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AF Daily - Thursday - July 30

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    AF Daily - Thursday - July 30

    Good Morning, Abbers!

    I guess I'll do the honors today and get the thread started! I have not much to say at the moment, though, so a quote will have to do!

    If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries of
    tomorrow, you have no today for which you can be thankful.
    (Daily Readings)

    Have a great AF day!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    AF Daily - Thursday - July 30

    Thanks for starting us off Dill, and for the great quote!! I need to post that one on my mirror.
    The topic of families/communication was an interesting one. My siblings and I got closer when we were dealing with sick/dying parents, and we do get together once a year at least. My rather controlling brother made that happen , and I'm glad we did, or we might lose touch completely without mom and dad around at the farm. I am the youngest (an oops if you will) and there was a time when my brothers and sisters didn't really care for me much because I was a spoiled brat. We rarely talk about personal things. Sometimes when i come home for a visit, they are too busy to come see us. Which kind of makes me mad, but that's just how it is. I still love them all very much, and should make more of an effort to keep in touch better.

    Thanks for the spouse advice/concern yesterday. DG--I went to Al-anon many years ago and would agree it can be great. I'm not even sure if they are still active around here.....and when I went before unfortunately the women mostly sat around and bitched about their drunk husbands and that isn't really what it is suppose to be about. I think I will gather up my ODAT book and other material I collected back then--thanks for the reminder. I know I have to keep working on myself, because there is nothing I can do about his behavior. Another book recommended by Greeneyes is on its way...Radical Forgiveness. I think I can start my own library soon.

    Looks like a beautiful day...better get busy! :h
    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


      AF Daily - Thursday - July 30

      Thanks for the quote Dill, so very true how much we miss by not being in the moment, and isn't Al the genius at removing us from the moment!

      Hi LVT, families certainly can be interesting!

      Personally, I feel that if family (not one's children - although tough measure are sometimes called for) causes continued distress and unhappiness then there comes a time when distance is essential. This is simply a general observation on my part borne of experience!

      This is my sixth AF day following my three days AF and one day not, and it's great. This morning I walked the dogs early and then rode my horse, I'm hoping to make this a regular routine.

      I'm very grateful for all you people here it certainly helps to put things into perspective.
      I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


        AF Daily - Thursday - July 30


        The neighbor has a ladder stuck up under the fig trees. Here you are driving down the road on your way to work in the AM. You see something odd and when you look closer you see a little person in a bathrobe sticking out from the middle of a tree eating something. :H:H

        I want to tell you something about the Radical Forgiveness book. On page 71 it says

        "Radical forgiveness is a spiritual philosophy that has practical application to peoples' lives insofar as it gives them a spiritual perspective that they can use to apply, in the manner of self-help, to whatever problem or situation that they are dealing with."

        (OMG he ended it with a dangling participle)

        I'm going to the Miracles seminar this weekend. This isn't really about EO. Caregiver keeps coming up in my life and I need to explore it as each time I have difficulty with it. Maybe when I opted out of children I didn't quite get let off the hook. :H

        My siblings don't talk to each other. They don't even know (funny as we all grew up in the same house) or like each other. I get along fab with each of them and their relationship or lack of one isn't my problem.

        So now I'll get back to attacking today's agenda with great figor!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily - Thursday - July 30

          Hello Abbers,

          Great quote, Dill, and very apt. I've been immersed in future worries for a while. I need to tackle probate stuff in August, so it will be BGP time.... But it's not here yet!

