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AF Daily - Wednesday, July 22!

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    AF Daily - Wednesday, July 22!

    Oh my GOSH! It just dawned on me on how late it is in the month already! The funny thing is when I am at work, I start to write 'June' on things and then I quickly realize that it is July! Lord, help me catch up already! :H

    Good morning!

    Well, I was up at 5am. Had a great sleep (on top of the covers as it was hot in my room) and awoke feeling all peppy and eager to get on with the day.

    I was trying to teach Little AFM how to play badminton again last night. She gets frustrated and 'suggests' we play, each, on our own. So I was outside batting the birdie up into the air over and over again while she sat on the grass strumming her badminton racket like a guitar, and was singing. I can't even help but laugh, right now! Too CUTE & funny!

    Well, it is Wednesday. Another work day, which means more money. I am really liking my job. Yesterday was tough. I was learning some other things not related to my job. We are growing but, at the same time, some employees are leaving in September to go back to school. So, we all need to know what they do as back-up. I felt overwhelmed a tad as I am also learning my job. BUT, it is OK. I will survive. Once everything settles down again we all will be feeling a bit less 'brain dead' upon leaving for the day.

    OK, gotta have my second coffee and then get moving.

    Have a wonderful day everyone!

    AF Daily - Wednesday, July 22!

    AFM - too cute about the badminton! I do envy you for where you live, public transport, beautiful area, and now working in a cool business sector.

    Agility class went well last night although it triggered 'not belonging' emotions. Only 3 of us in class, and I'm friends with the other 2 women, but the other 2 work together, have known each other a long time, travel together, etc. I sense I don't get as much feedback from the instructor. One woman talks more about her dogs and her experiences and I started feeling VERY uncomfortable with myself. I don't consider myself a loner but not one to hang out with a group. I was overwhemed with the idea that I didn't belong in the class and didn't fit in.

    The Emotional Alchemy' book helped me recognize these silly feelings and just breath like the book suggests. I would not have recognized this emotional scenario without MWO and that book. Would have probably gone home and had a few beers or glasses of wine and sat separately from my husband and sulked about 'not belonging'. THEN I would have woken up with heartburn and regret.

    Instead I shared the scenario with hubby and decided to focus on what to work on in agility and wave off the odd emotions. Also realized that not receiving as much coaching means we're doing well in the class, and not that we're hopeless and don't belong in the class.

    DET - hope you sleep better. I broke my knee cap mountain biking a few years ago and did not sleep well with a leg brace on. After 10 days I was allowed to sleep without the brace and it was a huge relief.

    I'll catch up tonight, need to focus on work.

    Have a great AF day folks!


      AF Daily - Wednesday, July 22!

      Hello AFM and all to come

      Absolutely, time does fly. What happened to all those weeks of July already?

      I think I've developed a new addiction to shopping. I've been TOO successful convincing myself I'm saving loads of money on sales, which I am, but it's time to turn the mind to the grindstone. I have a long to-do list for today.

      So this is a short fly by to say



        AF Daily - Wednesday, July 22!

        Hi abberees and abberettes!

        DG! Congratulations!!!

        I'm about to run out the door. Christmas shopping. Not really, but you know it's around the corner as fast as time goes.

        AFM, too cute about the guitar and singing. I'm glad you're liking your job and learning new things.

        Speedster I always look forward to your emotional alchemy stories. I hope you re-read it when you get to the end.

        Pamina, I looked at an EFT tapping video with a woman who had jaw problems. Pretty amazing.

        I'm not buying any more fruit until the figs are gone. I'm afraid my body shape will resemble one as many as I am eating. A FIGLET!!! :H:H:H

        Hi to all to come.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily - Wednesday, July 22!

          Good morning AF friends!!

