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AF Daily Thursday 24 July

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    AF Daily Thursday 24 July

    Good morning all,

    Finally we have power back. There was a major outage here that lasted for days. I hadn't realised how much we depend on it for everything. It was the phones I missed most.

    Am in a reasonable good place now. I am not continuously sober yet but I will be. D day is 1 August. There is a sensible plan this time.

    Doctor behind me for detox.

    Have started working with a counsellor. Further down the line when we have done more work she wants me to start group therapy. Then maybe AA would be an option. I have lived alone too long without the day to day bickering of family life. A sharp word from anyone, even a stranger stays with me for weeks. I need to learn to toughen up.

    Have started kick boxing as a way of releasing some of my tensions instead of turning them in on myself.
    Am hosting a large family gathering this weekend but from Monday will be starting a low carb diet which I am told can be helpful.
    I plan to swim every evening on my way home so that I am really tired to stop my mind playing silly tricks.
    I also have all my little tricks for dealing with the panic attacks that may well hit again.
    I have booked a session of beauty treatments because I hope that if I start taking a bit of care of the outside I might start taking better care of the inside.
    I have also delayed a course I want to take until next year. It would have been very demanding and for the next 12 months getting sober has to be the main priority.

    If anyone can think of anything else that might work feel free to pitch in. I am mindful that I was able to get 9 months sober last year. I think I relapsed because I became complacent. The nightmare that has been the last six months will stop that happening again.

    Off to read up n what everyone has been up to while I have been away.

    Take care everyone and I hope you have a brilliant day
    Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
    AF 8 June 2012

    AF Daily Thursday 24 July

    Hi Loppy Lugs

    Sounds like a good plan.

    I can relate to what you said about a sharp word from others staying with you, it's like that for me too relates back to my childhood of being afraid to make mistakes!

    Not sure I can add any practical tips as I'm just three days in. Good luck.
    I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


      AF Daily Thursday 24 July

      Hi Loppy lugs,
      I'm now 18 days in so like Gold can't give you much practical advice. had a home de-tox 2 weeks ago and it was my GP who pointed me to this site. I couldn't cope with AA. At the mo I'm trying to collect Brits as the time differences are so different. I'm in Newcastle upon Tyne. Pop into the chat room I normally pop in and out during the day.
      Stay strong
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        AF Daily Thursday 24 July

        No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
        --Eleanor Roosevelt
        Good morning Abbbers! Thanks for the start, Loppy. I'm very happy you have a solid plan and sound like you have the motivation, too. It's hard work, but it is so worth it!

        Gold, good job on 3 days!! Just keep going a day at a time and the days will add up!

        JackieC, That is so cool that your GP pointed you here. It made me wonder about my doctor. Last time I was in for a visit she asked me how I had managed to make such a turn around. She had prescribed campral for me which I used initially and I believe it helped. She also insisted I go to counselling, which I did initially and found it to be minimally helpful. The counsellor was in training and she didn't have an understanding of alcohol dependence. She did help with general counselling techniques, but I felt like she was doing more learning than counsellling. But, in answering my doctor's question about what helped me make the turn around, I told her about this website and how much it helped. She took down the name and said she was going to look into it to see if she could recommend it to other patients. I hope she did! At this point in my journey, I feel like I need more face-to-face contact. AA doesn't seem to be an option for me due to my rural location and time conflicts. I am thinking about going back to the counsellor and taking her up on her suggestion of getting me into a group she told me about. At the time, I wasn't ready to be that open in the 'real world'. But maybe it is what I need now.

        The Harry Potter movie was great! At 2 hours 33 minutes, I thought I'd be restless, but it held my attention throughout. I don't think it's a good one for young children, though. That's just my opinion.

        Hope everyone has a great AF day!

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          AF Daily Thursday 24 July

          Ooops, I was confused about the 'Thursday' in the title of this thread and just realized that this is the Friday's thread. Yay! It's Friday!

          Although I have nothing really planned this weekend, I would really love to go camping. Maybe I can convince my Nana to let us use her RV for a night and just head down to Weirs Beach (30 minutes away/close to home). I so want to be outdoors and I think that Little AFM is at the perfect age to really enjoy camping! We will see what she says. She may even want to come although I am sure she would love a night at home to herself. The only time she really gets away from us is when she is out RV'ing with her group.

