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AF Daily - Sunday July 19

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    AF Daily - Sunday July 19

    Hello absters and happy Sunday! (or whatever day it is in your part of the world!)

    I love the energy on yesterdays thread and that sure helped dissipate whatever remained of my Friday Funk! Special welcome to any new AFers - I hope you will jump right on here and introduce yourselves!

    From yesterday....

    Deter I hope you didn't catch anything at the skankadelic motel. Porn flicks are sort of funny. Most women I know wouldn't "like" doing much of that especially for no paycheck.

    Greenie, I say rock those power tools! I think a power saw should be on your wish list as a divorce present.

    AFM, let us know how the shopping went. LOL I bought a copy of Vogue magazine at the grocery check out counter last week thinking I would check out the fall fashions. I don't read those types of magazines very often. I am shocked looking at both the fashion articles and the pics in the ads trying to figure out who would actually wear that stuff. I need to get my hands on a Sears Catalog I guess to determine what 'real people' might be wearing this fall!

    Mary I hope you had fun at the wedding. You comment about throwing up made me think of a wedding in my past that I just cringe about. I drank a lot on the way there and drank a ton while there. I fell down on the dance floor crashing into the "front line" of the band. I think my skirt ended up over my head. My boss was there. Never was a word said after that event but of course I was mortified. It is SO good to know that I am free of that nonsense for today, and that there is hope I can never end up there again. Those memories are so important to counter the "glammed up" images of drinking that surround us sometimes (and the AL conjurs up in my head - he doesn't even need a picture in an ad - he makes up his own ads)

    Lavande and AFM - congrats to you both on the NF success! Lavande I too quit smoking with the help of Quitnet (that's what made me search a similar site for drinking and I found MWO!). There was a "club" there called 40 + Quitters - a very fun group. I couldn't have ditched the Nic without their help. Good for you!

    Dill - LOL over your library adventures! I use the library on-line system to reserve books and renew them. I had no idea about downloading audio books though! I'll have to see if my library offers that now that I am in 2009 with an iPod. I wonder how the whole Kindle thing will affect the libraries? Anybody here using a Kindle? Seems pretty expensive at the moment... Also - I like your new avi pic. What kind of flowers are those?

    Pamina - the EFT looks interesting. I have book marked that link. Hope you got lucky at the sales yesterday. I am interested in what you might have seen regarding fall fashions!

    LVT - my hubby sounds a lot like yours. All doom and gloom about the national politics. I am weary of listening to it. We will all just have to deal with what comes. I wish Mr. D would channel the energy he spends ranting to me into writing his congress people - actually DOING the only thing that CAN be done about it. I sure can't change it! Mean time, I like my garden too although it was more fun before it stalled. I was a bit sad yesterday because the little Butternut squash I saw on Friday (and was going to photograph) was gone. I'm not sure why that vine is having trouble making actual squashes - it's got plenty of flowers on it. Tell me more about Kale - what kind you grow and what you do with it? Mr. D wants me to grow some and I'm like HUH??? What's that??? I wish I could have taken a Camaro ride in the parade with you!

    The sun is nowhere close to being up yet but I can already tell that the mood o meter has a good reading for today. I will hit one of my favorite AA meetings this morning then hit the cardio machine at the gym. Then I am going to adventure to a nearby town to a farmers market where there is supposed to be a vendor with fresh eggs. I have been looking and looking for fresh eggs and not finding any. I know there have got to be people around - they are just hard to find. I hope I get lucky!

    It feels SO good to be up early and without a hangover. In the old days I would be so miserable that I would be unproductive the whole day sort of nursing and recovering from a week's worth of daily hangovers that I had "pushed through." The sober life is good. I need to always remember what it used to be like so I can fully appreciate what life is like today.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Sunday July 19

    Good morning all and thanks to the wonderful DG for rounding me up and bringing me back into the herd. Life is always that bit better when I am talking to the MWO family

    I haven't been posting because I have been drinking and as an alcoholic that can never be a good thing. In fact I stopped reading because I am so ashamed.

