Well today is the last day of my tenure for now, and I will happily pass the baton on to the lovely and wise Southern Belle, and Belle will help her keep track of everything here in Absville.
I have a story to tell, though--a story of confession and success at the same time. I'm kind of embarrassed, but bear with me, cause I think it has a good ending. Yours truly found herself yesterday afternoon with a bourbon and ginger in hand (bourbon left over from earlier this summer when a friend visited) and I had a sip, well, actually a gulp. Also, I didn't just find myself--I had to go to the laundry room where I had hidden the stuff and make the darn drink and everything. At any rate, I had this gulp, and just as impulsively, I thought, "What the h*ll are you doing???", and just as impulsively, I poured it down the sink, and the rest of the bourbon, too. Actually, it didn't taste very good to me. :yuk:
Anyway, I suppose I've had a slip:blush: , but as far as slips go, it's the best I've ever had, and the fastest I've ever stopped. It's also the best I've ever felt about having one, because I feel like maybe something IS starting to change somewhere in my brain. I do feel really embarrassed telling you this. The Mayor in a scandal!!! Yet, I know I'd feel even worse if I drank the whole drink, or worse, if I didn't tell you! At any rate, I made some decaf cappucino instead. On some level, it's hard for me to call this a slip, even though I know it is, because I feel like I accomplished something, as weird as that may sound. At any rate, I'm 20 something days/1.
I hope you all have a lovely Saturday, and I'll be checking in later. The rain is blowing on through--the storm passed east of here, so it wasn't too bad at all.
Lots of love,