          Good morning! I was up at 4:30 this morning. I was lying on my bed last night and had fallen asleep at 8pm. It was so nice to just chill and fall asleep. I took Nana and Little AFM out for dinner last night. It was nice. Then came home, had a nice hot bath, and then fell asleep. Sooooooooo nice. I awoke when Little AFM was sent upstairs by Nana at 8:30 and she fell asleep in my bed. We both are up now. hahahaha.

          My week has been very good so far. Been busy at work, which is a good thing. I think I am finally understanding what it is we do there. I have been there 2 weeks now and have learned A LOT!

          DG, I am a very basic/classic watch owner. Silver is my colour. I have 'facier' ones that I may wear out, but for every day usage, I like to wear a classic one. It has to have 'hands,' a silvery, larger than those tiny faced watches; and a silver band of some sort. Just a plain watch really.

          Greenie, how did it go yesterday?

          Well, I should get a coffee and catch up on the boards seeing I have a bit more time this morning.

          Have a great day everyone!


            AF Daily Thursday 24 July

            Hello Abbers,

            It's finally stopped raining which means I must dash off for some errands. At this rate I'll be ready for a Mediterranean holiday in August (I wish).

            Good going Gold and Jackie. Keep clocking up those AF days. Do you have a plan in place for this weekend?

            I'm glad you're feeling better, Loppy, and have the back-up in place for the next phase of your recovery. Wow on the kick boxing!! That sure sounds like an effective release of tension.

            I also think it's remarkable that Jackie's GP would have recommended this site. That's one enlightened GP! And I agree, Dill, that we need different approaches at different times. The group sounds like a really good idea if that's easily accessible in your area. I used to isolate myself a lot but find I've been quite comfortable recently in new social situations and want to add more of those into my life.

            Sorry things didn't go to plan for you, Greenie, but I marvel at how magnanimous you are. That will make life calmer for you in the long run. Maybe you can take the chainsaw to a few branches before heading off for the mountains.

            Have a sober end to the week one and all.


              AF Daily Thursday 24 July

              Good morning all, Happy Friday!!

              Had a lot of rain here yesterday and from the looks of it there's more on the way today. I did get out last evening to harvest the chamomile - making my own tea this year

              Dill, glad you enjoyed the movie I never paid any attention to the whole Harry Potter mania. My kids were well grown when it all began and I never really had any interest in fantasy stories. I think I'm a bit too clinical at times for my own good. A counsellor in training Dill? I can see where that would be a bit of a turn off for me. Perhaps joining in a well established group of our peers would be more useful. That's pretty much what we're doing here - isn't it?? I feel I definitely profit from the insight of the other members here.

              Congrats on your 3 days Gold, it keeps getting better, you'll see.
              Welcome JackieClaire.
              Loppy, great to see you back. Your well thought out plan should be a big help to you. Wishing you the best!

              Wishing everyone a Happy AF Friday, hello to all to come!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily Thursday 24 July

                Hi to AFM and Pamina - we cross posted
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF Daily Thursday 24 July

                  Hi to you too, Lavande!

                  I forgot to say to Gold and Jackie - way to go on your AF days! (((Loppy!)))

                  Also, yesterday on the bus, going into work, this lady sat beside me. She took out of her bag 'The Big Book' from AA. I was thinking to myself, "Good for you, hon! Life can be so much better without the grog". I, so, wanted to write out the web addy for MWO and give it to her. But, of course, I am not a sobriety 'pusher'. I also wanted to tell her that I was an alcoholic as well. What is up with that? I would never admit to a complete stranger that I had a drinking problem. She was a bit older than I am by the looks of her and, I really wanted to express to her that she was not alone. Of course I am kind of glad that I didn't say anything as the bus was packed. But anyway, I did read over her shoulder for a while. I completely forgot about how good the Big Book is! Thankfully I had my sunglasses on so she didn't notice! hahahaha

                  Anyway, I couldn't believe how excited (internally) I was to see someone wanting to better themselves and deal with this nasty addiction!

                  Ah, it is the little things that excite me the most. I thought I would share that here. It never ceases to amaze me how powerful this thing is and also that it can affect anyone. You would never know it looking at most people, and this amazes me.

                  Another thing that amazes me is all of the things that are open to us when sober. Functioning 'normally' still amazes me. Everyone thought I had the 'normal' life and it shocked them to find out I had a drinking problem. (Other than my closest friends and family that is)

                  OK, done now. Have a good day!


                    AF Daily Thursday 24 July

                    Morning abbers!!

                    Everyone sounds good, good, good!!! And I'm so glad for each and every one of you and cheer you on.