    I have been listening to the AA tapes that Cindi so helpfully gave us the link to. They really help in some ways but the sometimes outspoken approach makes me too nervous to go to real meetings.

    On the plus side I now have a counsellor to work on my issues, which I think will help in the long term. Was very interested in the EFT thread as one of my friends is a qualified practitioner and we did some great work before Xmas when I was sober but then we hit that point where you know why doctors should not practice on their friends or family. I still sometimes use it with the form of words she told me such as " I know .......... but I love and accept myself as I am". Lately it has been "I know that I behave as a total fxxxwit but I love and accept myself as I am". I find it calming.

    I am scheduled to start a controlled detox again (I really have been on a bender) on 1 August although if I am strong enough I'd like to start sooner but the safety of the doctor as backup is appealing.

    When I am sober I want to start using chat if I am having a difficult time but you know me the harder it is the more I withdraw into myself.

    Good news my brother-in-law is coming over next weekend. He thinks that maybe when my computer was set up I am not the administrator and that is why I can't do much on it. Other than the fact I am technologically challenged ofcourse. I will then post pics of Rusty and Lady M. Have you heard the one about him learning to climb into my bookshelves for a good munch? They will be old pictures because at the moment they are molting and look very motheaten. By the way I went walking with wolves yesterday which was an experience.

    Anyway love you lot. Don't feel I have the right to post here but really want to deserve it.

    Keep well.
    Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
    AF 8 June 2012


      AF Daily - Sunday July 19

      Loppy it is good to see you. I know how badly you want to kick this addiction to the curb and all we can do is keep on fighting.

      I cannot say for anyone other than me whether AA meetings would be helpful in the long run or not. But I will offer this one thought - more about recovery activities in general than AA activities specifically.

      My addicted brain wants a fix. That is the number 1 priority of AL in my head. Therefore, when I think about activities that might be helpful to my sobriety, AL likes to reject them, and hand me a million thoughts about why those helpful things might not be a good idea. My addiction doesn't want me to give up my addiction. So it tries to talk me out of AA meetings, MWO posting, exercising, and everything that contributes positively to my sobriety.

      I can't get sober without doing things that involve extreme discomfort initially. I just have to keep on pushing through it, and have faith that there will be less discomfort with time.

      It's sort of like exercise. I really really want abs instead of flabs. I have to do a lot of sit ups to get there. I don't want to do a lot of sit ups because it's hard work and I will also have sore muscles, especially when I first get started. But...if I want abs.....

      Anyway, this is probably sounding like an unwanted lecture and that's not what I intended so I'll stop. Keep fighting Loppy and don't be afraid to break out of your comfort zone if that's what it takes to reach the sober place you want to get to.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF Daily - Sunday July 19

        Good morning, everyone. Just popping in to say hi. I'm up early and have a busy day ahead.

        Loppy, I'm somewhat in your shoes since I had been drinking heavily from the beginning of July until last week. Last Sunday, I went to my first AA meeting and I loved it but I also went to a meeting yesterday that I really didn't like. If you like, I will PM you with my perspective as a newcomer to AA.


          AF Daily - Sunday July 19

          Hi all, I'm catching up on the last couple days of threads.

          Bought a bushel of peaches (seconds) at the farmers market yesterday for $10! My neighbor and I canned about 1/3 of them and made peach marmalade. Waiting for the remainder to ripen. Made granola too and picked 1lb of green beans. Somewhere along the way did some agility practice and went for an hour hike.

          It's unseasonably cool today and will head out for a big hike with hubby and pupster. I need a day of fun. Canning is hard work.


            AF Daily - Sunday July 19


            How do you ripen peaches? The ones I buy are never ripe and they never seem to ripen.

            AF April 9, 2016


              AF Daily - Sunday July 19

              Morning abbers!

