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AF Daily - Tuesday July 21

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    AF Daily - Tuesday July 21

    Morning Abbers!

    No provocative thoughts or sayings to start off with. I'm sure someone has one.

    But the sun is out shining on the nice wet grass from yesterdays evening thunderstorm. Greenie's grass will be green this afternoon!

    All that angst for nothing yesterday. EO was supposed to come over last night to discuss agreement and he bailed out at the last minute because he got the runs. :H So I hung up the phone and laughed. Not at him, but how I fretted over something that didn't happen. OK, done with that. Thankfully I used up my quota of angst.

    I like Stash lemon ginger tea and drank it hot. I made it as iced tea and wow is it good.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily - Tuesday July 21

    Greenie, thanks for the this morning! I obviously don't know your EO, but something about him having the runs struck me as quite funny! :H

    I posted late yesterday, but wanted to thank everyone for sharing their kale recipes. I had no idea! I wish now I would have planted more! Our evenings have been unseasonably cool already, so I'm afraid most of my garden won't make it until harvest--but the kale should!
    The deer had a lovely time in the sweet corn patch in the field. Oh, well!

    Have a great af/hf (hangover free) day all!!:h
    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


      AF Daily - Tuesday July 21

      Hello abbers!

      I had a great Monday! Worked hard, came home and Little AFM stood on the patio waiting for me to get off of the bus. (Nana picks her up from daycare now) I didn't think she could see me from that far away; but she did! I love being 'welcomed' home after a work day. Ahhh.... sometimes having kids can be worth the pain of labour! hahaha

      Then I ran out last night to do some shopping. Isn't it funny how everything seems to run out at the same time? I needed razor blades, deodorant, face lotion, etc... etc... Typically Little AFM acts up at stores because she thinks it is 'treat' time for her, but she was very good!

      A very nice Monday after all, all around!

      Today, more of the same. Work, home, and then a bike ride is in order. I don't want to slough off in the exercise department now that I am back to work full time.

      Hello to Greenie and LVT. Have a great day. A hello to all that come. I must run. I have to get the day started.


        AF Daily - Tuesday July 21

        Good morning AFM, LVT, Greenie and all to come! Thanks for the start today, Greenie. It sounds like EO may be a bit stressed out, eh?

        LVT, my sister in law has told me that an effective deer repellant is to stick some Irish Spring soap on a stake. I don't know if it would work in a corn patch though! She swears by it in her perennials though. I just two days ago put some out by my poor rose bush. If it makes a come back, I'll know the soap works.

        AFM, isn't it nice that you could go out in the evening and pick up those things? That would not have been an option for me a short time ago! It is now, though!

        I just went back to the end of yesterday's AF Daily and read the kale suggestions. Jeepers! Now I shall have to try it. I have learned many new and good things here at MWO, in addition to getting support in the alc department. So cool!

        Have a great day, everyone!

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          AF Daily - Tuesday July 21

          Good morning, my dear AF Friends!!

          Happy to be back home and ready to start my week. My week starts on Tuesdays.

          Greenie - that made me laugh out loud! I can't believed he admitted to having the runs..

          LVT - I'm going to have to go back and read the Kale recipes. I don't have any, but I do like it and would buy it if I knew how to cook it.

          AMF - The joys of having your little ones smile when they see you makes the world right, doesn't it!

          Well, I had a emotionally charged weekend. My Dad (my real-Dad, not the Dad that raised me) had a stroke on Friday. It was strange for me. I didn't have the emotions like I thought I should. When my step-father (who has been my Dad since I was 6 yrs old), had a heart attack I about lost it, but I didn't feel anything even close to that when I heard the news. He left us as a raging alcoholic when I was 3 years old and growing up I would only see him once or twice every few years. But when I was 18 I decided to reconnect. Then when I was 30 I put him into rehab. I helped to pay and supported him, financially and mentally. He has been sober since and we continued to stay in touch about once a month. That is why I was so surprised by my reaction.

          I continued with my vacation plan I had with DD for the weekend checking in with him, but leaving all the conversations to my sister. I have talked to him once, but not since he got out of surgery yesterday.

          It's all very weird to me.

          Anyway, I have made an appointment to get back to my therapist. So much has gone on with me lately that I think I better check in so I can maintain my sobriety..

          DD is off to her Dad's tonight, so I will check in later.

          Love you all!

          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


            AF Daily - Tuesday July 21

            Heya, Dill! Mornin' Sunshine! (cross-posted)
            Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


              AF Daily - Tuesday July 21

              Good (late) morning everyone,

              With no sunshine, it's difficult to fully wake up today. Even my dogs are sleeping in, they may be smarter than I thought

              Greenie, I hope you are angst free today, who needs it? Stash tea cures a lot of ailments for me too!!

