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AF Daily Thursday 24 July

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    AF Daily Thursday 24 July

    Doggygirl;673907 wrote: 30 minutes away from a beach where you can camp with an RV????? OK it's settled. I'm moving in with you.
    Ah, DG, you can move in with me anytime! Oh, by the way.... I only live 5 minutes from a beach! We are surrounded by water here, on the southern tip of Vancouver Island. It is paradise.

    Weirs beach has the best sand. It is fine and soft. The other beaches are varied between rocks/sand (mainly both). I lived right on Weirs beach for a couple of years when I was a kid. We then moved to lake front for the rest of my kid/teen life. I must say that although my mother was a loony, we lived in some pretty fabulous places.

    I am off for a bike ride. It is a beautiful night out there - must enjoy and unwind from the week. Tomorrow I am taking Little AFM for her first 'professional' hair cut. Her hair is so flipping long and the ends are a bit dry from the sunny weather... so I thought I would have someone else hack at her hair for a change.

    Have a great night everyone! See ya in the AM.

