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August Abbercisers are HOTTIES one and all!

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    August Abbercisers are HOTTIES one and all!

    OK Lilbit - I bit and PM'd you! Whatever it is you are doing sounds quite intense. Way more than "20." :b&d:

    Peacenik, how cool that you are running in memorial for a friend. I've never really enjoyed running however I regret that I dont run when folks are doing cool things like this. Or the 5K's to raise money for good causes and stuff like that. I hope you enjoy the event and it is a positive experience in memory of your friend's Mom.

    I ended up going to the gym really early yesterday before my 7AM Friday leads group meeting. So I did 25 total minutes of cardio (10 warm up, 15 after weight training) and Lower Body and extra Ab work. :b&d: I still have a poochy tummy but now it's a hard pooch instead of a soft pooch. :H So when does the six pack thing happen?????

    Today I will just do cardio then upper body tomorrow to finish off the week.

    Have a great abbercizin' day all!

    ETA: Marshy - let's get back to the Exchange Program, OK? There is this really great piece of eye candy at the gym. I don't know his name, so I'll call him Ken. Only problem with enjoying the view of Ken is a hot lookin' chick who I shall call Barbie. She's very Hot. I think lots of women at the gym would love it if Barbie was part of a hottie exchange program. That way Ken could be fully appreciated with no worries of jealousies or anything. :H

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      August Abbercisers are HOTTIES one and all!

      Eye candy? I'll have you know DG, that i was recently told by a female co-gym user, that i have 'great leg's'..........;-)
      Found a good schedule for me re- pumping iron. As i go hard, every 3rd day (weights) is working for me, rather than every second, or everyday etc. I know there are various parts of the body we can train, and when, but i do an overall body weights session, each time, only cause of time restrictions, but the couple of days off, gives muscles time to recover. Am enjoying trying a few different rep/weight idea's/combo's too. This may be gibberish to some, but! Yesterday morning i went to gym feeling lethargic, and a bit lost, but after that! Back on top of the world. Exercise is so important to our mental health too.
      Best wishes all...........

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        August Abbercisers are HOTTIES one and all!

        peacenik;686926 wrote: that's "pabst" in my avatar...he won the word's ugliest dog contest this year (although i don't think he's ugly AT ALL!).
        finally a breed other than the chinese crested won!
        Dear Pabst! He's acutally adorable. I'm glad to see a non-Crested take it this year, too. That's a great contest -- I almost went to it this year. We were in Sonoma & Windsor for the weekend, but driving past the Marin fairgrounds looked SO crowded, so we bagged it. I'll try to plan better next year. 'Imagine it's loads of fun live.

        Enjoy your early run, if you haven't already!
        "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


          August Abbercisers are HOTTIES one and all!

          Doggygirl;687104 wrote: So when does the six pack thing happen?????
          Heehee, DG, my years of twelve-packs are making it hard to find my six-pack. 'In there somewhere [fishes around].

          Doggygirl;687104 wrote:
          Only problem with enjoying the view of Ken ...
          Here in San Fran at my gym, we have LOTS of Kens. They have perfect hair, and like to pose in front of the mirrors between sets. :H
          "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


            August Abbercisers are HOTTIES one and all!

            i miss having a gym!

            i did 4 miles on the treadmill this am...

            tired now, must


              August Abbercisers are HOTTIES one and all!

              Hello hello! I did the 'intro to bodypump' class yesterday - just me and the very very tall instructor (I'm 5ft). he was very very funny (which is rare in Singers), so am going to give it a go this week. I also did a Yoga class at the gym. Dreadful. The poor bloke on the next mat to me was experiencing his first class ever and we did really intense poses while the instructor TALKED INCESSANTLY, I thought the poor bloke was going to need the paddles, but he survived.

              Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                August Abbercisers are HOTTIES one and all!

                Hello everyone! :b&d:

                Guitarista, I can relate to that feeling of being back on top of the world after the gym! And we demand pictures of your legs.

                Marshy I saw Barbie today without Ken. I thought of the exchange program - really. Right there on the stairs.

                Peace - 4 miles on the Dreadmill earns MY respect!

                Bets a funny teacher sounds like just the ticket for a class. The teacher at spinning last week was very nice, but nothing about the spinning class was funny!! I will have to really psych myself up (or maybe out!) to go back to that on Wednesday. I had a fun mental image of the guy in Yoga and "paddles." My bad.

                Lilbit I have a vision of a line up of perfect Kens with perfect hair all staring at themselves in the mirror - like frozen in time. :H

                I ended up not making it to the gym on Saturday - too busy with the Dill Pickles. I did a massive workout yesterday including 45 "boy" push ups within my upper body workout. Today I would normally take off but since I didn't do cardio day on Saturday, I did one today. Just 30 minutes on the Arc thingy. Not too much leg resistance since I have lower body with PT tomorrow. Gotta save something for that!

                :b&d::sofa: Have a great day all! Endorphin Power for everyone!

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  August Abbercisers are HOTTIES one and all!