              Hello, LVT & AFM & Dill hope you're having a good day. You all have me thinking about kale now. I don't think I've ever tried it.

              MM, your weekend certainly was challenging, glad to hear you came thru OK. Talking to your therapist sounds like a great idea. We'll all be glad to listen as well.

              Wishing all of you peace & happiness on this AF Tuesday!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily - Tuesday July 21

                Happy Tuesdays AB-friends!

                MedMama, yes quite a time for you, you sound very strong and solid which is wonderful to see.

                didn't sleep very well last night thanks to my dorked ankle. ugh! kept waking me up. but I'm staying at home so it's a low stress day by all accounts.

                yes you all, please try kale. It's one of the most nutrient-dense veggies in the world. I also make a Portuguese soup called Caldo Verde which is a clear broth soup with sausage and kale. Definitely some comfort on a cold day.

                I heard a rumor over on subs that Starbucks may start serving booze. WTF??? noooooooooooo!!!!

                well, I'm off to answer work emails

                be well,
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  AF Daily - Tuesday July 21

                  Hello all and Happy Tuesday! WOW - I too am impressed with the Kale Kollection of recipe ideas! Hmm...if it grows well in the fall maybe I should plant some when I try to plant some other stuff for fall? (i.e. more turnips and beets and spinach, broccoli, etc.) I hope I can time that stuff right. I'm thinking mid-August? Any other zone 5 input would be awesome.

                  Mean time...Greenie you totally crack me up. I hope you figured out whatever brain wave may have caused those runs so you can do that "at will" in the future should he ever piss you off, which he is sure to. Oh - and IMO, I don't think women with their own chain saws NEED provacative thoughts or sayings to start the daily threads with.

                  LVT I am sorry to hear about deer in the corn!! If you try the Irish Spring idea let us know how it works. Mean time, I think something (bugs? Rabbits?) is eating the tops off of my recently sprouted green and yellow beans. Some of the plants seem to be surviving and growing new little leaves but I'm sure this can't last forever! Any thoughts?

                  Det and LVT - no bleeding heart liberal am I, but these big ag companies (and also big pharmaceutical companies) can be scarier than you think. One of my cousins, the one who got all the IQ in the family, is quite a chemist. She worked for a well known ag company until she had a nervous break down (literally) which was a result of immense pressure to make sure testing came out in particular ways on her job. So...for me those concerns are not just fiction being completely manufactured by liberals. The government is just as bad IMO - the FDA is supporting this stuff. I just think WAY too many things have been approved as safe over time that have proven not to be. That is why messing with genetics is sort of scary to me. But you definitely have an excellent point that nobody presents a two sided story - all sides are one sided in the presentation. And certainly if anything evil is being foisted, it's not the farmers doing the foisting that's for sure. (I come from multi-generations of farmers on both sides) Anyway...just one point of view have I - no harm no foul. I respect yours!!!

                  Lavande! Have you ever visited this site? - Raise Chickens, Build Chicken Coops, Hatch Eggs Somebody at the low carb board I visit gave me that link when I was lamenting over farm fresh eggs. I sent it to Mr. Doggy and he has taken an interest!! With the help of the back yard chickens site he is well on his way to having a coop design. We will not rush into it this year, but hope to be "chick ready" for eggs to hatch in the spring. Thank you for mentioning your chickens!!!

                  MM I am sorry to hear about your Dad's stroke. Just reading about the circumstances with your Dad/step Dad, I can certainly understand why you might have some conflicted emotions. Good for you going to therapy if you feel it's needed right now.

                  Det - all of your ideas for Kale sound great and that soup is making me hungry NOW!! Booze at Starbucks??? Geez. The "old me" would have had a hey day with possibilities there.

                  AFM I loved reading about Little AFM's pink diamond earings!! Maybe sophisticated little girls who wear pink diamond earrings don't THROW tantrums in the stores!!

                  Hello to all who I missed yesterday (or today) and all yet to come! It's been a busy but really good week so far. I am SO grateful to be sober and LIVING!!! Yeserday I had my follow up visit with the surgeon and got clearance to get back to regular activities including weight training so of course I went to the gym today and did weight training. It sure felt good. Yesterday I tried to do some planning for my gardening in August - what I might try to plant, etc. MUST ADD KALE TO THE LIST I think. Or at least look into it to see if it will mature in time. Mr. D would be quite happy about that. I also broke out the dehydrator and this morning started some green and wax beans drying. I bought the dehydrator this past spring thinking it would be good for harvest time. I don't have much freezer space for veggies if we plan to get another 1/2 cow and 1/2 pig this year, which we do. I don't want to have to buy another freezer! Anyway, I figured the dehydrated stuff should work well in soups /stews and stuff this winter. We'll see. I'm waiting to figure out just how "brittle" a "brittle" dehydrated bean is to know if they are done. Anyone here dehydrate? (veggies and fruits that is!)

