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AF daily - Tuesday, July 28th

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    AF daily - Tuesday, July 28th

    My friend has e-mailed me a few questions about my drinking that she forgot to ask last night. This one's going to run and run :H

    Dill, that's a good point about her becoming more aware of the issue because of her brother. It is causing a huge problem for her parents and they are very upset about it, so my friend has been drawn into that.
    Dill & Lavande, my family are biiiig drinkers too. They know I've given up but we don't really talk about it because they are still drinking - it's a bit of a touchy subject with drinkers isn't it? Always was with me - now I don't give a monkey's

    DG - I understand exactly about those moments of thinking "at least I'll still be able to drink!". And then "Oh wait, that's right, I don't drink any more". I also used to think that sometimes after I gave up smoking. "Time for a cigarette!". Oh, I quit didn't I?

    Gold, you sound like you're making good progress and are determined! Good for you.

    :welcome: My New Beginning & well done on those 11 days. We all know how hard you've worked on that.

    Cindi, you're sounding very good!

    Hi to AFM & Det (drive sounds amazing)

    Right, it's time to put some antibiotic goo in my eye. Not nice!

    Oh, and PS. Why does Greenie & rubywillow in the mountains make me think "Thelma & Louise" rather than "A River Runs Through It"?
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      AF daily - Tuesday, July 28th

      Hey all

      Welcome to my new beginning, very well doen on those 11 days! keep at it - it does get easier

      Gold - sounds like your doing well, can't wait to hear more about the progress we just know you'll make! keep up the good work

      and as for me: This is probably my last post until about Tuesday next week, I'm staying at my fiances tomorrow as its easier for transport that I stay there the night before I leave for the festival. Am really excited and more than a little nervous. My bag is packed, the food is ready and now its just down to waiting, making last minute arrangements etc. It's my first festival, but i have seen one of the headlienrs (Metallica) before this year, so am looking forward to seeing them once more, not to mention spending a weekend in a tent with the love of my life. Everybody ahve a great weekend, and I'll doubtless return with many a tale to tell on Tuesday

      When I was a kid I thought I wanted all the things that I hadn't got, but I learned the hardest way

      Time to get what I'm really looking for 17/03/10


        AF daily - Tuesday, July 28th

        My New Beginning, a big welcome to you!

        Greeneyes LOL, the big rubber flaps were getting very close! I got that window up in the nick of time but still got hosed pretty good. luckily I had my blue tooth earpiece on my right ear.
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          AF daily - Tuesday, July 28th

          ok, I got confused and thought this was Mondays thread :H

          the drive today was even more beautiful! from Eureka to Redding along the Trinity river. wow! the water was crystal clear, waterfalls and rapids, just a blessing of nature.

          I was very bad tonight....just polished off a piece of icecream butterfingers cake. OMG it was so good. I haven't had any sugar lately so this is what my brain looks like at the moment: :nutso:

          hope you are all good and well tonight in AF land. Hope to catch up on my MWO reading tonight.
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            AF daily - Tuesday, July 28th

            Aloha All and Welcome New Beginnings! I always thought my family was so different because no one talks about any thing important or meaningful. And of course no one talks about drinking issues. It looks like many of us do not have those tv-movie family discussions. Maybe my family is not so different. I feel like I've avoided the subject now with my own children, just like my parents did with me. Oh, don't get me going on family now. I don't want to go there. I love to hear your stories of the beautiful outdoors. Fly fishing, driving up the No. Cal coast (for work?), bountiful gardening. I was stuck indoors all day at school watching the safety video, crises video, blood borne pathogens video among others. Tomorrow is teachers first day to work to get ready for students (no admin. interruptions) Always exciting and overwhelming at the same time. I'm sure I'll be in the classroom over the week-end. Then "Let the Games Begin" because ready or not, here they come.

