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AF Daily - Saturday 25 July

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    AF Daily - Saturday 25 July

    Top of the morning, Abland!

    The weekend is upon us to relax and enjoy.

    I am very happy as that light in the sky has finally decided to put in an appearance. It had me bounding out of bed, woolfing down my porridge and I'm ready to head off.

    The other reason I jumped out of bed so quickly is that I had a drinking dream. I was sitting in the office of an important state official with a glass of white wine. He kept topping it up though I asked him not to. The first few seconds after waking up I was scanning my head for signs of a hangover. But it was just a dream, YAY!

    Oh, and did I mention the sun is shining today! :rays:

    Happy summer weekend everybody.

    AF Daily - Saturday 25 July

    Hi Pamina & everyone,

    It IS gorgeous out there. Nice and warm.

    I'm at work and just nipped out to get a couple of bananas. Right by the bananas (), the supermarket has set up a tasting table of its three new rose wines for summer, all poured out in little sample glasses. I'm sure I would have sneaked a few of those down at lunchtime once upon a time! Now, sometimes, alcohol seems like a strange distant memory that I can't quite put my finger on. I'd rather have a banana - never thought I'd be able to say that :H
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      AF Daily - Saturday 25 July

      Morning abbers!

      I've already been to a garage sale! In my robe. It is next door so walked over and got a book, a game and a jigsaw puzzle (3-D!). I also got this kitchen thing that is a one-unit toaster oven with a one-cup coffee maker on the side and a griddle on top of the oven part. You'll probably think I'm stupid but I got it for EO. No matter what he did, I feel sorry for him living at the office. People started arriving and looking at me in my robe so I told them I thought it was a "come-as-you-are" sale. :H

      The theater was fun last night (Rocky Horror Show). We got tickets from a waiting list and darn if we didn't have front row seats!!!

      I have to get down to business here and finish financial statements and a book for the workshop next weekend.

      Hope all have a good day, full of that fun bubbly energy that seems to already be happening here.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily - Saturday 25 July

        A garage sale in your bathrobe Greenie?? That's hysterical, love it Ypu're too nice worrying about your EO's living circumstances, don't know if I could do that!! The Rocky Horrow show - what a blast from the past

        Pamina, I understand about the drinking dreams, I've had one or two myself. I have been hammered with several smoking dreams this week - grrrrr, wish they would stop!

        Marshy, good job on the choice of bananas - they'll never get you in trouble, ha ha.

        Have a great weekend everyone. I'm busy getting ready for my grandson's Christening party tomorrow. That will be an AF party, for sure
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF Daily - Saturday 25 July

          Good morning, Pamina, Marshy, Greenie & all to come!

          It is Saturday!!!! Weeee ha! A beautiful day out there again. Gotta love it! Funny that I cannot sleep past 4:30am. I am a morning person and really enjoy being up at the crack of dawn. I love to sit outside on the patio with my coffee just soaking in all that is around me, the birdies singing and reflecting on how great life is for me.

          Pamina, I get those 'drinking' dreams once in a while. They are so vivid that I awake checking to see if I have a hangover as well. Weird how that happens and, what a relief to find out that it was only a dream. I actually had a drinking dream a couple of weeks ago where I woke up with a splitting headache and it took me a few minutes to come to the conclusion that I didn't drink the night before. Those dreams really mess you up!

          Marshy, I, too, would 'sample' testers if given the opportunity back in the day. I don't miss them at all!

          Greenie, so hilarious going to the garage sale in your robe. I love what you said about the "come-as-you-are" sale. I didn't know that EO was living at the office. I guess I would feel a sense of pity for him as well. No matter what the 'situation' is now, there will always be some sort of feelings for the person you were once married to. It was very nice of you to buy him that multi-use appliance.

          Last night we went for a bike ride to a park. It was so gorgeous out there. A perfect ending for a great week.

          I then came home and cleaned out my walk-in closet bedroom & our dressers. That was a CHORE! It took me about 2.5 hours. I had so much crap (winter stuff, etc) stored. Tons of clothes that are too big for me now, and a ton of Little AFM's clothes that she has outgrown (It seems like I just purchased them!) to get ready for donation.... I boxed up everything and moved the stuff to keep into the basement. I will have to call 'Big Brothers and Sisters' to have them come and get the clothing and toys we no longer need. Everything is so fricken organized, I feel so good! I have been meaning to do this for months! I even sorted shirts, pants, sweaters, etc... so I can find things much easier. There were things hanging that I forgot I had! Sweet!

          Today, is Little AFM's first 'professional' haircut day. She is all excited. Her hair is super long and the ends are dry. I don't feel like trimming it, so I will have the hairstylist give her a good trim and maybe layer it out a bit for more volume. I am excited! Then we will hop over to the library and return/take out some books. Then I was thinking about a picnic. I really wanted to go camping but I think I will wait until next weekend. I will reserve a spot at Weirs Beach for either Sat or Sun seeing we have a long weekend. (BC Day).

