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    Hi everyone

    I was just reading through some threads after not coming on MWO for several months. I'm glad to see so many familiar names and glad to hear that people seem to be doing really well.

    I guess I'm posting as a way of recommitting to sobriety. The past months have slipped by as a slow plodding ... getting stuff done (slowly), feeling better and more hopeful as I continue to get used to my new community (Aug 2 is our one year anniversary of being back in California). We've almost got the house "done"; painted every room, replaced hardware, light fixtures and window treatments, and are mostly unpacked and fairly organized. I learned to knit and really like it. I'm taking a ceramics class, and really like it. I've planted all sorts of herbs and tomatoes in my backyard and they're doing well despite our living in a fog belt. I manage to get my dog to the beach or on a hike 2-4 times a week (but should do more of that). I'm toying with the idea of getting involved in some community activities but am frightened that I'll let people down because of my drinking.

    Yes, I'm still drinking but OH SO want to stop. If there was an operation to take away the drinking part of my brain, I would do it! We've (hubby & I) managed to get our binges down to once a week for the most part but of course that's totally unacceptable. It continues to amaze me that the decision to drink can happen in an instant. Someone here said when AL enters the room, she leaves the building. I liked that and have used it successfully on several occasions. Also I like this one particular self help book I have that puts any change down to the very simple idea of just do it (or don't do it as the case may be). It is hard to stay within that total black and white area when AL seems to lurk in the gray areas, the sliding scales, the self-bargaining ...

    Anyway, I'll be back more often now. It did help hearing everyone talk here, though I find it too easy to spend half the day on the computer!

    Thanks everyone for sharing.


    Hi everyone

    Hi SD! Nice to see you back. Glad you are liking your new home :h Keep on going!
    LTG AF January 13, 2011


      Hi everyone

      Hi spotty and welcome back!

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        Hi everyone

        Spotty! Good for you for coming back around! Here's to your success!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          Hi everyone

          SpottyDingo, nice to see you in our happy 'hood! no easy aswers, but I'm curious: is your hubby committed to being AF also?

          at any rate, no easy answers. Be great to have you in the daily check-ins here where we can help you tackle things one at a time, one moment at a time.
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Hi everyone

            Hi Spottydingo.
            The idea "just do it" does seem so simple, and that's all there is too it, but we have so many ways of getting round it.
            It's bloody hard.
            Good luck to you.


              Hi everyone

              Thanks all. Its good to be back, its TIME to be back.

              Det: My husband isn't as ready as I am to be AF, which yes, does make it harder for me to be AF and easier for me to cave. Unfortunately we have a longtime co-dependent relationship ... though I was a problem drinker for a long time before we met each other and his drinking has gotten worse since we've been together ... for which I feel totally guilty ... as if I don't feel guilty about enough things in life.

              His father was an alcoholic and since he was the youngest child and lived at home through most of college he witnessed the worst of his father's drinking before his Mom finally demanded a divorce. Since we're really into food & traveling, DH hates the idea of never having another drink ever (this is a hard thing to accept), but recognizes we can't go on the way we have been. He was just diagnosed with high cholesterol & high blood pressure and is turning 45 next week, so we just had a long talk about our drinking on Saturday night. But, we start out every week saying "no drinking this week" and by Friday we're both pining. It's the weekends that are the worst ... especially with the summer and the prospect of barbecuing and sitting outside. Arghhh.

              Any advice besides locking ourselves in a vault for the weekend??



                Hi everyone

                Hi spottydingo,

                Welcome back!
                Have you thought about planning your weekends around non alcohol related places and activities? At least for now, until you get a good start? Movie theaters, museums, zoos - places like that come to mind. Some good quality beach time or a camping trip maybe?? I have been spending every free moment around my new grandson - he's really the only motivation I needed.
                Keep in mind too that the longer you are AF the better you feel and the longer you want to keep that feeling going

                Best wishes!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Hi everyone

                  Welcome back!
                  Enlightened by MWO