          LVT, sorry to hear about the ongoing challenges with hubby. Al-Anon might well be a good idea. If you have a chance to go for counselling yourself, I highly recommend it as it helps to clarify your own thoughts. My latest example from today: I got out of a toxic relationship 3.5 years ago. The guy chased after me for 6 months, then took a job he was overqualified for near where I was working, probably just so he could keep tabs on my life thru corridor gossip or whatever. It was highly unpleasant for me. Luckily he moved abroad after a year. He'd occasionally ring but I never picked up. There was a long pause in this until a month ago when he'd left a message on my voice mail. I freaked. I didn't want to encourage him by answering but nor did I want him to keep pestering me. I somehow felt very powerless in that moment and talked through all the stuff that came up for me with my counsellor. Well, fast forward to today, when he rang and texted me from his UK mobile. He's in London and wanted to meet up. I texted no and asked him to stop calling me. End of drama. I was going to write about this anyway, as it's so amazing to me that I feel so different about it this time around. I don't feel powerless or put upon or freaked out nor do I want to drink. When I finish this post, I'll just carry on with my day. Sorry about the lengthy detour, LVT, and of course it's not the same thing with an ongoing relationship. My point is simply that *I* feel different about the exact same set of circumstances because I got some crap out of my system. Don't ask me how or why it works, it just does. Give it a go!

          Gold, good work with Day 6! Now just push through the weekend and you'll be into the double digits.

          Happy Thursday everyone.


            AF Daily - Thursday - July 30

            Good morning all! Dill, thank you for getting us started today and especially with such a good quote. I need to constantly remind myself to especially not worry about the future. I can really get worked up over things that haven't even happened yet if I'm not careful. I used to do that constantly when drinking. Poor Mr. Doggy. I would be so angry with him about things I was *sure* he would do to piss me off. Then of course I drank over it. Whoever said alkies are insane was on the money as far as my brain goes! Staying in the now and having faith that the future will be OK is a much better way for me to live.

            Greenie I'm :H at a mental image of you in your bed head and robe up in the fig tree. At least you have clothes on! The seminar you are attending sounds awesome. I have struggled mightily with my attitude about helping Mom and Dad with Dad sick, and I don't even do that much for them. I never thought about a connection with not having kids. I'm sure raising kids would have to get one into a more selfless frame of mind at least some of the time. I've had the opportunity to be self indulgent my whole adult life and I'm not so sure that's a good thing - at least in my case. Food for thought! I hope you will tell us what insights you gain after your weekend.

            Gold you sound terrific! Congrats on Day 6 - and special congrats for getting out and LIVING rather than sitting around feeling sorry for yourself becuase you "can't drink." I found that getting and staying active and getting involved in things that don't mix well with AL helped me get and stay on the right track.

            LVT - I can only imagine how helpful Alanon could be with a good group, but equally how high the risk would be of it ending up as a hen clucking session. I'm sure it can go either way! Whatever tools work to help you, I just know that you and your kids deserve some peace.

            I have declared WAR on the Garden Bunny! I got some Fox Urine Granuals at the hardware store yesterday. It's 5% Fox Urine and I don't even want to know what else. I sprinkled it all around the perimeter of my garden with a heavy dose on the edge near the beans that Bunny is mercilessly eating. I raked the eaten off leaves so I could check today and make sure Bunny was sufficiently scared away by the Fox Urine. What do I find in my garden??? Bunny hunkered down under the canopy of one of the few remaining bean plants. I did another heavier dose of Fox Urine and moved the Yard Owl from the Bee Porch to the garden. And later on, I'm going to see if some 100% Pure & Fresh Beagle Urine will help the cause.

            War I tell you!!! :b&d: That Bunny has no idea who it's messing with.

            Had a good workout early then went to AA. One of our trucks is in for maintenance today so I am home. I cleaned out a Big Box of kitchen junk that has been in the basement forever. A few items will go back to the kitchen and lots was pitched. A couple things my cleaning lady wants and more will go to the charity store. I must have been inspired by AFM cleaning out that closet we will be sharing when I move in with her.

            My cukes are cut into spears and iced down for some pickle making this afternoon. Yesterday I dehydrated some zuke chips and those are really tasty without even putting any seasoning on them. Dehydrating is amazing to me this summer. (I'm an enthusiastic beginner - what can I say!!)

            Life is good. I am grateful for all of you here.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF Daily - Thursday - July 30

              Hello Abbers,

              Was tied up with work related stuff this morning but am free to check in now. Everyone sounds great!!
              Greenie & DG, you both have me grinning ear to ear with your fig & bunny tales

              Gold, you're making great progress, good for you!
              LVT, hope you can find a peaceful solution to your difficulties.
              Pamina, you are exuding confidence these days, good for you.
              Dill, thanks for the reminder to pay attention to today. I admit that I tend to worry way too much about the future too.

