Good morning all,
I went to my first AA meeting last night, what a pleasent surprise, and what a lovely group of people.
I dont know what i was expecting but it was'nt what i had in mind. The first 5 mins were a little awkward. I walked in as a chap was reading and had to ask in my best possible mime if this was actually the AA meeting to which a very nice woman nodded with a bit of a smirk on her face.
I must have been exspecting old men with long white dirty beards wearing bobble hats with a carrier bag of cans at their feet. But surprise surprise these people were quite normal. Like me infact. The more i listened to each person the more and more i realised they were just like me. But with one difference, they were all so at ease, and spoke about their drinking with an effortless fluidity, even cracking the odd joke and mocking how they used to think and behave. It was quite spellbinding.
I was asked towards the end if i'd like to share anything? . I did but i did'nt if that makes sence. I was so in awe of these people i did'nt want to come across as a bumbling idiot. Better i spend a little time thinking about what im going to say rather than try and spit out 15 yrs of drinking in a 5 minute jumble.
All in all i was really impressed, so much infact that im missing my beloved Monday night football to go to my second meeting tonight. And who knows. i might even open my mouth this time