                  Doggygirl;689539 wrote:
                  Marshy I saw Barbie today without Ken. I thought of the exchange program - really. Right there on the stairs.
                  Barbie's not reeeeelly my type, but if I could find a straight man in my gym it might be a plan! I spotted a new bit of eye candy today! I went to the gym later than usual, so I'll try to go at that time tomorrow to see if I can stalk her :H

                  Now to the side issue of exercise!
                  20 mins cross trainer, 10 mins rowing machine, weights routine, swim. Three-mile walk afterwards. Then some ice-cream when I got home. Oops.
                  AF since December 22nd 2008
                  Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                    August Abbercisers are HOTTIES one and all!

                    hi all!

                    just got back from a great 5 mile walk...i walked while my kid biked along with me and the dogs.
                    perfect night!



                      August Abbercisers are HOTTIES one and all!

                      Doggygirl;689539 wrote: I had a fun mental image of the guy in Yoga and "paddles." My bad.

                      Lilbit I have a vision of a line up of perfect Kens with perfect hair all staring at themselves in the mirror - like frozen in time. :H
                      Duh, I spent an hour trying to figure out what the yoga paddles were. :hitme: I thought it was some kind of accessory, like the bricks. Makes perfect sense, now that *the lights are on.* Bets, yoga is hard! I feel for the poor guy. Glad he survived.

                      And yes, DG, the Kens were lined up in a vision of utter perfection tonight. I typically hit the gym in the afternoon, but was buried in work today. By the time I arrived, the Kens had taken over. Self-back-pats for going anyway when I knew it would be knarly-busy, especially this
                      week, which do I say it??? Baggy t-shirt week? I'm wearing a lovely line of loose attire from the LilBit "PMS Collection." Arggh. And, I had all the energy of a garden slug! Some days, it's hard to schlepp out the door, but that's when you need it the most.

                      Keep movin'
                      "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                        August Abbercisers are HOTTIES one and all!

                        Well its 'confined to the couch/house' time of the month for me, so am reading about exercise instead
                        I'm enjoying ''Younger Next Year" for women. Aimed at 50+ but very relevant. Straight forward, no nonsense information about how important exercise is in the aging process. I'm concentrating on looking forwards, and being positive about being 40+, so its relevant!

                        P.s. does anyone remember the boob chafing incident? Apparently if it continues to be a nuisance I could be a good case for a boob remodel on insurance.............not sure I want to be that kind of 'perky' in my eighties though...........

                        Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                          August Abbercisers are HOTTIES one and all!

                          i don't believe in remodeling!

                          walked 7 miles today...2 on dreadmill and 5 outside.



                            August Abbercisers are HOTTIES one and all!

                            Marshy, it's not nice to stalk people!!! :H But nice people finish last so please let us know how the stalking is going, OK?

                            Lilbit, I know that garden slug feeling all too well. I made the mistake of eating SUGAR (and we are not talking a reasonable quantity here) on Monday. On Tuesday when I worked out with PT(tm) I felt hungover. Really. She knows I don't drink any more and I told her I felt hungover. So she just :b&d: all the more. She's a good PT(tm).

                            SB, I'm only 29, but what's the name of that book again??? You know, for my older friend.... Hey - go for the boob job!!!! I would take perky in my 80's I think. But then what would a gal under 30 know about that???

                            Peace, sounds like you will be fit and ready for that backpacking trip! (which sounds awesome and I want to go with you!)

                            It's been a good week except for that sugar hung feeling on Tuesday. Did cardio Monday, Lower Body with PT yesterday, more cardio today. I normally work out on Sunday and really like the quiet gym! But this Sunday is going to be a busy one so will have to take it as my day off this week. So it's :b&d: the rest of the time.

                            Get crackin' everyone! Where are the boys? I Demand Eye Candy Now.

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              August Abbercisers are HOTTIES one and all!

                              DG, you probably felt much better after your PT (what's the tm?) worked you over. I'm trying to go sugar-free and I'm finding it SO hard! It's not the refined sugar or sweets I miss so much as the whole grains and coffee. Arrggh. I'll admit, I'm not there yet.

                              So in my morning workout yesterday, my instructor wanted to continue an extra half hour. I did that, and then did my reg 1.5 hour gym (weights, abs, rowing) workout for a total of 3 hours. When I got up this morning, I wasn't prepared for how sore I was. My feet hit the floor, and I did a kind of "perp walk" for a few steps before I could even walk normally. The dog was amused.

                              Peace, I love the outside walks, especially in the early morning. The time just flies.

                              Bets, it's good to have a rest, however brief it may be. Thank you, Mother Nature! I am imagining your "chafing incident" and heck yea, I would sign up for remodeling if insurance would cover it. (Peace, I used to think differently about it, too but when things begin to move South, well... i don;t know. I once heard someone joke that her "boobs were in a race to see which one would reach her waist first." Not a pretty thought! :H)
                              "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                                August Abbercisers are HOTTIES one and all!

                                lilbit, if you are in the bay area, i know you have access to fabulous walks! i livedin santa cruz for years and never drove a im in the sandhills of nebraska, and lets just say i have to use my imaginaion to make the sceney a little more interesting!

                                walked this am for 2 miles, ill do 5 later this evening. dod some arm weights and crunches as well.

                                we are going bacpacking in the black hills of south dakota where i am from) along th centennial trail...hould be beautiful and fun! wish you could come with dg!


