work on. I guess I should pop over to the AA thread and post about it.

                            Thanks for being here. I love this little troop and am incredibly grateful all of you are here.

                            AF April 9, 2016


                              AF Daily - Saturday July 18

                              Det! :H OMG!

                              Cindi I am sooooooooo glad that you are doing so well! I knew you had it in you. Keep feeling fantastic and roll with it!!

                              Greenie, good to hear that you are fine. Ummm... first the weed eater, now the pitch fork and a hack saw? OMG! If I were your knee, I would be scared too!! hahahahahaha

                              OK, gotta run. Off to walk the dog then into to town we go..............

