And jack rabbit (the things one learns on MWO....)
:welcome: to all newcomers to this thread and :goodjob: on the accumulated AF days. Way to go!
OK Loppy. Time to come out of the woodwork. It is the 1st of August, and the start of your detox programme. Come tell us how it's going!
There was an epilogue to my ex-BF story from a few days ago. After I'd told him I didn't want to meet up, I had a wobble in the evening. Sitting on a bus, I started thinking maybe it could have brought more closure, maybe things could be different now, maybe we could be friends etc.... I'd been down those thought pathways a million times when I was with him. Within seconds I realised how very similar it is to the mental bargaining over AL. It boils down to the same central conundrum: wasn't there some way to just have the buzz without the hangover? The answer is the same - a resounding NO! By the time I got off the bus, I was done obsessing.
Thank God for sobriety, this site and all your stories. Thank God I'm not there any more.
I love the beginnings of new months. They must have been created so we'd remember we always have a chance at a new start, new opportunities. Let's seize them.

What are everybody's plans for August?
Have a good weekend one and all.