              Cindy apples emit some sort of gas when they ripen and it is an accelerant to fruit it's near. If you put an apple in a bag with other fruit it will hasten the ripening.

              Had fun at the outdoor concert at the park with friends last night. Everyone drank (a little) but me. Then I had a drinking dream last night in which the same people were at my house and I was sneaking-drinking their gin right out of the bottle in the garage. Spilling it on my blouse, trying to blot it up, someone opening door to garage, hurriedly fumbling with the cap. UHG! What a relief it is to be AF.

              It's a pretty day today. I'm going to make a list of things I must get done and do each one to completion. I'm flitting around too much and not finishing stuff. I guess it goes without saying that it's stuff I don't want to do. So I shall get started!

              Hope everyone has an enjoyable day!
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF Daily - Sunday July 19

                good morning all, isnt it odd how long it takes are brain to kik in after so many years of abusing it,youd think it would just say its about time,o no,it has to piss us off and want more,over time it will work out,have a wonderful day,gyco


                  AF Daily - Sunday July 19

                  Good morning all!

                  It is another beautiful day here, in sunny Victoria, BC! I have a lot to do today. First and foremost, once everyone is awake I am going to get the laundry and housecleaning done. I would like to get this done first thing so I can enjoy the rest of my day to do other things. Secondly, I am going to the Library to return the books that Little AFM and I signed out.

                  I just finished 'Law of Attraction' with my coffee this morning. What a GREAT book. I was getting butterflies in my stomach each and every time I picked it up. It is such a good read and as I keep practicing it; I feel things changing in the way I think and feel. I may sign it out again at a later date. With self-help books, I find reading them twice, I can really get a solid understanding of what they are actually saying. I have 'Happiness Now' which was a good read as well. Actually, it was one of the best I have ever read! I have given it to my Nana to read (hehehe) and once she is done, I will read it again. She is a person who is fairly happy but it might give her some reasoning as to why my mother (her daughter) is always so negative. It couldn't hurt! I learned a lot about myself, and others with that book.

                  Then we are going to have a very pivotal moment for Little AFM, today. She really wants her ears pierced so we are making a trip to the mall to have them done. She is so excited; which in-turn makes me excited. I will bring my trusty ear plugs, however. She may scream bloody murder at the time of piercing! She wants 'Pink Diamonds'.

                  Then we are going to say 'Hello' to my dad. My step sister and her daughter are down from up-island and we are going to pop in to see them. I haven't seen them for about a year and a half. I am not fond of my step sister. She is a very harsh, negative-speaking woman. She has very low self esteem and it shows through her negativity. BUT I really adore her daughter who is 13 now. Little AFM just loves her too.

                  So that is my day all planned out. I hear my Nana getting into the shower and I can hear Little AFM coughing, so I assume she is waking up. It was REALLY nice to have an hour to finish my book in peace this morning!

                  We went to Sears yesterday and I did pick up a few pieces for my 'fall wardrobe' (or lack there of! hahaha). I just love the reasonable prices and the quality of the clothes. I was very happy with my purchases. I then put on order a solid oak, beautiful, expresso coloured, bunk bed set for Little AFM. It was on sale for $999.99 from $1399.99. It really was hard to dole out that money but; it is a great deal and it will last a life time. She then can have it, if and when she decides to have children. I am thinking when she is starting 'regular school' she will have friends over for sleep-overs and this will accommodate them. It is a beautiful piece and the darker colour is gorgeous. I have been looking for a bunk bed set for a very long time and FINALLY came across something worth buying. So, our Sears trip broke my bank (hahaha) and we came away with some really nice stuff! (damn catalog! j/k)

                  Have a great day everyone!! Time to start cleaning!


                    AF Daily - Sunday July 19


                    A bit of advice on the ear piercing.

                    When I had my daughter's ears done, two girls did it at the same time. That way if it hurt, she would have both done anyway.

                    It sounds like a wonderful day, AFM. Enjoy.

                    Hi everyone!!