          Well, it is time to check out the boards and have my second cup of coffee. I don't get on here much to 'read' so I will take the time right now seeing I have nothing pressing for a few hours.

          Have a fantastic AF day!!! xoxo


            AF Daily - Saturday 25 July

            Good morning, Lavande! We cross posted. Have a great day!


              AF Daily - Saturday 25 July

              oooo roooooo ABworld!

              Pamina love your happy kickstart to this glorious day.

              Greeneyes, that's too funny! I really don't like to wear proper clothes around the house either. the UPS man is pretty used to the 'shorts guy' by now LOL. and it's soooo bloody hot anyhow these days. ick!

     got a toaster/coffee maker? ok...I've got to see a picture of this marvelous device.

              I broke down and got the new iphone 3GS yesterday, so I'm in geek Nirvana now weeeeeeee! this phone is so much smarter than I am that it's scary. I crap....I think it's listening......

              ankle is noticeably better today I'm glad to say. now to just NOT do something stupid and rehurt it while it's healing.

              sounds like you are all doing mawvellous which is great.

              be well friends and all to come
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                AF Daily - Saturday 25 July

                Happy Saturday! Where are our New Zealand friends where it's Sunday by now???? Auntie Mame? Come out of hibernation! (sp)

                Pamina thank you for getting us started today. I hope you are enjoying the great outdoors now that you have some sun! Thankfully, I haven't had too many drinking dreams. (Now just wait - since I said that I'm sure to have one tonight! :H)

                Marshy, I too would have sampled the wine even at lunch from work where it was a clear "no no." And I would have BS'd my way into several samples by saying "I'm not sure if it tastes too ________ or not __________ enough..." and crap like that to justify it. I remember business lunches long after the time when drinking at lunch was acceptable. Sometimes there would be one person who ordered a beer or glass of wine. If even ONE other person did, I did too. Gee. I wonder if anyone could figure out who the alkies were at the table. I am so glad those days are over. Yes! Give me the :banana:

                Wow AFM. So we will be living only FIVE minutes from the beach? That's going to be awesome! Over our morning coffee on Friday we can decide if we will be heading with Nana's RV to the beach 30 minutes away, or just going to the one right by our house. We can ask Little AFM, who will be all glammed up with her new do to go with the pink diamond earrings, which she would prefer. I'm packing today so it's a good thing you organized that closet so there will be room for my stuff. :H (hope you are having a great day - you sound terrific as always!)

                Greenie you are so funny! Love the bathrobe story. And you are very kind to have acquired that MFD (mother f....NO! WAIT! Multi Function Device) for EO. That is actually a very timely message to me that it is always good to do the right thing - especially when we might not feel like it. I wouldn't have felt like it anyway! And oh my yes - Rocky Horror Picture Show is definitely a blast from the past!

                Lavande, I DID have lots of smoking dreams for the first few months after I quit. Thankfully, they do end. The funniest one was a dream where I was sitting at my kitchen counter with a box of kids' cereal that advertised a prize inside. I opened the box to find the prize and found a pack of my second choice (not first choice) pack of cigarettes. And two (not one) packs of matches. :H Tell me these addictions aren't active as all get out in our subconcious minds!!! Yessirree - AL and Nic really do live in MY head! The scary ones though were the ones where I was actually smoking. I usually didn't have any recollection of lighting up or deciding to smoke - just there I was smoking! Those would wake me up in a cold sweat.

                Deter is the DorkBoot(tm) gone???? If so, cool! Yes, you must take care of that ankle. Remember your age. You are not invicible any more. (But you ARE still really really cool) My own cell phone is several many years old and it's STILL way smarter than me. I wouldn't know what to do with a phone like the one you just bought!

                AFM - I became an early riser too when I got sober. I decided to work out early today - the gym opens at 6AM on Saturdays. Felt good to get the heart pumping and blood flowing early, and have that workout done! Went to the farmers market in addition to a bit of harvesting at home which was fun. I don't know why I enjoy such mundane sounding things these days, but I do! We're having another couple over tomorrow just to grill burgers - a very casual thing. I haven't done much of that sort of thing sober, so am still a novice. I'm not thinking at all about drinking, especially since this is an AA / Alanon couple. But what I AM thinking about is whether I will find anything to say whilst entertaining sober, which is almost funny. Me?? With nothing to say???? I'm looking forward to doing this (and am also a bit nervous). Getting these experiences under my belt is the key to getting comfortable with them going forward.

                I also plan to go see my Dad tomorrow - haven't seen him in a couple of weeks now - where does the time fly to???

