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August Abbercisers are HOTTIES one and all!

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    August Abbercisers are HOTTIES one and all!

    its a blob fish!!! i think he looks like a melted "ziggy"...remember that cartoon?

    hello lilbit, nice to meet you!

    nice work everyone, you have inspired me and i walked/jogged 4 miles his am and will walk 3 more tonight...feelin sort of like my old sober self again.
    please, LEARN FROM MY MISTAKES!!! you can't have just one!


      August Abbercisers are HOTTIES one and all!

      oh my, it really does exist!

      from wikipedia:

      The blobfish (Psychrolutes marcidus)[1] is a fish that inhabits the deep waters off the coasts of the Australian mainland and Tasmania.[2] Due to the inaccessibility of its habitat, it is rarely seen by humans. Blobfish are found at depths where the pressure is several dozens of times higher than at sea level, which would likely make gas bladders inefficient. To remain buoyant, the flesh of the blobfish is primarily a gelatinous mass with a density slightly less than water; this allows the fish to float above the sea floor without expending energy on swimming. The relative lack of muscle is not a disadvantage as it primarily swallows edible matter that floats by in front of it. It can be caught by bottom trawling with nets. Scientist are puzzled by the use of the blobfish as Peaceniks' avatar and have sought a court order demanding that all references to this freak of nature be removed from self-help websites. The ACLU has refused to comment on the matter.
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        August Abbercisers are HOTTIES one and all!

        Determinator;683537 wrote: To remain buoyant, the flesh of the blobfish is primarily a gelatinous mass... The relative lack of muscle is not a disadvantage as it primarily swallows edible matter that floats by in front of it.
        It sounds like me when I'm PMSing! :H:H:H I'm glad the ACLU is refusing to get involved.
        "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


          August Abbercisers are HOTTIES one and all!

          Oh a blobfish! I thought it was a fatty liver........

          I've been out with the dogs, at the Gym tonight with Mr S.

          Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



            August Abbercisers are HOTTIES one and all!

            fatty liver!!!
            i laughed for 5 miutes after that betty!

            det, it is my right as an american citizen to display whatever ugly fish i feel like displaying in my avatar...but 50 bucks might just do the trick!


              August Abbercisers are HOTTIES one and all!

              Peacenik - with rigorous exercise, solid determination and a bit of lippy - you'll soon look like me!


                August Abbercisers are HOTTIES one and all!

                :H:H:H Very good Tawny.

                I think you might be distant relatives
                Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                  August Abbercisers are HOTTIES one and all!

                  Support for PeaceNik!
                  "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                    August Abbercisers are HOTTIES one and all!

                    tawny, i aspire to one day be a combination of you and lilbit's avatar...a girl has gotta dream!


                    im off to walk the dogs beforethe thunderstorms start up again!
                    love those storms!

                    have a grand day abbers!


                      August Abbercisers are HOTTIES one and all!

                      walked /jogged 4 miles, will do 3 more walking later...

                      enjoy your sober day all!


                        August Abbercisers are HOTTIES one and all!

                        Gym last night, an hour of cardio intervals. I had (another) epiphany on the eliptical machine. I was worrying abut a college assignment I have to get in and whether I would be able to fit in any exercise over the weekend. Then I started thinking about what and why I'm studying. Anyhoo, I decided that number one priority for ME, NOW, is a healthy diet and exercise. Stuff what everyone else thinks(that would be family and 'friends') *breaks into song* ''I am what I am, I am my own special creation......."

                        I know I'm always a bit manic at full moon, but God I hope it lasts.

                        Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                          August Abbercisers are HOTTIES one and all!

                          SB - I'm with you on putting your health needs first! Only then are we good to go for *everyone else*

                          I've been running like a nut case this week but have been keeping up with the Abbercising. (just not reporting it daily!)

                          Tuesday - LBWO with PT
                          Wed - Cardio - SPINNING CLASS!!! So I held good on my promise to self to try a class. Not sure if spinning is for me but the teacher said give it 3 - 5X before deciding if I like it or not, so I'll be trying to hit this on Wednesdays for the next few weeks.
                          Thurs - UBWO with PT
                          Today - LBWO on my own (leaving shortly!)

                          This weekend I will get in another Upper Body Work Out and a Cardio something or other. PT said she likes working with me because she "can challenge me." I'm not sure if I'm or just :nutso:.

                          Life is good. Especially AF life. :b&d::sofa:

                          Tawny and Lilbit, you keep comin' around here and we're gonna make you drop and give us 20. :b&d:

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            August Abbercisers are HOTTIES one and all!

                            good work betty and dg!

                            i worked out hard today! burned at least 1200 calories...

                            30 minutes of aerobics with 2 lb. hand weights, step up, and trampoline, 15 minutes of crunches, arm presses and weights.
                            1 hour on treadmill about 15 minutes of running/45 minutes walking fast and hills with 1 lb hand weights...funny i only burned of 2 bottles of wine!

                            have a great weekend


                              August Abbercisers are HOTTIES one and all!

                              Way to go, Peace! Love, love, love the new avatar, BTW. "A mug only a mum could love." It sounds like you did a week's worth of exercise all in one day. Holy cow! Good for you. :H at the counting it in bottles of wine. At one point, I actually had the bottle calorie counts for chardonnay, cabernet, and champ. written down somewhere so that I could keep track.

                              I am sore upon sore upon sore today. Did one hour each day x 6 days of my sport this week (it's no big secret but prefer not to post it publicly -- if you're curious anyone, shoot me a PM -- suffice it to say it's intense) +3 days of 45-min weight training +5 days of 30-min aerobics + six days of 20 mins pilates/stretching + 3 days of 20 mins abs. My hair is aching. Heehee. It's my third week of doing this pace (built up to it slowly, starting in May), so it's getting easier while I'm actually exercising, but the next day I get up in the morning and Oh, Mama Mia! Quick everyone, buy some stock in Aspercreme! I predict it will go up drastically. :H

                              Bets, I think you have the priorities straight, full moon or no!
                              "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                                August Abbercisers are HOTTIES one and all!

                                that's "pabst" in my avatar...he won the word's ugliest dog contest this year (although i don't think he's ugly AT ALL!).
                                finally a breed other than the chinese crested won!

                                wow lil, that is an impressive have motivated me!!!
                                up early tomorrow for a run and off to a memorial for friend's mom.


