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AF Daily - Monday, monday! July 20/09

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    AF Daily - Monday, monday! July 20/09

    Good morning!

    My weekend was packed full of things to do. I won't get into them as I had already written about them on the threads from Sat. and Sun.

    We were in bed by 8ish last night. I was just wiped out! I woke up yesterday morning feeling tired (but of course I didn't sleep any longer! :H ) Anyway, last night's sleep was very good and needed.

    Well, I should get my heiny into gear here. I get up so early but feel like I am rushing out the door. I am spending too much time on MWO in the mornings.

    Have a great day all!

    AF Daily - Monday, monday! July 20/09

    Good Morning AFM and my AF friends,

    AFM, how did the ear piercing go?

    I am going to be working from home this week, which means I can pop over and see what is happening on the forums. I hope I get some work done. :H

    I am still AF and somewhat astounded by it, to be honest.

    I hope all to come have a good AF Monday. Looking forward to "seeing" you all.

    AF April 9, 2016


      AF Daily - Monday, monday! July 20/09

      Cindi, she came out like a Super Star! She did not cry and she did what was asked of her. She was a brave little girl and I was so proud. They have new piercing guns now..... they don't make that 'BANG!' sound. It goes 'click'. She was hopping and skipping afterward; she was so happy. There was only one person working so she had to have them done separately. I am a proud mama! No complaints about pain since the initial piercing. She picked out 'Ice Pink' diamonds. They are very pretty and the stems and backings are 14 carat gold. No nickel either. It cost me a small fortune hahaha, but it was well worth it, 100-fold!


        AF Daily - Monday, monday! July 20/09

        Morning abbers!!!

        Weekend went by kinda fast; they all do. Does it seem like that to everybody else?

        I'm ready for the week. I have healthy food, (I finished the chips last night :H) a healthy attitude, and all is well. I haven't needed AL for a year and I don't need it now. I'm a good, kind person and not a victim. All will work out for the best. I will remain safe and well.

        I know this is all about me and I appreciate you bearing with me this week. It helps me from getting wierded out.

        Hope everybody has a good one today to kick off the week.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily - Monday, monday! July 20/09

          Good morning friends!

          I had a little free time to myself yesterday and I caught this documentary. If you get a chance try to watch it. I have my tivo set to record next time it comes on and I'm going to make my hubby watch it with me! I read (listened to) Michael J. Fox's book--always looking up. He is one actor I have some respect for.

          Michael J. Fox: Adventures of an Incurable Optimist - ABC News

          Not much else to say this morning. Loppy, I hope you will stay with us. Seems you try so hard, yet sobriety evades you. I hate that it is so hard for some. Hang in there though, ok?

          DG--Kale is something I have only grown for ornamental purposes--it is beautiful. But this year I'm growing a little in the garden to use in my green smoothies as it is full of nutrients, but it must be awful bitter to eat any other way. If I can keep the grasshoppers off of it, that is. I watched the first video in your Monsanto link. I hope to catch the rest when I have time. As small farmers, we have to produce the most crop we can and I'm not directly involved in the decisions as far as seed, chemicals, etc. But ag technology has come a long way. I hope that doesn't end up being a bad thing. I will say that we have used Round-up ready beans and corn seed for a few years now. I'm intrigued and will check into the downside of this technology further when I have a chance. My concern with the videos is the liberal (sorry) media's tendency to show the bad side of things to get what they want---this eco-friendly "green" trend is leading people astray. That is my .02 for now.

          Have a great week everyone!! :h
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            AF Daily - Monday, monday! July 20/09


            I have some picky eaters in my family and they all love it when I cook Kale as a side dish.

            I simply saute a few onions in olive oil and then add the Kale and a bit of water and simmer for a long time. (Until tender)

            We sprinkle it with vinegar when served.

            I used to cook it in bacon fat. Southerner that I am. :H:H

            Kale is time intensive as it does take forever to clean it well. Otherwise you get quite a bit of grit with the dish. (Or, you can do like I do and just buy it already cleaned at the grocery store -- we have discussed I am not very domestic.)

            AF April 9, 2016


              AF Daily - Monday, monday! July 20/09

              Good morning AF friends,

              The weekend was nice, spent a lot of time with my little motivator, my 7 mo. old grandson. He keeps me honest
              AFM, I remember when my Kindergarten aged daughter insisted on getting her ears pierced. She spent the next two days on the sofa in a rather melodramatic fashion..........but all worked out fine Your little girl sure has good taste choosing the Ice Pink Diamonds, I'll bet they look beautiful on her.

              Cindi, Greenie, LVT - you are all strong and doing so well. I'm proud to be here with you.
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily - Monday, monday! July 20/09

                Happy hangover-free Monday ABeroooooos!

                we love kale! I make it a bit different. I saute it at fairly high temp in a large wok and it gets slightly crispy all over. toward the end of the cooking (only about 5 minutes) I toss in a tad more olive oil and a bunch of chopped garlic give that a toss for 30 seconds and your done. Soooo yummy! and as others have said here, packed with nutrients.

                Well, this broken ankle was a big test of my sobriety and I must say I've not been tempted to turn to the bottle at all. yeah! normally pain would be my rationale for getting out the hard stuff and staying plastered.

                LVT I"m also very concerned/upset about the liberalization that the green movement seems to be sliding into. I'm all for quality of water, air etc but branding all big business and free market as 'evil' and our our blithering idiot government as some kind of magic cure-all is really ignorant and dangerous.

                heya I recently read that Lynda Carter (wonder woman) has been sober for about 5 years and is openly talking about her recovery from booze. small world eh?

                be well
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  AF Daily - Monday, monday! July 20/09

                  Hey Abbers! Quick check in....It's great to be hangover free here in beautiful Ohio! I'm getting lots done today, mostly in the yard. Mr. Dill and I are going for some shooting practice in a couple of minutes.

                  Deter, I'm glad you haven't let the broken ankle knock you off course! Interesting about Lynda Carter...I think I'll google it.

                  Have a great day all!

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    AF Daily - Monday, monday! July 20/09

                    Wonder woman.... wonder if that is who wonder world is. Just kidding. Jamie Lee Curtis was/is (however you look at it) an alcoholic. I read a magazine article/interview about a year ago? about her and her issues. She's a real hero.

                    I eat steamed kale on top of quinoa with a poached egg on top of that and hummus on top that! Real good!
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      AF Daily - Monday, monday! July 20/09

                      How funny, I just cooked a big pot of kale this evening! We love kale and tend to cook it the 'southern way' with some seasoned ham bites. Great veggie to grow in the Fall, it can grow for months if you don't have severe cold weather.

                      Just finished canning 10 quarts of peaches with my neighbor. I'm beat, time for bed.


                        AF Daily - Monday, monday! July 20/09

                        Wow, I had no idea so many people eat kale! Now I wish I would have planted more. I wonder, do you need to eat it when it is young or can you eat it later in the season? Is that what you meant speedster?? I used to have the decorator kale long into winter! Thanks so much for the cooking tips guys!!!
                        NF since June 1, 2008
                        AF since September 28, 2008
                        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                          AF Daily - Monday, monday! July 20/09

                          hmmmmm sounds yummy Greeneyes:

                          I eat steamed kale on top of quinoa with a poached egg on top of that and hummus on top that! Real good!
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)