                Life is good. I hope everyone is having a grand day. Strength and hope to anyone who is struggling today.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  AF Daily - Saturday 25 July

                  Doggygirl;674802 wrote:
                  Wow AFM. So we will be living only FIVE minutes from the beach? That's going to be awesome! Over our morning coffee on Friday we can decide if we will be heading with Nana's RV to the beach 30 minutes away, or just going to the one right by our house. We can ask Little AFM, who will be all glammed up with her new do to go with the pink diamond earrings, which she would prefer. I'm packing today so it's a good thing you organized that closet so there will be room for my stuff. :H (hope you are having a great day - you sound terrific as always!)
                  Yah, my life is so hard and boring isn't it? :H I will get your suite ready and I look forward to having you as a roommate! We will become beachcombers.


                    AF Daily - Saturday 25 July

                    Hey all, I'm back again, I know I've been posting less and less lately, work has really gotten on top of me, along with other concerns, but I've missed you guys. I feel guilty that the only reason I thought to come here today was because I have a problem, something thats been worrying me for a while. I mentioned earlier in July that I'd been experiencing some degree of what I consider to be unusual hairloss. well it hasn't stopped, and my hairs getting thinner seemingly by the day. needless to say, this is one of the things every woman is scared of, and I'm no exception. Does anybody here have any idea what could be causing this?

                    sorry to return with such a self centred post, I'll catch up on the past threads tomorrow, and see how you're all doing

                    When I was a kid I thought I wanted all the things that I hadn't got, but I learned the hardest way

                    Time to get what I'm really looking for 17/03/10


                      AF Daily - Saturday 25 July

                      TG, nice to see you again. hair loss could be from many disease factors.....I'd definitely be seeing the doc right away.

                      Dg, yep, I'm still in das boot. probably another couple weeks. ugh!
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AF Daily - Saturday 25 July

                        Aloha All. Everyone seems to be so happy and doing to well. I have just returned from a 4 week stay with my mother in So. Cal. I knew it was going to be stressful and there would be triggers all around me. I drank. It was not a slip. It was not a mistake. I knew for 6 mos. before I went that I would not be strong enough to be AF around my family and the whole situation. So now I am home and rediscovering how hard those first days are when the drinking thoughts are at the front of my brain. I had a stressfull experience today, I won't go into the details but I was angry at hubby because he misplaced out new medical insurance cards that came in the mail two weeks ago (when I was gone). He said "oh just go and they'll look you up on the computer and see that it has been transferred" Well, I went to the drugstore and they and I didn't know what I was talking about and I couldn't get a prescription filled at the drugstore, so I went home, got the name and phone no. of the new insurance co, hubby mad at me (why?) returned to the drug store and walked straight over to the liquor aisle. Found what I was looking for (wasn't too difficult...shopped for vodka, thinking it would be easier to hide than wine, and there was a Sweeden one on sale and I am 1/4 Sweede so that must be the one). Decided I'd buy it on the way out. Went to the pharmacy, took a long time because they had to make phone call, etc. and on my way out went back to the vodka, picked it up, looked at it, put it back on the shelf and left the store. whew. But since I was drinking just a week ago, the thoughts are very fresh in my mind. Also the morning after feelings are close to the surface and those are the ones I don't want to forget. So...I'm back, kind of a newbie again. So good to read your stories of inspiration.


                          AF Daily - Saturday 25 July

                          Hula girl, Welcome back! I had been wondering where you were. It sounds like you are on the right track and good for you coming right back here! Well done on leaving the store without the vodka!

                          TG, Deter is right. Get it checked out with a doc!

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            AF Daily - Saturday 25 July

                            Hi there!

                            TG it is very good to see you and please don't apologize for coming here and sharing your concerns and problems. That's what friends are for!!!! I too would be scared about the hair loss - not only due to concern about the underlying reasons but also because of what you said - no woman wants to lose their hair! I'm no doctor and I'm with Deter that you should definitely see one. I have heard of hair loss being associated with everything from hormonal imbalances to nutritional deficiencies of various sorts. So there is probably some testing necessary to figure out what is really wrong underneath. I hope you will go check it out.

                            Hula it is awesome to see you back. I've been wondering about you. I'm sorry to hear about the stress and drinking related to the family visit, and the challenges at home getting back to the AF life. You can do it though, and coming back here is the right thing.

                            I can so relate to the thought patterns while you were in the drug store. "It's OK because I'm part Swedish...." I could see myself thinking something like that - easily. The insanity of the thinking we do is really something, isn't it? Onward and forward!

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              AF Daily - Saturday 25 July

                              Hi hula!! I was wondering too! That is a great job on the vodka in the store. Jump back on the bike, er... wagon. :H

                              TG, I agree with DG. Mine thinned when I was peaked out with drinking and not taking supps or eating right. It came back with that was corrected. And this isn't a place where you have to worry about being all about me. Thank goodness!
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