          I really should stay off this darn computer in the morning--it eats away at the time so quickly. Speaking of computer...I have seen a few of you mention facebook, and would love to add any friends here that are interested. Could you pm me with the info I need if you are? I like it as much as MWO which doesn't help with my time issue!!:H

          Loved the posts the last couple of days!!! Thanks so much for sharing part of your lives and inspiration here! I have a few challenges coming up and I need this group to keep me focused!

          DG--watch your garden for bunnies!!!!!! They will eat every little thing you've got coming up overnight--they love green beans! Let me know how your dehydrated ones turn out. I have dried quite a few things, but never beans. I might have to try some this year. You can dehydrate almost anything!! Again--google it!!

          Well, I really need to get busy. I wanted to take the day off to do some work around here, but I'm afraid that would leave us behind at the cemetery--so I'm just going in later. I really need to do a few loads of laundry and run the tiller through the garden where the weeds seem to be going crazy.

          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            AF Daily - Wednesday, July 22!

            Good morning, Abbers,

            AFM, hang in there at work. Learning new things is unsettling, but, just go with the flow. Soon the 'new' will be routine. Thanks for the description of the badminton lessons. Too funny! I like AFM's use of the raquet. I see a mini karaoke machine in her future!

            Speedster, that was interesting reading about your uncomfortable feelings at trials and how you chose to handle them! Fantastic! I think we can all relate to that feeling of 'not belonging'. Good that you are not going to let it become a barrier to your participation and learning in the class.

            Pamina, LOL about your new addiction! Myself, I loathe shopping. Internet is my addiction, and I am going to have to start weaning off of it.

            Greenie, don't over do it on your figs or you may end up with the same problem EO had yesterday.:H

            DG, I don't know about dehydrating veggies. I will be learning from your experiences.

            My day will be calm and quiet. It's raining here, so it's all indoor activities for today. Planning on a matinee later.

            Have a great AF day, all!

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              AF Daily - Wednesday, July 22!

              Hi, LVT! Cross posted! Looks like we share the internet addiction!

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                AF Daily - Wednesday, July 22!

                Mornin' everyone.

                Speedster, I'm sorry you felt that way at your class ... but I can totally relate because I always feel that way too. But, glad you didn't use AL as pain relief. What's the "Emotional Alchemy" book? Sounds interesting, I'll look it up. Is that the actual title? Also good for you for doing agility. The Dingo would probably really like to do that but I haven't gotten up the nerve to try it (and I should be in better physical shape too).

                So who's dehydrating veg? I'm thinking about trying to do some tomatoes this year but am not sure whether to do it in my oven or get a dehydrator (like I really need more appliances). Any opinions on vertical vs. horizontal models?

                I had a really crappy day yesterday. Nothing specific except being out in the world, running errands. People can be such jerks ... I'm getting so tired of people talking on their cellphones while driving as its not only dangerous but illegal in California. Anyway, I did not drink. Hubby did, but I didn't.

                Also we decided to do Dim Sum and a museum (Chagall at the Jewish Museum in San Francisco) for Hubs b'day on Saturday rather than a fancy night out in order to avoid the b'day bash mentality.

                Have a great day everyone!

                Congrats to DG! You are truly an inspiration! inkele:inkele:inkele:


                  AF Daily - Wednesday, July 22!

                  Happy Wed Figs and Figletts!!!!!

                  AFM, love your bubbling AF personality. just makes my day

                  Dingo, I'm so jealous of your museum trip! I looooove museums. and you must share any fav restaurants in the SanFran area. Being in Reno I'm not terribly far and I get over there from time to time.

                  I have the funniest comic clip regarding internet addiction! lemme see if I can figure out how to link it here..... BRB

                  be well everyone!
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    AF Daily - Wednesday, July 22!

                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      AF Daily - Wednesday, July 22!

                      Determinator, I love Dilbert!

                      Well I've done it for the second time in a row thanks to knowing I'm not the only one! AL has a marvellous way of isolating you and getting you thinking that you are are some sort of reject or monster even. I'm sure Al would be a master at torture, and is given the opportunity.
                      I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.