                  Nature really is amazing. One day being back to "normal" temperatures and things seem to be getting right back to "normal" in the garden. Lots of tomatoes that have been stubbornly green are already starting to ripen! Just amazing.

                  I could not do any of this in the condition I was in barely over a year ago. I am so happy to be alive and LIVING it's indescribable. OK - off to figure out what to do with a Kolrabi (sp). I should have posted about that yesterday as I would have several great ideas by now! Maybe I shall save that strange looking veggie until tomorrow......

                  Have a great rest of the day everyone! Whatever you believe in, believe it with passion AND compassion! (and I will try to take my own advice!)

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    AF Daily - Tuesday July 21

                    OK, no garden over here (just some herbs) HOWEVER........I really felt special getting out of the car this evening and popping a few of my neighbor's fat ripe figs that were still warm in the sunlight. :whee:
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      AF Daily - Tuesday July 21

                      DG, totally agreed on the big pharma and big AG. those companies are made of humans, just like our government, and we humans seem to be the most easily corrupted of the animals. whats up with that anyway? why can't we be like cows and just hang out and be cool?

                      I must write a book.

                      'Return to Moo'
                      by Determinator

                      Published by Sober Wackjob Press, NV
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AF Daily - Tuesday July 21

                        Oh, gosh. I really hope that Starbucks does NOT start serving AL. What is this world coming too? Geesh!

                        Dill, yes...... it wasn't too long ago that I wouldn't have been able to do any shopping in the evenings. Also, many moons ago, (while drinking in the morn/aft) I wouldn't been able to leave the house! I am soooooooo blooming thankful those days are gone for good!

                        I cannot express how great it is to be sober. I am so liking this new life. This is the first time I have felt comfortable in my sobriety. All of the other times were a lot of 'work'.

                        DG, I think you may be onto something. Ever since Little AFM had her ears pierced, she has been blowing up less. I was going to head out to the mall to find a new watch tonight but I won't press my luck. hahaha........... Maybe tomorrow. My stupid watch that I bought less than a month was losing time. Ah, not so good when you need to be somewhere on time!

                        MM, kids are a blessing. Your daughter is very beautiful. Actually you both are! I loved your facebook pics.

                        Hello to all others. Gotta run and play some badminton. (I laugh as this was not even a possibility back in my drinking days.) Sobriety kicks ass! Later all!


                          AF Daily - Tuesday July 21

                          Hi everyone,

                          I have just completed day 1 AF, it sounds so small! I look forward to posting on this thread and getting to know people.
                          I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


                            AF Daily - Tuesday July 21

                            Hello again to everyone and special :welcome: Gold!!!! Congratulations on Day 1. In some ways, that is the most important milestone of all. Mustering up the guts to just even try to not drink for one day was really daunting for me, and took me a very, very long time to muster up the courage to do. So don't sell that short!!!

                            I hope you will share your journey with us. If I can get sober, you can to. Hope to get to know you better here at the AF Daily Checkpoint!

                            Strength and hope!!

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              AF Daily - Tuesday July 21

                              Hello all,

                              Hope everyone is having a great AF day!

                              Deter, I've been meaning to mention - my Dutch sister-in-law introduced us to Sambal Oelek many years ago - Mr Lav loves it!

                              I'm saddened to hear that rumor about Starbucks - I thought it was a safe haven for us

                              DG, I wish you the best on your chicken 'adventure'. They're tons of fun I started 5 years ago with them. It was a new hobby for the freshly transplanted 'city girl'. The Backyard Chicken website is great, lots of good ideas there. Also, you may want to pick up a copy of Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens by Gail Damerow. We have purchased day old hatchlings from Murray McMurrays Hatchery 2 times now. I couldn't believe they mailed chicks but they arrive in perfect condition!! You just have to be sure to give them water immediately upon arrival. Our favorites are Buff Orpingtons. They are large, friendly, sturdy hens that produce loads of extra large brown eggs. Check out the website:
                              We also 'rescued' 10 Rhode Island Reds this year, the owner no longer wanted them. The only problem I have is keeping the PA Dept. of AG off my back. They spotted our chickens doing a fly over (checking on surrounding farm land). They've come after me twice now.........I consider these chickens to be a hobby, my friends, pets, etc. not a business that needs to be licensed & regulated - Geez!

                              Gold, a big congrats to you for getting Day 1 under your belt!! It's the hardest day, day 2, 3 and so on get easier

                              Hi to Dill, AFM and everyone else, have a great day!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