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      AF Daily - Sunday July 19

                      Cindi! What a brilliant idea! I will see if we can have it done that way. Thanks, hon!


                        AF Daily - Sunday July 19

                        Good morning all. It is a hot but beautiful Sunday and I too am grateful to not have a hangover to greet it with.

                        Green, I can so relate to those dreams. Aren't they just a killer. It feels exactly like the real thing. Had to laugh at your image of sneak drinking in the garage and spilling it on your blouse. Sounds like the real me. I did that once with red wine with my sisters and they kept laughing and saying, oh so you were chugging out of the bottle. I kept denying it although I don't know why I thought I could since I had red wine on my shirt. My drinking behavior leaves a lot to be desired!

                        I have two weeks now and find reading and posting on this site very helpful. I have tried AA in the past but I have encountered to many what is called here as "nazi AAers" and I don't find that helpful. It seems as if you don't do 30 meetings in 30 days you are a loser. Then someone will throw in 90 meetings in 90 days or you will definitely go back to drinking. I really don't want to go to that many meetings. I would like to just use them for support and also concentrate on the positive aspects of my life. Sometimes the meetings can help a lot though, especially when someone shares something about their own story that is a carbon copy of your own. After I get a bit of time under my belt, if i feel I need something more, I may try them again. I think I have to keep my mind open for "whatever works."


                          AF Daily - Sunday July 19

                          chainsaw massacre!

                          Not really. Not yet. But guess who bought a chainsaw! OH BOY!!!
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            AF Daily - Sunday July 19

                            Good afternoon all,

                            Just back from church, sat with my daughter-in-law and grandson. He's only 7 mo. old but held up nicely for the hour.
                            DG, the first club I joined on Quitnet was the 50's Something Quitters Club. I have found we all have the same basic mentallity. I also read and post on a Forum called Other Addictions - lots of us out there with dual problems........... AND if you want fresh eggs, you can find them in my yard. I have 20 hens laying fresh brown eggs every day We give them, sometimes sell them (on the sly) to friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc. We cannot officially sell them without a license from the AG Dept. here in PA. I treat the 'girls' very nicely, feed them well, keep their clean quarters, handle the eggs carefully and all that - I just don't want to deal with State Inspectors...........Afterall, it's just a hobby!!!

                            Loppy, glad to hear you are back with strong.

                            Hi to Cukoosnest, Speedster, Cindi, Greenie and Gyco. AFM, you have a big day planned out, hope you enjoy it. Little AFM will love her new bunk bed set, sounds very cool and it will work great for sleep overs, nice!

                            I'd love to get outside to do a little weeding but I'm still nursing the remainder of last weekend's PI exposure. It takes forever for that stuff to go away and I don't want to risk getting more. Yes, I'm a big weenie when it comes to PI

                            Hope you all have a wonderful AF Sunday!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              AF Daily - Sunday July 19

                              Lavande, can I come and be your neighbor???? EGGS!!!

                              YES!! Farm fresh ones from a nice young couple who only bought their farm 2 years ago. They are raising free range chickens (for meat), ducks and turkeys and grass fed cows and pastured pigs in addition to the laying hens. I like the farmer I currently get my beef and pork from, but I think this guy will be getting my chicken, eggs and turkey business. He will have duck next week so I need to get there early and get one!

                              This week I watched a documentary that was rather disturbing about genetically engineered crops and Monsanto company. The World According to Monsanto - Full Documentary All I can say is that now I am even more committed to growing some of my own food and buying as much of the rest of it as I can from local farmers who at least try to keep it natural. This genetic modification stuff is truly frightening to me mainly because it has thus far provided an avenue for giant companies to start patenting seeds. The implications of this are IMO, very disturbing.

                              Anyway...that's the "bigger world" issue on my mind today. Those eggs sure were tasty for breakfast! Laid yesterday, on my table today. Lavande I think it's cool you have your own chickens. (and I don't blame you for not wanting to deal with all the regulatory stuff)

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