              Have a great AF day & evening everyone!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily - Thursday - July 30

                hello all and well done on a good job everyone. I've had a busy day, feeling tired but in control and strong and no thoughts of al.
                See you all tomorrow


                  AF Daily - Thursday - July 30

                  Well, technically, I could start tomorrow's thread as it's after midnight here but I won't. Bit restless tonight, want to sleep but I can't right now. My friend's brother who I mentioned a few days ago was taken to hospital today after collapsing after a drinking bender. I wish there was something I could do but he doesn't want anyone's help yet.

                  Anyway, I'm glad today's thread is so upbeat (apart from my little contribution :H). I'm very happy to be sober today.
                  AF since December 22nd 2008
                  Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                    AF Daily - Thursday - July 30

                    Hi Abberoos!!

                    The whole crew (with the exception of Marshy :H) sounds great.

                    Marshy, I do feel for you on your friend's brother. My daughter went through such a rough go to get sober and she really was killing herself. Hair was falling out in chunks, skin bruising, you name it, she had it. I felt so helpless. Of course, she is sober and it took me longer than her!!

                    I sure am glad all of you are here today. I feel great and I am grateful to be sober but I do have to dwell on today and not worry too much about tomorrow.

                    With my job situation, that is difficult. All I can do is be prepared and do what I must to take care of myself. Worrying about it unnecessarily just won't do me any good, that is for sure, and could lead me back to where I absolutely do not want to be.

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      AF Daily - Thursday - July 30

                      Happy Thursday Arvo ABeroooooos!!!

                      a dangling participle? my word. that's why they make underpants for crying out loud.

                      Dill, love the 'mindfullness' quote for our day.

                      good news from the doc second set of Xrays shows I'm healing up good and will NOT need surgery for my stupid ankle. and dork boot comes off in 3 more weeks. somebody pleeeeeeze invent a time machine. is there a Doctor Who in the house? straight into the tardis!

                      Pamina, sounds like a personal breakthrough and I'm so happy for you I just love those.

                      off to find some chocolate

                      be well everyone
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AF Daily - Thursday - July 30

                        Evening all!

                        Had a great day at work. Just got in the door from dinner and some shopping. I bought a beautiful Canadian Maple cutting board. Niiiiiiiiice!

                        It is still pretty hot here. I am running on empty from the hot nights and lack of sleep. I bought some '5 hour' energy for tomorrow ( a liquid shot of B vitamins). :H I am glad it is a long weekend here, this coming weekend.

                        Well should go and start knitting my dish cloths. I love the knitted dish clothes. I found this really nice cotton, multi-coloured, yarn. It has chocolate brown, military green, camel, and white in it. It knits up so nice. My Nana is teaching me how to knit them. It gives me something 'brainless' to do when I don't feel like using my brain!

                        Have a good one!


                          AF Daily - Thursday - July 30

                          AFM, I got the download of "Laws of Attraction" today. Now to put it on the IPod. Also: I share your love of knitting dishclothes!!! Got me through some of my more difficult quite times early on! Also am crocheting hot pads. The dishclothes are awesome!

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            AF Daily - Thursday - July 30

                            Good morning and Happy July 31!!

                            Phew, it's hot & humid here too AFM. I'm a gigantic weenie, I'm hiding in the AC. My Greater Swiss Mountain dog pretty much shuts down in this weather. She was bred in Germany - I don't think the weather gets this extreme over there. She hides in the AC with me

                            I'm gearing up for another weekend with the dogs! I'm dog sitting for my son again this weekend. So with my 2 and his 2 that's 4 dogs in my face for the next couple of days..............wonderful!

                            Hope you all have better plans for the weekend - at any rate, make it an AF one!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              AF Daily - Thursday - July 30

                              Glad to hear your going to lose that dork boot, Det! Not having to have surgery is rockin' too!

                              Dill, my Nana made me a couple a few years back. Ever since then, she has tossed me a few here and there. They work so much better than conventional dish cloths! I love them too! They wash up very nicely as well!

                              Good morning, Lavande! Have a wonderful day!