                    Now I'm going to be the needy wench and talk about me. I have to say I am disappointed that I am not divorced. But it is what it is. Maybe something else is supposed to happen first. But I'm not angry and I'm not a victim. I'll just put on my big girl pants and my happy face and do what needs to be done. Pamina, I swear I looked at some shrubs this morning and thought I wonder if it's too early for the chainsaw. Honestly, $45 power tool therapy. :H:H I'm going to the theatre with GF to see rocky Horror Picture Show tonight.

                    This was in my e-mail this morning. I hope you like it. It was just what I needed.

          [/video]]YouTube - Guitar Inspiration -- Tony Melendez (playing guitar with his feet)

                    Have a grand day and clap your hands because you have them.
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      AF Daily Thursday 24 July

                      Just a quick one from me .... again!

                      Greenie, I know you are disappointed. Who wouldn't be??? Does your EO really want a divorce? Do you think that he had that outburst on purpose? Hang in there. Did your lawyer give you another date?

                      I think that peppermint ice cream is a well deserved treat after that! Don't ever think that talking about yourself is selfish!!!! Shit, I talk about myself all of the time! Vent away, girlfriend!


                        AF Daily Thursday 24 July

                        Thanks AFM, no he doesn't. It may have been an unconscious delay tactic or he seized the opportunity, but it still doesn't matter. It simply didn't work out the way I wanted this time. I didn't mean to imply he had an outburst, he just couldn't or wouldn't answer the judge's question in the manner the judge wanted. ODAT.
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          AF Daily Thursday 24 July

                          Oh Greenie. I'm sorry to hear about the latest with EO. It's amazing how much you have grown through the process of dumping him and AL. I'm sorry it's not fully behind you yet (with EO that is!). How 'bout I send you a bush to whack up????? That sounds much more therapeutic than peppermint ice cream even.

                          Loppy, thank you for starting us off today! It's wonderful to see you back and great to read about your plan. It sounds very well considered to me. I am a low carber and I swear it has helped me - I hope it helps you too. The main advantage I think is stabilized blood sugar. For me, I find that when I exercise especially I can tolerate more fruit than if I'm not exercising, which is a nice source of natural "sweets." Anyway...good to read about your plans!

                          Gold and JackieClaire, congratulations to you both :yougo::yougo: on your sober days! Those are precious. Each sober day is a treasure, and they just keep getting better and better with time. That is true in spite of the fact that our problems don't magically go away with AL. Keep reading and posting and taking it one day at a time! Jackie that is awesome about your GP.

                          AFM, the watch sounds cool. I waver between silver and gold so had to get a watch that has both!! Yours sounds really nice. 30 minutes away from a beach where you can camp with an RV????? OK it's settled. I'm moving in with you.

                          Lavande I might have to find out more about growing tea for next year. Sounds heavenly!! I could learn to love a rainy day (hence a day off from the garden) and some tea and a good book.

                          Hi Pamina. You have me daydreaming about a Mediterranean holiday!

                          Dill, I really do find face to face contact helpful. I suppose the helpfulness depends somewhat on the faces though LOL! Let us know how that goes if you decide to get involved with a group.

                          I went to bed late last night - geez it was after 9:30!! (how did I ever make it as a bar fly back in those younger days?????) But I woke up at the usual time - actually on the early side at 3:30. So I'm pooped! The skies are cloudy so I might pretend it's raining (while hoping for the real thing) and lounge out with some movies.

                          It's been a busy week in a good way, that has FLOWN by. I could never have accomplished this much - not even a tiny fraction of it - when drinking. I have never been able to have just one drink, and I never will be able to do that. So I'm a happy AFer. I'm looking forward to a hangover free weekend!

                          Ciao everyone. Gold and JackieClaire, don't forget to make a solid plan including "exit strategies" if you are concerned you might be tempted through the weekend. You both are doing great!! Come on in and touch the mother ship of MWO if the going gets tough.

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            AF Daily Thursday 24 July

                            I have to admit, I got the chain saw out after working on his financial statement. I had to take another shower but it was worth it. :H
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              AF Daily Thursday 24 July

                              greeneyes;673925 wrote: I have to admit, I got the chain saw out after working on his financial statement. I had to take another shower but it was worth it. :H
                              All I can say is that EO better thank his lucky stars that you keep those BGP's on. Imagine what an immature acting woman (Little Girl Pants?) could do with a chain saw during a divorce.

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

